11 hours ago Hastings Center Report. Volume 22, Issue 4 p. 18-23. The Nurse as Patient Advocate ... The claim that nurses should be patient advocates is a questionable one, especially when it is mixed in with the professional issue of nurses' freedom to practice. ... A less combative, more cooperative model of the profession would serve nurses better ... >> Go To The Portal
This article attacks the notion that nurses either can, or should, act as patients' advocates. It further suggests that nurses' motives for attempting to take the advocate role are, at least in part, disingenuous. Finally, there is a brief look at two alternative means of patient empowerment.
The role of advocate takes many forms, but one is to speak up when one is concerned for the safety or well-being of a patient. A nurse is often the member of a health care team most likely to notice changes that might signal problems or poor responses to treatment.
There are arguments presented in the literature both for and against nurse advocacy. 1. Patient rights need protecting. Part of the nursing role is to support, sustain, and protect patients.
Curtain L (1979) The nurse as patient advocate: a philosophical foundation for nursing. ANS Adv Trust January 2005 – March 2009, (V ol 1). Chaired by Robert Francis QC.
The role of advocate takes many forms, but one is to speak up when one is concerned for the safety or well-being of a patient. A nurse is often the member of a health care team most likely to notice changes that might signal problems or poor responses to treatment. The duty of the nurse is to speak up in a timely and urgent manner when ...
The duty of the nurse is to speak up in a timely and urgent manner when the nurse believes-or fears-that the patient's safety may be at risk.
An important role for all health care professionals is to be an advocate for their patients, and there is no question that many patients need advocacy to reach their health care goals. The role of advocate takes many forms, but one is to speak up when one is concerned for the safety or well-being of a patient. A nurse is often the member of a health care team most likely to notice changes that might signal problems or poor responses to treatment. The duty of the nurse is to speak up in a timely and urgent manner when the nurse believes—or fears—that the patient's safety may be at risk. Yet the role of nurses as advocates for their patients has assumed near-mythic status. Rather than seeing advocate as one among many equally important and interrelated professional roles, the nurse, when asked, “Who are you?” is likely to give the heartfelt and passionate answer, “The patient's advocate!” This essay examines and critically analyzes the advocacy role adopted by the nursing profession and outlines the challenges it has created to nursing's contributions to collaborative practice, ethics, and policy in health care.
The duty of the nurse is to speak up in a timely and urgent manner when the nurse believes —or fears—that the patient's safety may be at risk.
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