ca dmv do doctors have to report patient results

by Hailey Reynolds 5 min read

A physician must inform the DMV if you are diagnosed …

32 hours ago Before you begin: As a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holder, you are required to submit a medical report dated within the last two years, every two years. You are required to submit: These forms need to be completed by a United States (U.S.) licensed doctor of medicine (M.D.), licensed doctor of osteopathy (D.O.), licensed physician’s assistant (P.A.), registered advanced practice … >> Go To The Portal

If a patient really shouldn’t be driving, is his or her doctor really able to write to the Motor Vehicle Division to report the patient’s condition? Wouldn’t that be a violation of the patient’s privacy rights? A recent California case says no — the doctor is not liable for any breach of privacy, at least not under California law.

12% of states physicians are required to report individuals who are cognitively, or medically impaired to the DMV (California, Delaware, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Pennsylvania).

Full Answer

Do doctors have to report medical conditions to the DMV?

The DMV must notify the impacted driver in writing of its final decision. Under California law, doctors are required to report anyone to the DMV who suffers from any medical or mental condition that may impact his/her ability to drive safely. What is a doctor’s duty to report medical conditions to the DMV?

Is medical information on a California driver's license confidential?

(Medical information is CONFIDENTIAL under California Vehicle Code§1808.5 CVC) INSTRUCTIONS TO THE DRIVER:Please take this form to the medical professional most familiar with your health history and current medical condition. Beforegiving this form to your medical professional, complete and sign Sections 1-3.

When to request medical information from CA DMV?

CA DMV Subject index-ready This form is requested when medical information is needed to evaluate a driver's medical condition in relationship to safe driving.

How do I fill out a California driver medical evaluation form?

DRIVER MEDICAL EVALUATION (Medical information is CONFIDENTIAL under California Vehicle Code§1808.5 CVC) INSTRUCTIONS TO THE DRIVER:Please take this form to the medical professional most familiar with your health history and current medical condition. Beforegiving this form to your medical professional, complete and sign Sections 1-3.


Which California Penal Code requires physicians to report conditions that may affect your ability to drive?

California Vehicle Code 12806 VC lets the DMV suspend a license for a medical condition. But the DMV may only do this if the condition actually affects someone's ability to drive safely.

What medical conditions affect the ability to drive?

Some of the diseases and disabilities that may interfere with safe driving:vision impairment.vestibular disorders, such as vertigo, dizziness.respiratory disease, such as lung disease, oxygen use.cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease, heart attack.chronic renal disease, such as kidney disease.More items...

What is a DL 51?

A Public Service Agency. You must use this medical examination report when applying for a Commercial California Driver License (CDL) or certificates (School Bus, Youth Bus, SPAB, GPPV, or Farm Labor) that require a medical examination. This report also meets United States Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements ...

Which of the following point totals could result in your license being suspended by DMV?

The California DMV will automatically suspend your driver's license for 6 months if you accumulate: 4 points within 1 year. 6 points within 2 years. 8 points within 3 years.

Can a doctor report you to the DVLA?

Confidentiality: patients' fitness to drive and reporting concerns to the DVLA or DVA. If a patient has a condition that could affect their fitness to drive, it's their duty to report it. But as their doctor you have responsibilities as well.

What medical conditions need to be reported to DVLA?

You must tell DVLA if you have a driving licence and: you develop a 'notifiable' medical condition or disability....They can include:diabetes or taking insulin.syncope (fainting)heart conditions (including atrial fibrillation and pacemakers)sleep apnoea.epilepsy.strokes.glaucoma.

What is medical examination report?

A Medical Examination Report Form is a document required to complete by an individual in order to qualify for a new job or maintain their current job.

What happens if you let your DOT medical card expire in California?

If you were required to get a medical card, keep a close eye on the expiration date. If you don't complete your CDL medical card renewal on time, you'll lose your CDL privileges, which could cost you valuable income.

How do I report a seizure to the DMV in California?

As to concerned citizens, they can report an epileptic driver by filling out a “DMV request for a driver reexamination” form and submitting it to the DMV. An epileptic driver can also report him/herself to the DMV.

How long does a suspended license stay on your record in California?

13 yearsTwo-point traffic ticket violations such as a DUI - VC 23152(a) or (b) or a VC 14601.2, VC 14601.4 or VC 14601.5 driving on a suspended license conviction will remain on your DMV record for 13 years - after 13 years you can make a request to the DMV to purge (remove) this violation from your record .

How long does an at fault accident stay on your record in California?

Three yearsCalifornia: Three years from the date of the accident1. New York: Three years from the end of the year in which the accident occurred2. New Hampshire: Five years from the date of the accident3.

How can I clean my driving record in California?

Fight the Ticket If you receive a ticket for a traffic infraction you can plead not guilty and choose to “fight” the ticket in court. Though you still are likely to pay fines or take an online or in-person driver improvement course, this may be an option to keep a point off your driving record.

What is the DMV's mission?

DMV’s Mission. One of DMV’s major responsibilities is to promote traffic safety and protect the motoring public by minimizing the number of unsafe drivers. DMV also understands the importance of a driver license and a person’s independence.

What is a sample DS 699?

A sample of the DS 699 is provided for your convenience. If you prefer, you may write a letter to your local Driver Safety office to identify the driver you want to report and give your reason (s) for making the report.

Does the DMV want to harm your relationship with someone?

We understand that reporting someone, especially a patient, relative, or close friend, is a sensitive issue and DMV does not want to harm your relationship with that person. However, we also want to make sure that potentially unsafe drivers are evaluated.

Can you request your name to be disclosed to the individual being reported?

Each request must be signed for authentication purposes. However, you may request that your name not be revealed to the individual being reported. Confidentiality will be honored to the fullest extent possible.


Dementia can affect your awareness and the way you perceive the world around you.

Lapses of Consciousness

If you experience seizures or have an injury that can cause you to lose consciousness, you can cause an accident.

Vision Conditions

Certain visual impairments make it difficult to see oncoming traffic and lane markings.

Evaluation Guidelines

DMV takes several factors into consideration when evaluating your ability to drive safely.

What is the authority for California DMV?

Authority. California Vehicle Code (CVC) §§12806 and 12809 authorize DMV to refuse to issue or renew a driver license (DL) to someone who cannot safely operate a motor vehicle due to reasons relating to physical or mental conditions. CVC §12814 permits DMV to administer certain tests and perform a reexamination to drivers upon renewal of a DL.

What does it mean to request a hearing from DMV?

Requesting a hearing will not prevent DMV from taking action against a condition which prevents an immediate driving hazard or risk ( CVC §13953 ). If the driver requests a hearing, the driver has an opportunity to dispute DMV’s evidence or provide new medical evidence to show that the action should not be sustained.

What qualifications does the DMV use?

DMV uses several qualifications to determine whether the driver has the necessary physical and mental skills to safely operate a motor vehicle. Physical, Sensory, and Mental Requirements. plus. plus. minus. minus. Physical Requirements. Strength. Coordination.

What is a medical probation I?

Medical Probation I: driver must comply with medical regimen and report any changes to DMV. Medical Probation II: annual medical reports required to be submitted to DMV on specified dates.

How to ensure that test results are communicated appropriately to patients?

To ensure that test results are communicated appropriately to patients, physicians should adopt, or advocate for, policies and procedures to ensure that: The patient (or surrogate decision maker if the patient lacks decision-making capacity) is informed about when he or she can reasonably expect to learn the results of clinical tests ...

What is the obligation of a physician to be considerate of patients?

Physicians have a corresponding obligation to be considerate of patient concerns and anxieties and ensure that patients receive test results within a reasonable time frame. When and how clinical test results are conveyed to patients can vary considerably in different practice environments and for different clinical tests.

How are test results conveyed?

Test results are conveyed sensitively, in a way that is understandable to the patient/surrogate, and the patient/surrogate receives information needed to make well-considered decisions about medical treatment and give informed consent to future treatment.

Is patient confidentiality protected?

Patient confidentiality is protected regardless of how clinical test results are conveyed. The ordering physician is notified before the disclosure takes place and has access to the results as they will be conveyed to the patient/surrogate, if results are to be conveyed directly to the patient/surrogate by a third party.
