chiropractic report to release a patient from a accident

by Ms. Maggie Marks I 3 min read

The Chiropractic Report of Findings - Patient Media, Inc.

36 hours ago Sample Narrative Report Patient: Jane Doe DOI: 8/22/11, motor vehicle accident (MVA) Mechanism of Injury - The patient was the driver of a 2011 Honda Accord wearing her seat belt and shoulder harness, stopped due to traffic conditions. She leaned forward and looked to the right with both hands on the >> Go To The Portal

What is a chiropractic report of findings?

Your chiropractic report of findings (ROF) is one of your most important patient communications. Use these chiropractic report folders and forms to deliver your findings and give your reports greater impact. (Be sure to download your copy of Remarkable Reports, our free chiropractic report of findings template eBook.)

Is toxic release normal after your first chiropractic adjustment?

There is sometimes an adjustment period for those new to chiropractic, and you may experience a few days of toxic release after your first adjustment. But what exactly is toxic release and how do you manage this temporary problem?

What happens during a chiropractic adjustment?

When you receive a chiropractic adjustment, the toxins that were locked in your body are finally released. This is a good thing, as it means your body is being cleansed and cured, but it does have a temporary downside. Toxic release can briefly impact how well you feel, and you may experience cold or flu-like symptoms.

How does chiropractic treatment work?

As manipulations are made in the joints and spine, there can sometimes be a negative reaction (toxic release). Chiropractic clears out negative subluxations and interferences in the spine. As your body adjusts to those dysfunctions being treated, it takes a short period of time to process its improved spinal function.


What is a chiropractic report of findings?

The chiropractic report of findings is the cumulative byproduct of many aspects of a chiropractor's belief system, confidence, knowledge and compassion for the patient. It's a culmination of everything, and the patient will know immediately if this is an office they feel good about or not.

How chiropractic care can help after a car accident?

Chiropractors use a variety of tools and techniques to realign individual vertebrae and restore joint flexibility after a car accident. Benefits of spinal manipulation and other services offered by doctors of chiropractic include decreased inflammation and pain, restored range of motion and reduced scar tissue.

Why you should see a chiropractor after a car accident?

Getting chiropractic care can significantly reduce the chance of further injuring yourself later down the road. The process of realigning your back or spine is a slow and steady one. Taking the time to continue visiting a chiropractor to treat back pain can save you from experiencing ongoing and worse pain later.

How many times should I go to chiropractor after accident?

If you're wondering, “How long should I see a chiropractor after an accident?” the answer is that you may need to visit the office several times per week for many weeks or months, or it may only take one or two visits.

What is chiropractic medicine used for?

Chiropractic treatment is primarily used as a pain relief alternative for muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue, such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is sometimes used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.

Is chiropractic safe after whiplash?

Research shows that chiropractic care is safe and effective for the treatment of whiplash and other auto injuries - even more so than the conventional methods of neck-collar stabilizers, and physical.

How do you increase your settlement value?

Here are three tips that can help you do that:Increase the Defendant's Risk. One of the best ways to increase the value of a settlement without going to trial is to increase the defendant's risk. ... Objectify the Plaintiff's Injuries. ... Establish Gross Negligence. ... What You can do to Help Your Client in the Meantime.

How long should I go to chiropractor?

A person seeking adjustment for prevention or wellness purposes can typically expect a treatment plan that extends for about nine to 10 weeks. The standard schedule is one appointment a week for a window lasting nine to 10 weeks.

When should you stop chiropractic treatment?

In general, it is advised to discontinue chiropractic care if any of the following is true:Increased pain. It is not uncommon to note mild discomfort after the initial manipulation treatment for the first 24 to 48 hours (similar to starting a new exercise). ... No improvement within 2 to 4 weeks. ... Symptoms have gone away.

How long can whiplash last for?

Whiplash is a neck injury caused by sudden movement of the head. It usually gets better within 2 to 3 months.

How long should you go to a chiropractor for whiplash?

Average recovery from whiplash can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months, with periodic visits to a chiropractor throughout that time. It's extremely important to finish out the treatment plan your doctor develops, as stopping early can allow your injury to return or even become worse once treatment ends.

What is chiropractic report of findings?

The chiropractic report of findings is the cumulative byproduct of many aspects of a chiropractor’s belief system, confidence, knowledge and compassion for the patient.

What to tell a patient when they get orthotics?

You can tell the patient, “If you decide to get the orthotics, when they come in we’ll put them in your shoes and re-take this X-ray to determine if a lift is needed in either shoe, as our goal is to fix your feet and level your femoral heads. If we can accomplish that, your life will be immeasurably better.”.

How accurate is digital X-ray?

With digital X-ray, we can be very accurate in any difference that may occur. We consider 2 millimeters and under as normal. However, even if the femoral heads are under 2 millimeters different in height, it doesn’t guarantee the feet are actually level.

Why is the brain more susceptible to reinjury than a typical person?

As a result of this accident, this patient's brain is significantly more susceptible to reinjury than a typical person because they have now suffered traumatic brain injury with lasting symptoms of memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and balance problems. Extensive research has shown that each subsequent traumatic brain injury is worse than those previously incurred, and that the effects of multiple traumatic brain injuries are cumulative and greater than the sum of the individual effects of separate such traumatic injuries.

How often do headaches occur after MVA?

Headaches were one time every 2 months occurring 3-6/10 sinus related with a stuffy nose prior to this MVA, then daily after this MVA 7-9/10 for 3 days, then 1x/week 5-7/10 from then and continuing at the present time correlated with neck pain and middle back pain.

How long does it take for a post-concussion headache to go away?

It is likely that these symptoms will continue at least 6 months to one year, but with the distinct possibility of occurring indefinitely based on the persistent presence of these symptoms.

What is a personal injury narrative report?

This seminar specifically focuses on the personal injury narrative report, by teaching and demonstrating the degree of competence necessary to prove a personal injury case to both claims adjusters and in court, avoid negligence, and being able to prove that no insurance fraud has occurred. This material is the game plan for correctly and competently handling personal injury cases. This material is the nuts and bolts of personal injury, presented clearly and concisely. It is a roadmap for showing the doctor the information needed to be obtained from the patient pertaining to the history, physical exam, radiology, management, and treatment of a personal injury case. This seminar is unlike most other personal injury courses and does not focus on the scientific research or justification for doing what is done in these situations. Instead, it is based on courtroom and other experience as a full time practicing personal injury attorney at law in rare combination of practice as a doctor of chiropractic. This seminar explains what needs to be done when handling personal injury cases and excludes what is not necessary.

Why do you need to list all diagnoses in a personal injury case?

In general, this is because it is assumed that something (a given fact) didn't happen when it is not expressly stated. Even when two given diagnoses are partially redundant, it is much better to state both as compared to just one of those diagnoses. Providing less information than the whole picture conveys the idea that a patient is not injured as badly as they actually are.

What is the meaning of "susceptibility to reinjury"?

Susceptibility to reinjury is a statement explaining why the patient is prone to being injured worse than their present condition if injured in a subsequent accident. This information needs to be provided for conditions that are generally out of the ordinary (although disc injuries could be considered to be somewhat more common than other conditions that occur less commonly).

What is future care?

Future care is an estimate of the care needed in the future that is necessary and reasonable due to a given accident. The cost of this care is based on the full amounts billed to an accident case without any discounts.

What should a patient list in a personal injury case?

personal injury patient should be asked to list previous traumatic accidents with a short description of any injuries, and the resolution of those injuries (if any). Injuries include more than automobile accidents, such as traumatic sports injuries, workers' compensation injuries, and others. Automobile insurance companies communicate with each other, and are well aware of other injuries. Asking and clearly stating previous injuries shows that both the doctor and patient are honest and truthful, important qualities of any witness at trial.

What happened to the patient in the 2011 Honda accord?

The patient was the driver of a 2011 Honda Accord wearing her seat belt and shoulder harness, stopped due to traffic conditions. Just prior to impact, she was looking up at her central rear view mirror with extension, right rotation, and also possible right lateral flexion of her neck. Both hands were on the steering wheel and her right foot was on the brake pedal, when she was suddenly rear-ended with a moderate speed impact. She was aware of the impending impact, as she stated she felt horrified and in fear when viewing the fast approaching vehicle that struck her car in her rear view mirror.

Why is it important to get chart notes from other health care providers?

It is extremely important to obtain chart notes from other health care providers that a patient has seen for a personal injury accident. The doctor needs to be aware of any potential problems in additional to other possible issues. These chart notes from other providers may shed light on other aspects of care and the narrative report, such as diagnoses. This is also further proof of a doctor performing their duties in a competent manner.

How many chiropractic patients have toxic release?

Roughly 15-20% of chiropractic patients experience some level of toxic release. If you do experience toxic release after your first visit, don’t feel discouraged. As you continue to receive chiropractic care, toxic release will no longer be an issue.

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is a natural and effective treatment that provides benefits ranging from pain relief to increased energy. Receiving regular chiropractic adjustments improves your overall health and wellness and many of our patients report feelings of improvement in just one visit.

How do you know if you have toxic release?

Thanks to regular adjustments, your body will be functioning optimally, meaning there will be fewer toxins in the body. Symptoms of Toxic Release. Toxic release can feel different from person to person, but some of the common symptoms include: Cold- or flu-like symptoms. Fatigue.

Is toxic release good?

Keep in mind, not everyone experiences these feelings from toxic release and if you do, it won’t last!

Does chiropractic work for toxic release?

As manipulations are made in the joints and spine, there can sometimes be a negative reaction (toxic release). Chiropractic clears out negative subluxations and interferences in the spine. As your body adjusts to those dysfunctions being treated, it takes a short period of time to process its improved spinal function.

What is the 7 digit extender for cervical sprain?

In chiropractic terms, the 7 digit character extender “A” should be applied for all episodes of “active treatment” of that diagnosed injury (again, provided the ICD-10 code requires a seventh digit). In other words, if your diagnosis is a cervical sprain (S13.4XXA) you will use that “A” character for the first, second, third and twenty-third visit (if necessary)…so long as active care is still being rendered.

Can a chiropractor apply a S character extender?

While it is possible that there are residual or late effects of a musculoskeletal injury that painfully manifest themselves after active treatment is completed, such a diagnosis typically produces a “pre-existing” condition denial and therefore, chiropractors should apply the “S” character extender with caution.
