31 hours ago Inferential statistics. Statistics that are used to make inferences from a smaller group of data to a large one. Inpatient. A patient who is provided with room, board, and continuous general nursing services in an area of an acute care facility where patients generally stay at least overnight. Inpatient census. >> Go To The Portal
This independent nonprofit organization developed guidelines for documentation in the patient health record National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) What is the primary purpose of the patient's health record? to support the direct care of the patient
Magnetic degaussing What is the primary purpose of the patient health record? Document and facility all care provided to the patient Scanned records that can be accessed in a computer system are is Digital imaging Creation, utilization, maintenance, and destruction are known as the Record retention cycle What is one advantage of an EHR system?
A patient's name and medical record number are entered at registration. The same data elements are entered again by many healthcare providers during the same encounter. This is an example of ________
This record is sent with a patient who is being moved from the hospital to another healthcare facility. Transfer record This independent nonprofit organization developed guidelines for documentation in the patient health record National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
refers to a number computed from a larger collection of numbers which collaboratively constitute a sample of data -- for instance, the average value (or mean) of a variable belonging to a sample of data.
Hospital. Healthcare entity that has an organized medical staff and permanent facilities that include inpatient beds and continuous medical and nursing services and that provide diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients, as well as overnight accommodations and nutritional services. Inferential statistics.
A comprehensive them for long-term care facilities that provide nursing care and related services on a 24-hour basis for residents requiring medical, nursing, or rehabilitative care.
These agencies keep statistics to determine the types of services used by their patients and their outcomes
Descriptive statistics makes inferences or a best guess about a larger group of data by drawing conclusions from a smaller group of data. (T/F) False.
Vital statistics, such as births, deaths, and fetal deaths in the 50 states and US - owned territories.
a small part (a subset) of a larger group of data (a population).
compiles statistical information to guide action and policies to improve health
investigate safety and effectiveness of new treatment or test
An electronic version of the comprehensive medical history of a patient's lifelong health that is kept by the individual patient is called a (n) 1) Electronic health record. 2) Protected health record. 3) Personal health record.
4) EHR data are entered by the patient.
1) EHRs are not legal records and have no legal regulations. 2) EHR access is controlled by the provider with patient authorization. 3) EHR files are owned and managed by providers or facilities. 4) EHR data are entered by the patient.
3) Document the patient's chief complaint on paper and enter it later into the EHR system.
An EHR software program changed to suit a specific specialty and style of a physician's office. Electronic health record -. Electronic record of health-related information for an individual patient that is created, managed, and gathered in a manner that conforms to nationally recognized interoperability standards.
1) It stands for protected health information.
PHR files are owned and updated by the individual.
Patient records that are maintained electronically in a manner that is accessible to caregivers, the patient, and others who need access to specific information or to aggregate information to prevent illness and improve future treatment. Name one use of secondary data. Research.
An electronic health record system includes rules and procedures
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Document scanning can be described as electronic filing
HIM CHAPTERS 1,2 AND 325 Terms
An executive information system is the same as a decision support system
OCR Reports: The Office for Civil Rights Department of Health and Human Services of the USA also provides yearly/bi-yearly or tri-yearly data breach reports, named, “Report to Congress on Breaches of Unsecured Protected Health Information”. These reports provide comprehensive information about healthcare data breaches from 2009 to 2017 [14,15].
In first cluster of five years (2005 to 2009), only 0.6 million records were exposed through hacking.
It is a US-based journal that provides comprehensive information about healthcare data breaches, guidelines for HIPAA compliance, and practical guidelines for data breach avoidance. It has been providing comprehensive information about healthcare data breaches since September 2009.
Advances in information and communication technology have helped the healthcare industry to replace paper-based systems with electronic health record ( EHRs) systems to provide better and more cost-effective services to its customers. EHRs enhance patient care, develop patient cooperation, enhance disease diagnosis, improve practice efficiency, and make patient health information accessible all the time [1]. Additionally, smartphones and other web-based smart devices have changed the way we communicate. These devices empower users to easily and conveniently access the online services provided by different organizations. Healthcare is one among them. The last few years have seen healthcare data become more digitized, distributed, and mobile [2]. The Internet of Medical Things (IOMT) has also played a vital role in this context. Sensitive data are collected by healthcare organizations from their customers and stored on network servers to make them accessible all the time, and to facilitate patient care, but unfortunately, every blessing has a curse, which also applies here. The use of smartphones and other smart devices has also become a key source of privacy breaches [3]. Due to software vulnerabilities, security failures, and human error, these databases are sometimes accessed by unauthorized users. This leads to the exposure of sensitive data in the form of data breaches. Sometimes, insider attackers cause damage to protected health information, which results in the loss, theft, or disclosure of sensitive healthcare data. The price of a complete record file of a single patient can be hundreds of dollars on the dark web [4]. In comparison to other data industries, the healthcare industry is among the worst affected [5].
Generally, a data breach is an illegal disclosure or use of information without authorization. The United States Department of Health and Human Services defines a data breach as “the illegal use or disclosure of confidential health information that compromises the privacy or security of it under the privacy rule that poses a sufficient risk of financial, reputational, or other type of harm to the affected person” [11]. The HIPAA definition of a data breach is “the procurement, access, use or expose of confidential health information illegitimately, which compromises the privacy or security of that confidential health information” [14].
Besides the huge financial setback that organizations have to deal with in cases of data pilferage, such instances also dent the image of the organizations, marring their reputation and brand value. Data breaches are usually classified into two major categories: internal and external. Internal data breaches comprise incidents that are occur with the help of an internal agent. These may be privilege abuse, inauthentic access/disclosure, improper disposal of unnecessary but sensitive data, loss or theft, or the unintentional sharing of confidential data to an unauthorized party. External data breaches are incidents caused by any external entity or source. These include any hacking/IT incident such as a malware attack, ransomware attack, phishing, spyware, or fraud in the form of stolen cards, etc.
The rest of this study is divided into the following sections. The Section 2defines the adopted methodology. The Section 3 provides information about the data sources. The Section 4frames the analysis of data breaches, providing insights into the data breaches which are pertinent to healthcare. The Section 5depicts the forecasting of healthcare data breaches. The Section 6provides a discussion and the summarized results of this work, and the Section 7chronicles the conclusion of the work.