22 hours ago Financial Aid Application. Patient Handbook. Patient Handbook (Spanish) Patient Form Completion Policy. Patient Co-Payment Policy. Authorization for Release of Records. Request … >> Go To The Portal
The patient's MRN can be found on: discharge documents, clinic notes, the patient's hospital bracelet or a billing statement. Call 866-355-0385 and select Option 1.
Call your physician's office directly. If it is a life-threatening emergency, call 911. Patient health information can be managed in MyChildrensNationalPortal when the patient is seeing a Children's National physician for specialty or emergency care. You can also download the patient portal app, Healthelife, available for iPhone and Android users.
Learn more about the portal in our frequently asked questions. Children’s National Hospital is dedicated to helping improve your family’s health care experience by providing convenient, streamlined access to your child’s health information.