15 hours ago Wait times are the length of time between when a patient checks in and when the patient is taken to the treatment room. The values shown are the median, or the middle number in the set of all the wait times collected for the previous 15 minutes. Wait times can be influenced by many factors and should be considered estimates only. >> Go To The Portal
Patient Portal. Albany ENT & Allergy Services offers secure online services to our patients through the Patient Portal. The portal allows patients to contact the nursing staff or their provider through a convenient electronic messaging system. Patients enrolled in the portal can also access electronic statements and payment processing,...
Contact York Hospital’s Friendraising office today to find a provider that is right for you: 207-351-2385 | info@yorkhospital.com. At York Hospital we provide the expertise you need, and the loving kindness, warmth, security, assurance and unsurpassed patient care you deserve.
Albany ENT & Allergy Services offers secure online services to our patients through the Patient Portal. The portal allows patients to contact the nursing staff or their provider through a convenient electronic messaging system.
ENT Care of WNY. ENT stands for Ear, Nose and Throat and is the commonly used name for the practice of Otolaryngology. Ear, Nose & Throat Care of Western New York is a full service medical office with two convenient locations, 6645 Main Street in Williamsville and 37 Professional Parkway in Lockport.
At York Hospital we provide the expertise you need, and the loving kindness, warmth, security, assurance and unsurpassed patient care you deserve. At York Hospital, care for our patients and their families is paramount. Our dedicated team of nurses, specialists, clinicians, technologists, and team members are experts in their field.
Our environment is specific to what we know our patients want – a comfortable, healing atmosphere. To learn more about York Hospital, feel free to browse our website, or contact our Friendraising office at (207) 351-2385 or info@yorkhospital.com
ENT stands for Ear, Nose and Throat and is the commonly used name for the practice of Otolaryngology. Ear, Nose & Throat Care of Western New York is a full service medical office with two convenient locations, 6645 Main Street in Williamsville and 37 Professional Parkway in Lockport. We offer complete ENT care for children and adults. We are accepting new patients and welcome the opportunity to care for you and your family. We accept most insurance plans, including no-fault.
Throat pain can be caused by many factors including viruses, bacterial infections, acid reflux disease, or more serious conditions such as carcinoma of the larynx. We offer a full evaluation for these complaints, including laryngeal endoscopy using flexible laryngoscopes if necessary to evaluate these complaints.
Polyps can be treated with oral medication, nasal spray, and in some cases surgery to physically remove the polyps from the nasal and sinus cavities. Polyps can cause nasal obstruction, chronic sinusitis, and loss of or changes in sense of smell. Allergies.
Watchful waiting, nose sprays, antibiotics and eventually tympanostomy tubes are the treatments commonly utilized. However, we now have a NEW option called Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation, which uses a small balloon inserted into the nose and then into the eustachian tube to unblock the obstruction.
Tinnitus should always be evaluated by an Otolaryngologist or Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to rule out hearing loss or other serious conditions. In particular, if the tinnitus is unilateral or one sided, this should be evaluated. Ear Pain.
Ear Pain. Ear pain can be caused by many factors, many of which are not even related to the actual ear itself. External ear infections , otherwise known as swimmers, and middle ear infections, can cause severe ear pain and hearing loss. However each of these ear conditions is treated differently.
WNY Ear, Nose & Throat is a medical practice that provides a wide range of adult and pediatric ENT services. We have multiple Physicians and Physician Assistants in the office daily, along with onsite Audiology. Our office is updated and equipped with the technology needed to provide the best care including, in office procedures, endoscopy to evaluate the nasal cavity and sinuses, laryngoscopy and stroboscopy to evaluate the throat and vocal cords, and microscopes to provide detailed examination of the ear.
Thyroid disorders can be evaluated by obtaining thyroid function tests and or thyroid ultrasound. Physical examination is also very important in diagnosing thyroid disorders. The vast majority of thyroid problems can be treated medically, however at times surgery is indicated. In office procedures.
Remember, hoarseness can be an early warning sign of a more serious health condition. Only an ear, nose and throat doctor can diagnose the cause of your ho arseness and get you started on the appropriate treatment path. Our offices offer comprehensive evaluation of your ears and hearing.