13 hours ago Patient Portal Welcome to WOMANCARE A Sophisticated Healthcare Experience WomanCare provides comprehensive healthcare for women. We stand for skillful, respectful and enlightened medical practice. We pride ourselves in practicing the latest obstetric, gynecologic and holistic methods at our convenient northwest suburban locations. >> Go To The Portal
Patient Portal Welcome to WOMANCARE A Sophisticated Healthcare Experience WomanCare provides comprehensive healthcare for women. We stand for skillful, respectful and enlightened medical practice. We pride ourselves in practicing the latest obstetric, gynecologic and holistic methods at our convenient northwest suburban locations.
When you open Patient Portal in Incognito mode, third-party websites cannot access data if the cookies are blocked. You will need to allow cookies to work seamlessly with portal. It seems that the cookies are blocked on your system. If you want to know the step-by-step process to learn how to allow cookies...
Patient Portal: Online Services for Patients Allows you to communicate with our doctors, nurses, and staff members easily, safely, and securely via the Internet. North Florida- Jacksonville All Other Florida Locations Healow App Instructions for use are We are pleased to offer the Healow app to our Women’s Care patients.
Download Forms The forms can either be typed on or written on. Please use only black or blue ink when filling out patient forms. New Patient – Gynecology Registration Form (English) Registration Form (Spanish) Authorization Form (English) Authorization Form (Spanish) Health History (English) Health History (Spanish) Financial Form (English) Financial Form (Spanish) …
Allows you to communicate with our doctors, nurses, and staff members easily, safely, and securely via the Internet.
We are pleased to offer the Healow app to our Women’s Care patients. If you are not yet a patient, please visit our Find a Provider page to find an office near you to schedule a new-patient appointment.
WomanCare has three Board-Certified Physicians and six of the only few Certified Nurse-Midwives in the Kentuckiana region who deliver babies in the comfort of Clark Memorial Hospital’s Family Birth Place and at the Tree of Life Family Birth Center.
WomanCare offers a comprehensive array of OB/GYN services including preconception and family planning, infertility evaluations, complete care through pregnancy and delivery, menopause treatment and routine care throughout the year.
We emphasize the human touch as much as technique and technology. We work hard to see you at your appointed time with every visit — and make time for any questions or concerns you may have. It’s a delicate balance, but one we believe serves our patients well.
Women visit us for common concerns, such as contraception, fertility problems, menstrual cycle problems, PMS, urinary and vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, osteoporosis, menopause, urinary incontinence, sexual issues and decreased libido, pain, ovarian cysts and many others .
Our machines are state-of-the-art with advanced resolution. For couples trying to conceive, an ultrasound can monitor follicular development and ovulation. A special type of Ultrasound which is used to diagnose the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding and to evaluate the endometrial lining is performed in all locations.
Premenstrual syndrome is a disorder of the second half of the menstrual cycle, increasing in frequency as women approach their 30’s and 40’s. Symptoms can be physical (bloating, water retention, breast tenderness, constipation, abdominal cramping and muscle aches) and emotional (fatigue, depression, irritability and weepiness).
Step 2: Enter your email address and password and click login. If you do not know your password, click on Forgot Password or contact the office to send a password reset email.
The first screen you will see is the home page of the results portal. From this page, you have the option to view Appointments, My Health, or Billing & Payments from the left-hand menu.
To view test results, click on My Health. Across the top of this section you can click on multiple links to view different information:
Here you will be able to see any outstanding balances, statements, or pay your bill.
Are you tired of searching for the best gynecologist Palatine has to offer? Have you spent hours online searching with no luck? Well, your search is over with WomanCare PC.#N#WomanCare PC can help you locate a gynecologist that Palatine women trust. Get ready to kick your hours of searching online for “OBGYN Palatine” to the curb.
At WomanCare PC, we understand that every woman has different needs. It’s our mission to create a space where each and every patient feels respected and taken care of by a team of fully-trained professionals. We provide each patient with a space where she can feel comfortable to open up and talk about whatever is on her mind.
WomanCare PC has several locations in Illinois, including Palatine. We look forward to hearing from you and taking you on as a patient!