additions or notations added to a completed patient care report

by Gertrude Berge 6 min read

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In addition to in-the-field transfer notations, we also suggest that you include a notation regarding the transfer of patient care to facility personnel upon the completion of your incident.

Additions or notations added to a completed patient care report by someone other than the original author: may raise questions about the confidentiality practices of the EMS agency.

Full Answer

When to advise the receiving provider of a completed patient care report?

D) advise the receiving provider that he or she will return to the emergency department with the completed patient care report within 24 hours. 35. Additions or notations added to a completed patient care report by someone other than the original author:

What should be included in the patient care report?

The patient care report: A) provides for a continuum of patient care upon arrival at the hospital. B) is a legal document and should provide a brief description of the patient. C) should include the paramedic's subjective findings or personal thoughts. D) is only held for a period of 24 months, after which it legally can be destroyed.

What information should be entered in the patient record?

Only clinically pertinent incident related information should be entered in the patient record. Put time and date on all entries in the medical record. Notes should be contemporaneous. Label added information as addendum and indicate when it was entered.

How do you evaluate adequacy of your patient's medical records?

The medical record is a primary mechanism for providing continuity and communication among all practitioners involved in a patient's care. To gauge adequacy of your patient's medical records, consider what you would want documented if you were assuming management of the care of a patient you did not know. Rationale for decisions.

What is the purpose of Nemsis quizlet?

The National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS): collects relevant data from each state and uses it for research. When a competent adult patient refuses medical care, it is MOST important for the paramedic to: ensure that the patient is well informed about the situation at hand.

When providing patient care it is most important that you maintain effective communication with?

Emt E. When providing patient care, it is MOST important that you maintain effective communication with: your partner.

Which of the following would be the most significant complication associated with incorrect use of medical terminology?

Which of the following would be the MOST significant complication associated with incorrect use of medical terminology? Ineffective treatment could be rendered.

When a caller requests EMS in an area that uses an enhanced 9 1 1 system?

When a caller requests EMS in an area that uses an enhanced 9-1-1 system: the caller's name and address are automatically displayed. When communicating with a patient whose cultural background differs from the paramedic's, the paramedic should: Treat the patient with the utmost respect at all times.

What 5 key communication skills are critical in the healthcare field?

Good communication in healthcare is crucial, especially when dealing with patients or their family members.#1: Listen. Listening is the most important part of communication. ... #2: Take Responsibility. ... #3: Be Honest. ... #4: When in Doubt, Say it: ... #5: Be Objective.

What are 5 effective health information communication methods?

Here are five ways to ensure effective communication between healthcare professionals.Assess Your Current Method of Communication. ... Streamline Communication Channels. ... Encourage Mobile Collaboration for Effective Communication Between Healthcare Professionals. ... Give Healthcare Employees a Voice.More items...•

What are the top 5 medical errors?

These frequent errors can lead to negative consequences for the patients and those who love and care for them.Misdiagnosis. ... Medication Error. ... Faulty Medical Devices. ... Infection. ... Failure To Account For Surgical Equipment. ... Improper Medical Device Placement.

What are the three common causes of medication errors?

The three most common dispensing errors are: dispensing an incorrect medication, dosage strength or dosage form; miscalculating a dose; and failing to identify drug interactions or contraindications. Errors caused by drug administration can be made by the health care provider or by the patient themselves.

What are types of medication errors?

Types of Medication ErrorsPrescribing.Omission.Wrong time.Unauthorized drug.Improper dose.Wrong dose prescription/wrong dose preparation.Administration errors including the incorrect route of administration, giving the drug to the wrong patient, extra dose or wrong rate.More items...•

What is enhanced 911 service?

With Enhanced 911 Service (“E911”), when a caller from your registered location dials the digits 911 from any Bandwidth offered calling service that is associated with a phone number and a properly registered address, the phone number and address are automatically presented to the local emergency center serving the ...

What does PSAP mean in 911?

public safety answering points911 Services In December 2003, the FCC began collecting data to build a registry of public safety answering points (PSAPs). A primary PSAP is defined as a PSAP to which 9-1-1 calls are routed directly from the 9-1-1 Control Office, such as, a selective router or 9-1-1 tandem.

Why is enhanced 9 1 a benefit to the EMS system?

An enhanced 9-1-1 system allows the emergency dispatcher to: Immediately access the phone number and address from which the call is being made. First responders are generally trained to provide the following care: Bleeding control, airway management, and automated external defibrillation.

What questions should I ask a provider?

Here is a checklist of questions providers should answer before submitting a report: 1 Are your descriptions detailed enough? 2 Are the abbreviations you used appropriate and professional? 3 Is your report free of grammar and spelling errors? 4 Is it legible? 5 Is the chief complaint correct? 6 Is your impression specific enough? 7 Are all other details in order?

Can a report be inaccurate without proper English?

Your report should paint a picture, but this is impossible to do without proper English. Besides not being accurate or professional, incorrect English may very well lead a reader to believe something false. For example, there may be confusion (and laughter) if a report says “patient fainted and her eyes rolled around the room.” Though this is a humorous example, dire consequence can follow confusing reporting.

Wrapping Up

If you’ve been with us from the start we hope you’ve acquired some valuable skills for authoring an effective Patient Care Report.


For most of us that use an ePCR program, recording the chronology of events for our incident happens in the section known as the flow chart.

Outside Assistance

We remind you to always include notations about any outside assistance that may have been provided during your incident.

Transport Incidents. Be Specific

Be careful when documenting the events that occur during transport to be specific in nature. Many times we read PCR’s that make general statements such as “…transported without incident.” While you may understand what this means to you, we caution about vague statements that can be interpreted by the reader to potentially mean something else.

Transfer of Care

There are times when you must transfer care to another individual. Of course, protocol will dictate that you turn over care to another healthcare provided who is equally or higher trained in most cases. Be sure to document who you turned over care to when doing so in the field and what their level of training was.


We close out this discussion by reminding you to be sure to include the times of the incident in your PCR.


Well there you have it. Twelve weeks of a comprehensive discussion concerning writing effective Patient Care Reports. Now it’s up to you to use our recommendations to improve on your documentation skills. Have you arrived? We’re sure not. Even the most seasoned veteran provider can improve on documentation skills. It’s a work in progress.

Why is it important to keep your medical records up to date?

Keep your records up-to-date in order to provide the best resource for patient care and evidence that appropriate and timely care was provided. Clinically pertinent information. The medical record is a primary mechanism for providing continuity and communication among all practitioners involved in a patient's care.

What is current complete records?

Current, complete records which assist diagnosis and treatment, and which communicate pertinent information to other caregivers also provide excellent records for risk management purposes.

What should not be documented in Massachusetts?

What should not be documented. Derogatory or discriminatory remarks. In Massachusetts, patients have the right to access both office and institutional medical records and may be sensitive to notes they view as disrespectful or prejudicial. Include socio-economic information only if relevant to patient care.

Is incident report part of patient record?

Incident reports are not part of the patient record. Only clinically pertinent incident related information should be entered in the patient record. Put time and date on all entries in the medical record. Notes should be contemporaneous. Label added information as addendum and indicate when it was entered.

Can incomplete documentation impede patient care?

Missing, incomplete, or illegible documentation can seriously impede patient care and the defense of a malpractice claim, even when the care was appropriate. The following advice on documentation includes issues identified through analysis of malpractice claims. The most current information.

Can a patient's perceptions be inaccurately reported?

In addition, the patient's perceptions and recollections may be inaccurately reported. If, after complete information is considered, you do judge your patient's prior care to have been flawed, a factual summary of clinical events and honest answering of patient inquiries is advised.

Can you alter medical records?

Do not alter existing documentation or withhold elements of a medical record once a claim emerges. Periodically a physician defendant fails to heed this age-old advice. The plaintiff's attorney usually already has a copy of the records and the changes are immediately obvious.