can a person patient request pdmp report pennsylvania

by Jaren Turcotte 10 min read

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program - Department of Health

23 hours ago Patients have the right to review and correct the information collected by the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) once per calendar quarter at no cost. If you would like a copy of your information, complete the Patient Prescription History Request Form (PDF) and mail or email it to the address on the form. Patients can receive a copy of their information more than once per calendar quarter for a fee of $20 per copy. >> Go To The Portal

Yes, as of January 1, 2017, dispensers shall query the PDMP before dispensing an opioid drug product or a benzodiazepine prescribed to a patient if any of the following apply: The patient is a new patient of the dispenser. The patient pays cash when they have insurance. The patient requests a refill early.

Can the Pennsylvania Department of health modify data submitted to PDMP?

The Pennsylvania Department of Health will not modify any data submitted to the PA PDMP system. Health information in the PA PDMP is protected by the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and other state laws. The HIPAA privacy rule and state law protects the privacy of individuals' health information.

Do I need to check the PDMP in the ER?

No. Checking the PDMP is not required for any medication provided to a patient in the course of treatment while undergoing care in an emergency department. This exception does not apply to patients undergoing care in urgent care centers or when in observation status in a health care facility.

What does PDMP information suggest about a patient’s drug use?

For instance, the PDMP information may suggest that the prescriber should engage the patient in a discussion about treatment for substance use disorder. PDMP Query Result PDMP search results show that a patient is currently prescribed a high opioid dosage (morphine milligram equivalent ≥90).

What do I need to register for the Pennsylvania PDMP?

A Pennsylvania Professional License (i.e., license to practice granted by state accreditation boards) is needed to register for the Pennsylvania PDMP. If a prescriber has not yet registered in the Pennsylvania PDMP, they should visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health Website to begin his/her registration.

What is patient information?

Patient  Information: An  expandable  section  containing  a  cluster  of  patients  whose  records  were  linked  to  make  up  this  Patient   Rx  history,  as  well   as  the  criteria  entered  to  run  the  report

Do RX reports refresh?

Patient   Rx  Reports  viewed   in  Requests  History  show  the  same  information   as  the  day  they  were  first  prepared.  They  do not automatically  refresh  when  viewed.