yakima hma physician management patient portal

by Dr. Isadore Botsford 7 min read

Patient portal | Yakima Valley Memorial

13 hours ago Yakima HMA Physician Management LLC is a practice located in Yakima, WA. This practice has 9 doctor ratings including 4 doctors who are highly-rated. 83% of all reviewers would recommend doctors at this practice to a friend or family member. This practice has 50 doctors in … >> Go To The Portal

Practice Locations

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Yakima WA

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Yakima HMA Physician Management LLC is a practice located in Yakima, WA. This practice has 9 doctor ratings including 4 doctors who are highly-rated. 83% of all reviewers would recommend doctors at this practice to a friend or family member. This practice has 50 doctors in total, including:

Recent Doctor Reviews at Yakima HMA Physician Management LLC

"I have been seeing Dr Burger for 2 years. He is a great cardiologist and highly respected by his staff and peers. He is kind, professional, very knowledgeable, and thoughtful about how he says things so I can understand. I have moved two hours away from Edmonds and still make the time and the drive to be cared for by Dr Burger and his team.


Yakima Hma Physician Management Llc is a primary care provider established in Yakima, Washington specializing in family medicine. The NPI number of Yakima Hma Physician Management Llc is 1730139510 and was assigned on May 2006. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 207Q00000X.

Group Taxonomy

193200000X MULTI-SPECIALTY GROUP - This provider is a business group of one or more individual practitioners, who practice with different areas of specialization.

Secondary Taxonomies

The secondary taxonomy codes define the provider type, classification, and specialization. For individual NPIs the license data is associated to each taxonomy code.

Additional Identifiers

Additional identifier (s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider. The codes may include UPIN, NSC, OSCAR, DEA, Medicaid State or PIN identification numbers.

Other Providers at the same location

The following 20 providers are registered at the same or nearby location.

NPI Footnotes

What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider.
