28 hours ago It is the patient's responsibility to provide current insurance to Dermatologist Medical Group of North County. Payment Information. Accurate insurance information is due at the time the appointment is made. Co-payments are due at the time of service. Cash pay patients must pay … >> Go To The Portal
The DMC Patient Portal is here to assist our patients in tracking and understanding their medical care. The portal provides a way to share up to date medical information with you from the convenience of your home using a computer or mobile device.
HOW DO PATIENTS ACCESS EMA PORTAL? The Patient is REQUIRED to have a Valid Email. Patients who have an email address on file have access to the patient portal. Once the portal is enabled, the patient will receive instructions on creating a password via email from EMA directly.
Patients or Account Representatives can access the portal by visiting URL: cdnj.ema.md You will be directed to a secure log in page that will give you access to your health records.
If you experience any issues accessing the patient portal and need additional assistance, please contact your providers office during normal operating hours. If you are a patient of the Orthopaedic or Sports Medicine locations listed to the right, you will use the Cerner Portal. The following practices utilize the Cerner Health portal:
Appointment Reminders If you need to cancel or reschedule a medical or cosmetic appointment, please provide 2 business day's notice. If you need to cancel or reschedule your surgical appointment, please provide 2 business days’ notice. You may be assessed a cancellation fee if you fail to notify the office.
Log into your Patient Portal by clicking here and send the Charge Nurse a message under the Contact Us section. If you have questions or need help accessing your Patient Portal, please call our office and we will be happy to assist you.
We offer two patient portals to serve our patients. Most of our practices utilize the Athena Health portal. You can access it by selecting the button below.
We offer two patient portals to serve our patients. Most of our practices utilize the Athena Health portal. You can access it by selecting the button below.
What is the EMA Patient Portal? As part of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) Meaningful Use requirements, healthcare facilities must provide electronic access to a patient’s health records.
Patients can access their health record which includes their contact, insurance, and pharmacy information along with the past medical history, medication list, allergies, and clinical summaries of visits.