chirotouch online patient portal

by Sandra Stoltenberg I 4 min read

Patient Portal - MyChiroTouch

16 hours ago *user name * password Forgot password? * user name >> Go To The Portal

Why chirotouch chiropractic software?

*user name * password Forgot password? * user name

How many customers does chirotouch have?

When a patient requests to receive their patient information electronically, the ChiroTouch Patient Portal allows them quick, personalized online access to their health history. IMPORTANT: All visit information is linked to completed appointments within your ChiroTouch system and cannot be altered. Electronic Copy of Health Information

What is the best software for chiropractic practice management?

© 2018 Integrated Practice Solutions, Inc., 9265 Sky Park Ct., Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92123


How to navigate in the portal

The tabs in the menu along the top take you to the different sections of the portal.

Forgot your password?

Contact your healthcare clinic and ask them to re-register you for the patient portal. Once you are re-registered, your password will be reset to your 8-digit birthday.

Send & receive secure messages

Use this as a secure way to exchange electronic messages with your doctor.
