zaladonis patient portal

by Alessandra Muller 5 min read

Dermatologist In Bethlehem, PA | Zaladonis Dermatology ...

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Why choose Zaladonis Dermatology Associates?

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Where is Dr Zaladonis'office located?

ossip patient portal January 14, 2022 Tecupdate ossip patient portalIf You Are Looking For "ossip Ossip optometry patient portal" Keyword Found Websites ; DA: 28 PA: 39… Global Rank:

Who is Joseph Zaladonis?

Dr. Joseph J. Zaladonis is a dermatologist in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Lehigh Valley …

How do I log in to the cdnj portal?

Zaladonis Dermatology Associates. PATIENT CONSENT FOR USE AND DISCLOSURE OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION. With my consent, Zaladonis Dermatology Associates may use and disclose protected health information (PHI) about me to carry out treatment, payment and healthcare operations (TPO).


Can I make an appointment online with Dr. Zaladonis ?

Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Zaladonis online today. It's simple, secure, and free.

Does Dr. Zaladonis offer telehealth?

Call Dr. Zaladonis for more information on telehealth services.

What do patients say about Dr. Zaladonis ?

We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Zaladonis in 6 key categories based on 59 reviews. See ratings .

Dr. Zaladonis accepts insurance

Check Dr. Zaladonis' profile to see which insurance they accept.

Where is Dr. Zaladonis' office located?

Dr. Zaladonis' office is located at 1665 Valley Center Pkwy, Bethlehem, PA....

What are Dr. Zaladonis' areas of care?

Dermatologists diagnose and treat diseases of the skin and perform cosmetic procedures, including hair removal, laser therapy, cosmetic filler inje...

Patient Forms, Map and Directions to the Office

Your first visit to Zaladonis Dermatology Associates involves a few special steps so that we can get to know you.

Payment Policies

We accept most traditional insurance plans. When scheduling your appointment we encourage you to ask if we participate with your Insurance provider. Qualifications for insurance coverage may differ due to the uniqueness of each procedure. If you have any questions, please#N#call us at 610-868-3150.


Dr. Joseph J. Zaladonis is a dermatologist in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and is affiliated with St. Luke's University Hospital-Bethlehem Campus. He received his medical degree from Medical College of Pennsylvania and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


Dermatologists diagnose and treat diseases of the skin and perform cosmetic procedures, including hair removal, laser therapy, cosmetic filler injections, cryosurgery, tattoo removal, and phototherapy.

Patient Experience

Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.


I authorize the release of information including the diagnosis, medical examination, and claims information rendered to me. This information may be released to and/or my primary care physician


With my consent, Zaladonis Dermatology Associates may use and disclose protected health information (PHI) about me to carry out treatment, payment and healthcare operations (TPO).


have received a copy of Zaladonis Dermatology Associates’ Notice of Privacy Practices.#N#By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.


Patient Forms, Map and Directions to The Office

  • Your first visit to Zaladonis Dermatology Associates involves a few special steps so that we can get to know you. To understand what to expect, please read through this page - you'll find all the practical information you need including: a map and directions to our office, practice hours, payment policies, background information about our committed staff and our first visit procedur…
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What to Expect

  • We look forward to meeting you for your first visit! To ensure that our doctors are able to provide the best possible care to you, we ask that you come prepared for the appointment. We consider preparation to include medications, photographs, or any notes related to your visit. Additionally, we invite you to use our patient educationto help you understand some of your symptoms. If yo…
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Payment Policies

  • Insurance
    We accept most traditional insurance plans. When scheduling your appointment we encourage you to ask if we participate with your Insurance provider. Qualifications for insurance coverage may differ due to the uniqueness of each procedure. If you have any questions, please call us at …
  • Payment Options
    We accept checks, cash or credit cards.
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Patient Online Activation / Forms

  • EMA PATIENT PORTAL: Don’t know your USER NAME or PASSWORD? Our staff will gladly provide it for you, give us a call at 610-868-3150. OR Fill out these forms so we can expedite your first visit: 1. New Patient Forms [Online] 2. New Patient Forms [PDF] In order to view or print these forms you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in…
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