why would a patient with copd report feeling fatigued?

by Margie Turner V 7 min read

Why Does COPD Cause Fatigue?

33 hours ago Many people with COPD have cachexia. 10-40% of people living with COPD also have a condition called “pulmonary cachexia syndrome.” This means that they are abnormally thin and may appear malnourished. This condition can make a person feel fatigued. Many people with COPD also have sleep apnea. >> Go To The Portal

It's not uncommon for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to experience fatigue. COPD reduces airflow into your lungs, making breathing difficult and labored. It also reduces the oxygen supply your whole body receives. Without enough oxygen, your body will feel tired and exhausted.

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Why does COPD cause fatigue?

Why Does COPD Cause Fatigue?

  • Low Oxygen Levels. People who have COPD have damage to their air sacs in their lungs. ...
  • Increased Work of Breathing. COPD commonly causes shortness of breath. ...
  • The Buildup of Carbon Dioxide. In addition to having trouble getting oxygen, people with COPD may also have difficulty getting carbon dioxide out of their lungs.
  • Depression. ...

How to manage fatigue and COPD?

What else can I do to manage my COPD better?

  • Sleep and rest: make sure you sleep well and get enough rest every day. ...
  • Ask for help if you need it: ask your health care professional about ways you can adapt your home to help you move around more easily. ...
  • Be aware of your symptoms: if your ankles swell, tell your health care professional. ...

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Does COPD make me tired?

This lack of oxygen can cause the person to feel tired and fatigued. People with COPD may also feel tired because they feel breathless. This is another effect of the lung damage caused by emphysema. Because the body has to use extra energy in order to empty the lungs completely, it can cause an increase in tiredness.

Does COPD cause fatigue?

Yes, it also often causes fatigue. According to research in the journal BMJ Open, fatigue is the second most common symptom for people with COPD. Fatigue from COPD varies in severity and tends to become worse over time. Fatigue can greatly decrease quality of life and adversely impact a person’s mood.

Does COPD affect energy?

People with COPD have trouble getting oxygen into their lungs and carbon dioxide out. The shortage of oxygen and the buildup of carbon dioxide can both make someone feel tired and low in energy. The damage to the airways in COPD causes the air sacs to lose their tone and become floppy.

Does low oxygen levels cause fatigue?

Sleep apnea: Poor sleep at night can result in fatigue during the day. Low oxygen levels: Oxygen levels may drop at night, causing you to wake up sluggish and sometimes with a headache.

Can COPD cause muscle fatigue?

Indeed, COPD is often associated with muscle wasting and a slow-to-fast shift in fiber type composition resulting in weakness and an earlier onset of muscle fatigue, respectively. Clearly, limiting muscle wasting during COPD benefits the patient by improving the quality of life and also the chance of survival.

What causes fatigue?

Most of the time fatigue can be traced to one or more of your habits or routines, particularly lack of exercise. It's also commonly related to depression. On occasion, fatigue is a symptom of other underlying conditions that require medical treatment.

What are the signs that COPD is getting worse?

The following are signs that may indicate that a person's COPD is getting worse.Increased Shortness of Breath. ... Wheezing. ... Changes in Phlegm. ... Worsening Cough. ... Fatigue and Muscle Weakness. ... Edema. ... Feeling Groggy When You Wake Up.

What is the cause of tiredness and weakness?

Medical causes – unrelenting exhaustion may be a sign of an underlying illness, such as a thyroid disorder, heart disease or diabetes. Lifestyle-related causes – alcohol or drugs or lack of regular exercise can lead to feelings of fatigue. Workplace-related causes – workplace stress can lead to feelings of fatigue.

Does COPD affect muscles?

Skeletal muscle dysfunction is very common in patients with COPD, and may play an important role in limiting exercise performance in these patients. Muscle strength and endurance are both decreased and the muscle is more easily fatigued. Muscle atrophy is largely responsible for the reduction in muscle strength.

How does low oxygen affect muscles?

Abstract. It is well established that altering O2 delivery to contracting skeletal muscle affects human performance. In this respect, a reduced O2 supply (e.g., hypoxia) increases the rate of muscle fatigue, whereas increasing O2 supply (e.g., hyperoxia) reduces the rate of fatigue.

Can COPD cause balance problems?

Balance problems and an increased rate and risk of falls are common in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

What are three signs of fatigue?

What are the signs of fatigue?weariness,tiredness,sleepiness, including falling asleep against your will ("micro" sleeps),irritability,reduced alertness, concentration and memory,reduced ability to be productive,mentally tired,physically tired,More items...

What are 3 types of fatigue?

There are three types of fatigue: transient, cumulative, and circadian: Transient fatigue is acute fatigue brought on by extreme sleep restriction or extended hours awake within 1 or 2 days.

When should you worry about fatigue?

Call for an appointment with your doctor if your fatigue has persisted for two or more weeks despite making an effort to rest, reduce stress, choose a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids.

What are the symptoms of low oxygen levels?

When your blood oxygen falls below a certain level, you might experience shortness of breath, headache, and confusion or restlessness. Common causes of hypoxemia include: Anemia.

What are the symptoms of not getting enough oxygen?

Although they can vary from person to person, the most common hypoxia symptoms are:Changes in the color of your skin, ranging from blue to cherry red.Confusion.Cough.Fast heart rate.Rapid breathing.Shortness of breath.Slow heart rate.Sweating.More items...•

How can I raise my oxygen level quickly?

In the immediate short term:Stand or sit up straight. Rather than lying down, which may put pressure on your lungs and make it harder to breathe.Cough. If you have a cold or the flu, difficulty breathing can decrease oxygen saturation in your blood. ... Go outside. ... Drink lots of water. ... Take slow, deep breaths.

How can you tell if you are lacking oxygen?

Signs of low oxygen levelsSevere shortness of breath, even while resting, but definitely with activity.Waking up while sleeping feeling short of breath.A feeling that you're choking.Bluish tinge to your lips, skin and/or fingernail beds.Headache.Dizziness or feeling lightheaded.Feeling like your heart is pounding.More items...•

Why do people with COPD feel tired?

One of the main reasons that people with COPD may feel tired or fatigued is because the damage in their lungs keeps them from having enough oxygen in their blood. The lungs contain millions of tiny air sacs. The walls of those air sacs are the place where the body absorbs oxygen from the air we breathe into the bloodstream.

How to help with fatigue?

You may need more help handling your fatigue besides at-home solutions like eating well and exercising. Oxygen therapy , or the use of supplemental oxygen, provides extra oxygen for your body. This can help you have more energy and make physical tasks easier. Your doctor may or may not suggest oxygen therapy depending on your symptoms. There are risks to this therapy if not used correctly, including problems with breathing. 1,3

How does oxygen therapy help with shortness of breath?

The oxygen is delivered through a tube and into the lungs through a mask over the nose and mouth or a small tube in the nostrils.

What does it mean when you are tired?

This means that the person might be able to start a physical activity, but is not able to keep going for very long. 1. There are several ways that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can make a person tired or fatigued.

What is pulmonary rehabilitation?

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program to help people with COPD. Through the program, you will learn ways to handle COPD with methods like breathing exercises, diet, and nutrition. People who complete pulmonary rehabilitation tend to have more success managing COPD symptoms like fatigue. 1,3

Why do people with emphysema have low energy?

This causes the tiny air sacs to combine into a smaller number of larger air sacs with fewer air sac walls. Because they do not have as many air sac walls to absorb oxygen, they do not have enough oxygen in their blood. This is a reason that people with emphysema often have low energy and may feel more tired than usual.

Can COPD cause tiredness?

However, it is also possible for someone with COPD to have tiredness that is the symptom of some other condition. Therefore, it is important for patients to work with their healthcare providers to find out if the tiredness is the result of COPD or some other cause.

How does COPD affect oxygen?

COPD interferes with air exchange in your lungs and reduces your oxygen absorption as you breathe. 1 . Your body needs oxygen for energy, and even a slight compromise in your oxygen levels can result in fatigue.

How does COPD affect you?

COPD-related fatigue can affect you both physically and mentally. The effects can be subtle and may gradually worsen as your lung function declines. You may also experience some variation in your level of fatigue or bouts of severe exhaustion at times. 1 

How much of COPD sufferers are fatigued?

Severe fatigue affects approximately 50% of those who are living with COPD. 2  Fatigue isn't the kind of tiredness that improves with sleep or a cup of coffee. It is persistent and profound, and occurs even when you haven't exerted yourself.

What does fatigue mean on a blood test?

Blood tests: Fatigue can occur as a result of issues such as anemia (low red blood cell function), infection, and low oxygen. Depending on your history, your doctor may check your complete blood count (CBC) or arterial blood gas (ABG). CBC can show signs of anemia as well as infection (high white blood cells).

What is the effect of fatigue on COPD?

Fatigue is one of the common effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Your lung disease affects the oxygen levels in your body and makes it hard for you to breathe, while overall weakness further contributes to a general feeling of exhaustion and low energy.

Why is fatigue important for COPD?

It's important to talk to your doctor about your fatigue because it can be a sign of a serious health issue that requires treatment.

What is fatigue in pulmonary disease?

Fatigue is one of the common effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Your lung disease affects the oxygen levels in your body and makes it hard for you to breathe, while overall weakness further ...

How much higher is indoor air pollution than outdoor air pollution?

Studies conducted by the EPA find that indoor levels of air pollutants can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels. Breathing the stale oxygen found in enclosed indoor spaces requires the body to work harder for basic function, ultimately causing fatigue.

How to stop feeling tired?

Stay Hydrated —Water, Gatorade, or other beverages with low sugar and electrolytes will help counteract the feeling of fatigue. Because almost every cell in our bodies is made up primarily of water, sufficient hydration is key to ensuring optimal function. Drink water throughout the day so that your urine is consistently transparent and light in color. Tip: if you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

How to reduce fatigue?

While there are no specific treatments for fatigue, with the exception of additional oxygen, there are lifestyle tips that can help minimize the tiredness and lack of energy. Keep Active —While it may seem counterintuitive, mild exercise can actually fight the feeling of fatigue, and keep feelings of depression at bay.

When is COPD awareness month?

Did you know November is COPD awareness month?

Is fatigue a symptom of COPD?

Fatigue: The Silent Symptom. While dyspnea (labored or shortness of breath) is often the most experienced, and most recognized, symptom of COPD, fatigue, or lack of energy, is frequently cited as an even more impactful symptom--especially in terms of personal quality of life. Fatigue is the “silent” symptom that many outsiders don’t fully ...

Does fatigue affect quality of life?

Regardless of pulmonary symptoms, higher reports of fatigue were associated with lower levels of perceived quality of life, and greater feelings of depression. 2 Constant exertion can weigh on the body both physically and emotionally, and feeling like you have to justify your lack of energy to friends and family can be a burden in itself.

Why do people with COPD sleep so much?

For COPD patients, trouble sleeping can be caused by coughing, breathlessness, certain types of COPD medications, feeling anxious or depressed, and not absorbing enough oxygen.

How to combat COPD fatigue?

Like many people struggling with COPD fatigue, over time you learn what works best for you! To combat their fluctuating energy levels, our community members have tried and suggested a variety of self-care techniques, including oxygen therapy, natural remedies, hydration, and many more . COPD fatigue can feel overwhelming, but you are not alone! Connect with other community members and test-out one of these methods, and as always, we're always here!

What is the cycle of fatigue in COPD?

The COPD “ cycle of tiredness” (avoiding physical activity due to fatigue, and therefore becoming more fatigued), can lead to a snowball effect of low energy and lethargy. While every person’s management plan is different, many of our community members have shared success with pulmonary rehab, physical activity, ...

How to manage fatigue?

To manage your fatigue, try keeping a journal to determine what sleep strategies work best for you, and then apply those strategies to (hopefully!) get a better night’s rest.

Can COPD fatigue be overwhelming?

While COPD fatigue can feel overwhelming, it is also possible to have a fulfilling, satisfying life with COPD! Confront and discuss your COPD difficulties, and don't be afraid to rely on your friends and family for support. “Water, water, water”. “Listern to your body”. “Follow a daily schedule”.

Can COPD make you lazy?

Unlike typical fatigue, COPD fatigue can feel out of your control, leaving many community members feeling frustrated or “lazy” when they can’t do the things that they need to get done. For many of you, coming to terms with your COPD diagnosis has taken time, including accepting your changing energy levels.

Is COPD tired or tired?

More Than a Feeling: Tired vs COPD Tired. Sometimes the word “ tired ” just doesn’t cut it when it comes to COPD. Although COPD symptoms can vary from person to person, many people affected by COPD have one symptom in common - fatigue.

What does it feel like to breathe with COPD?

Your body feels like it’s spending all of its energy on breathing.”. It can feel like you’re using so much energy to breathe that you don’t have much left for physical activity.

How to keep yourself from snoozing?

Take regular rest breaks. Regular breaks help conserve energy. If you have fatigue, take a nap for an hour or two in the afternoon. Advertising Policy. “Just remember, a one-hour nap can easily turn into four,” says Dr. Attaway. “You want to stay active, so set a timer to keep yourself from snoozing the day away.”.

How long does it take to learn COPD?

Pulmonary rehabilitation has two phases: Learning phase: During this six-week period, you learn the skills you need to live with COPD in addition to safe and healthy workouts to improve your breathing reserve. Maintenance phase: You put all the skills you’ve learned into practice and maintain them.

What is the best heart rate to exercise?

Do the heart rate math: Aim for RHR+60 percent. If your RHR (resting heart rate) is 70, then shoot for 110 when you exercise.

Can COPD cause fatigue?

But COPD may not be the cause of your fatigue. “There are times when someone has COPD, but something else is causing the fatigue,” says Dr. Attaway. “And those conditions are often treatable, through a daily medication or using a breathing mask at night.”. Non-COPD causes of fatigue may include:

Does COPD cause thyroid problems?

Thyroid problems: People with COPD may have a higher risk of thyroid disorders.

Can sleep apnea cause fatigue?

Sleep apnea: Poor sleep at night can result in fatigue during the day.

How to get rid of COPD?

Eat a Healthy Diet. Some people with COPD have trouble eating due to breathlessness but eating too much can also increase gas and bloating, which may make breathing worse. If you have COPD, you need to find the right balance, which means eating enough to have energy without overeating.

How to reduce fatigue from COPD?

There are also a few things you can do to try to prevent fatigue due to COPD: 1 Slow the progression of COPD. COPD is a progressive disease. As the condition becomes worse, symptoms, such as fatigue, will likely increase. Slowing the progression of the condition may help prevent fatigue. To slow progression, stop smoking and follow your COPD treatment plan. 2 Decrease other fatigue contributors. COPD may only be one piece of the puzzle. Other factors may also contribute to fatigue. For example, certain other medical conditions and medications may increase sleepiness. Work with your doctor to treat other medical problems that may add to fatigue. But do not stop taking medications until you talk with your doctor. 3 Get enough sleep. One of the most important ways to prevent fatigue related to COPD is to get enough sleep. If you have problems sleeping or have an underlying sleep disorder, talk with your doctor about ways to improve sleep.

Why does COPD cause fatigue?

Air may get trapped in the lungs due to the damage to their air sacs. Because their ability to get air out is inadequate, carbon dioxide may build in the body. Increased levels of carbon dioxide lead to fatigue .

How to improve oxygen levels?

Practice Breathing Exercises. Learning breathing techniques can help improve the efficiency of breathing, reduce breathlessness and improve oxygen levels. Pursed lip breathing is one of the most effective ways to combat shortness of breath and save energy.

What happens when oxygen levels are low?

Low Oxygen Levels. People who have COPD have damage to their air sacs in their lungs. The damage interferes with getting in oxygen. When oxygen levels in the body are impaired, it can lead to symptoms, such as fatigue.

How to slow the progression of COPD?

As the condition becomes worse, symptoms, such as fatigue, will likely increase. Slowing the progression of the condition may help prevent fatigue. To slow progression, stop smoking and follow your COPD treatment plan. Decrease other fatigue contributors.

Can COPD cause shortness of breath?

COPD commonly causes shortness of breath. Breathlessness may occur easily with exercise. But it can also develop even with mild exertion. For instance, in people who have severe COPD, walking to the bathroom can leave them winded. When someone is breathless, they work harder to get air into their lungs.

What is the effect of COPD on the body?

COPD fatigue causes tiredness and a lack of energy, which can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

How does COPD fatigue affect people?

Having COPD fatigue can significantly impact a person’s ability to perform everyday activities, such as household chores, personal grooming, and recreational activities . Fatigue can lead to a decrease in activity and possibly depression. COPD fatigue can have a drastic effect on a person’s quality of life.

How to cope with COPD?

Lifestyle changes can also help people with COPD cope with fatigue and improve their energy levels: 1. Practicing breathing exercises. Share on Pinterest. Yoga and meditation often involve breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can be useful for people with COPD.

What percentage of people with COPD have fatigue?

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of COPD, especially as the disease progresses. Research. suggests that between 50 and 70 percent of people with COPD also have fatigue. Fatigue often goes hand in hand with COPD, but the reasons for this association are not clear.

What is COPD treatment?

Seven tips for coping. Outlook. Chronic obstructive lung disease or COPD is a long-term, progressive lung disease that encompasses emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD makes breathing difficult, which affects a person’s energy levels and can cause fatigue. Symptoms of COPD often vary in severity.

What are some exercises to help with COPD?

Breathing exercises can be useful for people with COPD. Pursed lip breathing can improve fatigue by:

Why do people with COPD feel tired?

People with COPD have trouble getting oxygen into their lungs and carbon dioxide out. The shortage of oxygen and the buildup of carbon dioxide can both make someone feel tired and low in energy. The damage to the airways in COPD causes the air sacs to lose their tone and become floppy.