a3 report for reducing patient turnaround time

by Brook Swaniawski 7 min read

Published high quality A3 problem solving reports

15 hours ago  · REPORT ON IMPROVING THE PATIENT TURNAROUND TIME IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS OF HOSPITAL PREPARED BY: 23/JUNE/2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The ... Current state map is designed by use of a set of icons on a sheet of A3 page paper. ... The emergency departments should have a standard operating procedure that will eliminate delays thus reducing the ... >> Go To The Portal

How to improve patient turnaround time without compromising quality of care?

In an attempt at helping you avoid such costly mistakes, PYP has compiled a list of 8 simple methods to improve patient turnaround time without compromising the quality of care. – Assign a check-in clerk whose sole duty is to check in patients.

How much of patient turnaround time is due to waiting time?

The model was tested using data that were gathered through a comprehensive time study in six major hospitals. The analysis reveals that waiting time comprises 51-63 per cent of total patient turnaround time in the ED.

How do I use the A3 report?

The A3 report can be used for problem solving, but there also are two other ways of using it: a proposal A3 report and a storyboard A3 report. Each report has a slightly different focus, and the experience level of those facilitating the initiative may vary, but the foundation behind each A3 will not change.

Is patient turnaround time being streamlined in the Ed?

This in turn, identifies the components that need to be addressed if patient turnaround time is to be streamlined. The model was tested using data that were gathered through a comprehensive time study in six major hospitals. The analysis reveals that waiting time comprises 51-63 per cent of total patient turnaround time in the ED.


How do you write a good A3 Report?

Steps of the A3 ProcessStep 0: Identify a problem or need.Step 1: Conduct research to understand the current situaion.Step 2: Conduct root cause analysis.Step 3: Devise countermeasures to address root causes.Step 4: Develop a target state.Step 5: Create an implementation plan.More items...

What is an A3 Report used for?

A3 Reports are one-page reports used for documenting the necessary information needed for progress reporting and decision-making. A3 Reports simplify project reporting because they pull from otherwise numerous, detailed progress reports and extensive background analyses.

What are A3 countermeasures?

The purpose of the A3 is to put all the relevant details of a project on one piece of paper. The A3 tells the story of the project in a clear and succinctly as possible. The term A3 comes from the size of the page, approximately 11X17 inches. Toyota developed the tool.

What is A3 Problem Solving Method?

The A3 process allows groups of people to actively collaborate on the purpose, goals, and strategy of a project. It encourages in-depth problem solving throughout the process and adjusting as needed to ensure that the project most accurately meets its intended goal.

When should an A3 be used?

An A3 allows you to capture all the thinking you've done for your process improvement project on one A3-sized (11x17) sheet of paper. This tool both helps you structure your own thinking about how to make an improvement and communicate the purpose, research, and findings of your project to others.

Which methodology is used in the A3 format?

The A3 Report is based upon the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Method. The PDCA process is sometimes referred to as the Deming Wheel or Deming Circle. The A3 Report incorporates this basic premise to problem solving and continuous improvement.

How do I write a countermeasure report?

The basic steps to using the Countermeasure Sheet are:Fill out the header information.Create a problem statement.Do your homework and provide the background information.Do the gap analysis and identify the root causes.Identify actions to correct the root causes.More items...•

How do you write a problem statement on A3?

Guide to an A3 problem solving reportPROBLEM STATEMENT. State the problem you want to address in one or two sentences. ... CURRENT STATE. ... FUTURE STATE. ... ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS. ... DETERMINE COUNTERMEASURES. ... IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. ... EVALUATION OF RESULTS AND PROCESS. ... FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS.

What are the 5 Whys of root cause analysis?

The 5 Whys technique will allow you to dissect the problem and reveal its underlying causes quickly.What Is Lean Management? The 5 Principles of Lean. ... What Is Value in Lean? ... What Is a Pull System? ... What Is the Poka-Yoke Technique? ... Root Cause Analysis. ... What Is Hoshin Kanri? ... What Is Takt Time? ... What Is Lean Six Sigma?

What is A3 plan?

What is an A3 plan? An A3 is simply a paper size (420mm x 297mm) but what an A3 plan represents in the lean and business community is the ability to put a plan onto one sheet of paper and use this one sheet of paper to communicate the intent of the plan, along with the current status.

What is A3 thinking process?

A3 thinking is a collaborative process management and improvement tool developed by Toyota. The applications of an A3 are broad. It can be used for problem solving, decision making, planning or reporting of a specific issue from the proposal stage to commissioning.

What is an A3 report?

This powerful way of thinking developed by Toyota is written on ledger-sized paper (11 x 17 inches)—the A3 report—that a team can use to define or clarify problems, suggest solutions, and record the results of improvement activities.

What is the purpose of A3 report?

The thought behind the A3 report is to include all relevant information and to establish a clear representation of the current problem, eliminating "waste" in the form of information that is not pertinent to the problem at hand. The idea is to streamline the report so that it focuses only on the problem and its solution, nothing else.

Why is A3 report important?

The A3 report is an effective tool because it contains not only text, but also pictures, diagrams, and charts, all of which enrich and clarify the data and improve communication. The A3 report can be used for problem solving, but there also are two other ways of using it: a proposal A3 report and a storyboard A3 report.

How many headings are there in a report?

The report typically has left and right sections, with many headings—often called blocks—in each section. On the left section, there are four headings: Theme: Succinctly states the problem (s) being addressed in one or two sentences.


This report is based on finding solutions to improving patient turnaround time by reducing the current time spent on waiting by half.

Identification and Analysis of the System Archetypes that may Impede Performance

Indeed, several system archetypes are considered to form patterns of system behavior (Guo at el,.2015) .

Analysis of the Current State Stream Map of the Emergency Department based on System Archetypes

In addition, this report includes the analysis of the current state value stream map of the emergency department based on the system archetypes. The current state value map of the emergency room was examined to describe the process from waiting time between the steps, investigating the effects of care models on patients.


According to the research done, this report concludes that there was a lot of congestion in public hospitals. The congestion was due to a high turnover of patients in the public hospital.


I recommend that public hospitals develop and implement standard value steamed map with simple symbols to direct patients to move from one department to another with ease. Also, the government should increase the supply of resources such as drugs, doctors in public hospitals to meet the increased demand for medication.
