2 hours ago CGM PATIENTPORTAL is a secure, web-based patient portal that facilitates communication between patient and practice. The patient portal is easy to implement with CGM electronic … >> Go To The Portal
CGM PATIENTPORTAL is a secure, web-based patient portal that facilitates communication between patient and practice. The patient portal is easy to implement with CGM electronic health record (EHR) solutions: CGM CLINICAL and CGM ENTERPRISE.
When you receive the e-mail and click the link to activate the account, the user information is updated in Registered Patients. When you click the link included in the e-mail CGM PRACTICE PORTAL Patient Services reopens, if it was closed, and lets you know that your registration has been finalized.
The patient's contact information is updated in CGM webPRACTICE based on what you have selected in the Update Contact Info field in the Misc Settings section of the CGM PRACTICE PORTAL Integration. Click Billing Information and the Account Balance and History page opens so you can review your account.
At CGM, our goal is to increasingly understand and simplify the work of all medical care providers. For more than 30 years, we have supported our customers in securely storing, exchanging, and requesting information. In this way, we allow clients more time for what is most important: their patients.
Key benefits of CGM ELVI 1 Respond during work or after hours 2 Initiate therapies more rapidly 3 Increase patient satisfaction 4 Provide immobile patients with continuous care 5 Provide HIPAA-compliant care from any location 6 Avoid unnecessary journeys for vulnerable patients 7 Reduce workload of doctors and staff
CGM ELVI uses a secure, point-to-point connection when connecting providers and patients. It's the most secure way to protect patient information during a telehealth consultation.
CompuGroup Medical offers support by phone or through our convenient Customer Portal, accessible from a browser or directly through your software. You will receive a tracking number for any service ticket, so you and your support engineer can easily communicate and follow the progress of any issue through completion.
Video consultations can help protect your own practice while preventing the epidemic from spreading. That is why we are offering providers a free introductory period of web-based video consultations with CGM ELVI. Do your part to mitigate the spread of coronavirus by requesting access today.
Being able to care for patients digitally means that you and your staff can avoid exposure to disease or illness - a risk that is often unavoidable with traditional in-office visits.
Patients can be seen by their physician from the comfort of their own home, and providers can attend to patients from anywhere, at any time with a HIPAA-compliant solution.
Diagnosing and treating patients both quickly and effectively has never been simpler with CGM ELVI Telemedicine. Prescribe medication and provide treatment regimens to patients with ease.
CGM PRACTICE PORTAL is a highly customizable web-based portal that provides a secure interface between your practice management solution and website. It provides your patients access to pre-registration, account review, appointment inquiry, referral requests and more. The full service platform allows your practice to reap high productivity and efficiency gains.
If you would like to allow certain employers or referring providers access to CGM PRACTICE PORTAL, you must set up their account and allow access through the Employer/Referral Users menu. In this funtion you can also select which functions you want to allow for each employer and referring provider.
Click Compose and the Message Center - Compose page opens so you can send a message to a staff member at the practice. Select the Recipient. The staff members available to select from are based on what is selected in the Message Center settings in the CGM PRACTICE PORTAL Integration . Type a Subject for the message and type the Message and click Send. The message is immediately sent to the staff member's CGM webPRACTICE Inbox.
Click Messaging Center to expand it to view the submenus. The Message Center is where you can access messages sent to you by the practice through CGM PRACTICE PORTAL. You can also communicate with staff members at the practice. The staff members who are available to communicate with in this section are based on what is stored in the Message Center settings in the CGM PRACTICE PORTAL Integration. Click Inbox to view the Inbox. The inbox displays the Date the message was sent, the Subject of the message and the staff member who sent the message.
When you click the link included in the e-mail CGM PRACTICE PORTAL Patient Services reopens, if it was closed, and lets you know that your registration has been finalized.
To reschedule an appointment, click the option button to the left of the appointment date, type a Reason for rescheduling the appointment and click Reschedule Appointment. The Schedule an Appointment page opens so you can reschedule the appointment. The rescheduled appointment information is automatically and immediately updated in the CGM webPRACTICE Schedule.
If you cannot remember your User Name, click Forgot User Name? and the Account Information Retrieval page opens so you can type your First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth just as you registered with CGM PRACTICE PORTAL and click Proceed. If a match cannot be found, a message displays instructing you to contact the practice.
Type an optional practice-defined identification number or alternate name to search for this patient when using Patient Look-up. For example, a patient's official name on his insurance is William, but the patient only goes by 'Bud'. Type 'Bud' in this field so this patient can be located with Patient Look-up.
If you select a previously registered patient, you will be re-directed to the Change Patient Data function to update the information on the patient account.
The Patient Registration for Family or Linking Billing Type section describes the differences in this function if your practice uses the Family or Linking Billing Types as set up in CGM webPRACTICE Integration Options.
NOTE: If you selected '0 - Same' for the Relationship to Guarantor field in the Patient Name and Address Information screen, the Guarantor screen is bypassed and the Billing screen is displayed.
The Patient Name and Address Information section contains general demographic data and information.
Type the patient's nine digit social security number with or without dashes.
With the Patient Registration function, you can add new patient accounts to CGM webPRACTICE. Patients only need to be registered once and after registration has been completed, you can immediately post charges, payments, and adjustments on the patient's account.
Note: To ensure that e-mails from CGM PRACTICE PORTAL Patient Services (via your practice) get to the patient, the e-mail address in CGM PRACTICE PORTAL must match the e-mail address in the Patient Name and Address Information screen. The patient should check their Junk e-mail or Spam e-mail folders if they do not see the email in their Inbox.
Come to the CGH Main Clinic business office or the registration office at the hospital to sign up for the portals. Download our Clinic My Access brochure here for more information.
We have patient portals available for both the clinic and hospital services. There are two separate systems, requiring two separate accounts and log-ins. Click below for access. At CGH, we work around the clock to meet your healthcare needs, and we offer access to your health information 24 hours a day, 7days a week.
To protect your privacy, you need to sign up for this service in person with a photo ID. Come to the CGH Main Clinic business office or the registration office at the hospital to sign up for the portals. Download our Clinic My Access brochure here for more information.