cian lab patient portal

by Althea Tillman 7 min read

Covid Testing - CIAN Diagnostics

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How do I access my Cian test results?

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Will Cian labs Notify me when my results are ready?

Because of our focus on providing the most advanced diagnostic solutions, we are committed to reviewing and quickly updating our testing methods to reflect developments in COVID-19 research and technology. Our customer service sets us apart. CIAN Diagnostics facilitates the testing process so that providers can spend time with patients rather ...

Why choose Cian diagnostics?

Compare the Options CIAN Diagnostics offers tailored testing programs including pooled testing and individual PCR testing to best serve your organization’s needs, advising on the number of tests you require, the type of test, and the logistics for testing, delivery, and reporting. Pooled Testing Test up to 25 people in one test. This is the…

Where can I get my Cian test results in Gaithersburg?

1VISIT PORTAL.CIANDX.COM Abra su navegador y escribe 2Click the GET MY RESULTS button. Enter your name, birthday, and the phone number you provided when you got tested. Once logged in you can see your results.* * Results will be available 48 hours from receipt at the lab. Haga clic en el botón GET MY RESULTS.


How long does it take to get results from Maryland Soccerplex?

Maryland SoccerPlex. If you were tested at the Maryland SoccerPlex and don't receive your results within 5 days after your test, call 888-702-9042 . MARYLAND SOCCERPLEX - 18031 Central Park Circle, Boyds MD 20841.

How long does it take to get results from Care4YourHealth?

If you were tested at a Care for Your Health site, and don't receive your results within 5 days after your test, call or text 240-258-8583, or email .

What is the phone number for a 20/20 gene test?

If you were tested at a DHHS site, and don't receive your results within 5 days after your test, call the lab used for your site: 20/20 GeneSystems: 240-453-6339 ext. 113. CIAN Diagnostics: 240-396-4343. For other questions, call the COVID-19 Call Center at 240-777-2982. Please leave one phone message; do not stay on hold.
