who to call to report a patient in the hospital has bed bugs

by Prof. Bernice Kreiger 8 min read

CDC - Bed Bugs - Resources for Health Professionals

5 hours ago  · Our commercial pest experts explain why bed bugs in hospitals are a problem. Call us to avoid cross-contamination. Get a Free Inspection (800) 768-6109 >> Go To The Portal

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How should healthcare facilities respond to bed bug issues?

Responding to bed bug issues by using some of the same concepts that are practiced by the facility’s infection control personnel: Western has a comprehensive service guideline that addresses bed bug control in healthcare facilities. Any business can inherit a bed bug problem and, unfortunately, this includes healthcare facilities.

Can bed bugs be found on patients?

Rarely, they have been seen on patients themselves. These pests like to hide in soft furniture, mattresses, box springs, in cracks in the baseboards and behind headboards. Bed bugs are known to hitchhike into healthcare facilities on the personal belongings of visitors, patients and employees.

Why do hospitals have so many bed bugs?

Bed Bugs in Hospitals By their nature, hospitals see a lot of movement from room to room, a factor that can exacerbate bed-bug problems. This makes the bed-bug-control process a bit more complicated, which highlights the importance of having well-documented plans for how bed-bug infestations will be addressed if and when they arise.

How do you get rid of bed bugs in a hospital?

As a first step, place the patient’s personal belongings in a heat chamber designated to treat for bed bugs (if available) under the direction of a pest control professional, and then inspect the area where they were waiting or being seen both before and after their visit.


What to do if a patient comes in with bed bugs?

The patient should be showered or bathed; if unable to shower, the patient should be changed into hospital-laundered clothing, and be moved to a new room/area. c. Close off the old room or area from use and place appropriate signage (“Do Not Enter, Do Not Remove Equipment, Linen or Furniture from Room”) on closed door.

Can you bring bed bugs home from a hospital?

Because hospitals, hospices, elder care facilities, and group homes experience significant human traffic carrying personal belongings and host sleeping people in multiple rooms, they are at high risk for bed bug infestations.

Are bed bugs an OSHA violation?

Under the OSHA general duty standard, an employer has an obligation to provide a safe work environment free of hazards that may cause physical harm. If it is determined that there are bed bugs in your workplace, you should take immediate action to eradicate the infestation (typically by calling an exterminator).

Can you refuse to treat a patient with bed bugs?

Although it may seem unethical to turn away a patient, this does not make it illegal. Of course a patient who requires urgent care and who will be harmed should he or she not be seen imminently, should never be turned away until the patient is stable and can make other arrangements.

Do you have to quarantine if you have bed bugs?

Bed bugs are very small and their eggs are sticky so they can make their way back home with you even if you didn't see signs of bed bugs in your hotel. Because of this, it's important to quarantine your luggage away from the rest of your home when you get back from your vacation.

Are bed bugs contagious from one person to another?

Can bed bugs spread person to person? Bed bugs, unlike lice, don't travel directly on people and spread from person to person. But they can travel on people's clothes. In this way, people can spread bed bugs to others, without even knowing it.

Are bed bugs considered a health hazard?

Bed bugs are a public health pest. While bed bugs have not been shown to transmit disease, they do cause a variety of negative physical health, mental health and economic consequences. Some of these effects include: Allergic reactions to their bites, which can be severe.

Can you fire an employee for bed bugs?

The having of bed bugs is not considered a “disability” per se, therefore having a bed bug infestation is not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Therefore, it is a wrongful termination if your boss or employer fires you for having bed bugs or a bed bug infestation your home.

Should you stay home from work if you have bed bugs?

You can go to work with bed bugs, although you should try to avoid bringing any to the office, shop, or factory with you. This can be done through quarantine. Keep your work and home clothes separate (store them in a plastic zip-lock bag) to avoid taking any into the workplace.

Can a doctor confirm bed bug bites?

They can resemble other insect bites or several skin conditions. There's no test that can specifically diagnosis a bedbug bite, but a doctor may be able to help you identify them by ruling out other conditions like hives or a fungal infection.

How can a nurse prevent bed bugs?

Bed Bug Tips for NursesBeds: Never lean against beds.Sofas: Don't sit on patient sofas.Personal Items: Avoid bringing bags or other personal items into patient rooms.Launder: Wash scrubs immediately upon arrival home.

What is the main cause for bed bugs?

They can come from other infested areas or from used furniture. They can hitch a ride in luggage, purses, backpacks, or other items placed on soft or upholstered surfaces. They can travel between rooms in multi-unit buildings, such as apartment complexes and hotels.

Can a business inherit bed bugs?

Any business can inherit a bed bug problem and, unfortunately, this includes healthcare facilities. The general influx of people, clothing, and furniture into emergency rooms, nursing homes, and the like is cause for concern when it comes to bed bugs infesting, what should be, the most sanitary buildings around.

Do hospitals see bed bugs?

By their nature, hospitals see a lot of movement from room to room, a factor that can exacerbate bed-bug problems. This makes the bed-bug-control process a bit more complicated, which highlights the importance of having well-documented plans for how bed-bug infestations will be addressed if and when they arise.

How many states have bed bugs?

There are 21 states that have some level of law or regulation that applies to bed bugs. Some of these requirements have been on the books for many years. Nine states have enacted laws or regulations since 2005. Requirements focus on hotels and landlords or other property managers for the most part. Be sure to check with your state ...

Does the EPA regulate bed bugs?

EPA regulates pesticides that can be used against bed bugs. Our jurisdiction does not include the kind of reporting and management regulations that states have. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has guidance related to controlling bed bugs in public housing. There are 21 states that have some level of law or regulation ...

Why are bed bugs so hard to get rid of?

Bed bugs are hard to get rid of in any scenario because they are very good at hiding and are very tiny. Unless you are trained to search all potential bed bug hiding places, you could easily miss a few of them. Bed bugs hide within the folds of a mattress, cracks in a piece of wooden furniture or behind photos, pictures, within light fixtures or in electrical sockets. This makes it hard to find them all and missing a couple can cause a re-infestation. Just when you think you’ve gotten rid of the bed bugs, they can come back and start an infestation all over again.

How to get rid of bed bugs?

Because bed bugs are so hard to find and require special tools and training, it’s best to develop a bed bug prevention and treatment plan for your hospital, doctor’s office or facility. More than one treatment is typically necessary to fully get rid of a bed bug infestation and prevent them from returning. In urgent cases, Batzner uses steam ...

Why are hospices at high risk for bed bugs?

Because hospitals, hospices, elder care facilities and group homes experience significant human traffic carrying personal belongings and host sleeping people in multiple rooms, they are at high risk for bed bug infestations.

What areas should be monitored for bed bugs?

Inspection and monitoring should include the areas most prone to bed bugs such as lounges, patient and family waiting areas, storage areas for housekeeping and furniture, and laundries. Bed bug canines are especially useful at monitoring and preventing bed bug infestations.

What should be inspected for bed bugs?

Managers should ensure there is not clutter, cracks, crevices and holes near beds. Waiting rooms, visitor lounges, common areas, laundry rooms, and equipment such as wheelchairs and food carts, should be regularly inspected for bed bugs.

Do bed bugs damage your reputation?

The last thing you need is a report of bed bugs or other pests in your healthcare facility and patient rooms becoming public. Your reputation can be damaged, which is why it’s best to get a pest control treatment plan in place before an infestation takes hold.

What is sterile environment?

Hospitals and doctor offices, in particular, are expected to have a sterile environment where beds, patient areas, medical equipment and other important components of patient care are kept clean and free from insects.

Where do bed bugs hide?

These pests like to hide in soft furniture, mattresses, box springs, in cracks in the baseboards and behind headboards. Bed bugs are known to hitchhike into healthcare facilities on the personal belongings of visitors, patients and employees. What is the best way to treat a bed bug infestation in ...

What is the number to call for bed bugs?

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Bed Bugs In The Healthcare Environment. Tap here to give us a call: Call 877-819-5097. Are you in the Healthcare Industry? Schedule a free consultation. Give us a call: 877-819-5097.

Do bed bugs migrate?

Bed bugs do have an inclination to migrate. If there’s an infestation, which means all stages of the bed bug life cycle are present, we recommend that you work with your pest management provider to ensure an inspection take place in the rooms that share a common wall or are in the same hallway.

Can bed bugs be transferred to wheelchairs?

Bed bugs usually hide on belongings and not people, so take extra caution in transporting your patients’ belongings such as purses or suitcases from one room to another. In most cases, you aren’t as likely to transfer bed bugs on your facility’s wheelchairs or gurneys, but be sure to thoroughly inspect them regardless.

Can UV light be used on bed bugs?

For UV lights, there is no practical way for the UV light to reach all surfaces or areas where bed bugs are hiding.

Do maternity wards have bed bugs?

In a healthcare facility, it’s important to know that the operating room, maternity ward and psychiatric ward are more likely have bed bugs since patients are staying overnight. In these areas, your employees should inspect for bed bug activity.

Do bed bugs survive at high temperatures?

Results differ by temperature – for example, bed bugs will not survive at specific high temperatures if exposed for 1 second, and at lower temperatures, they won’t survive if exposed for a longer time.

How to get rid of bed bugs in a box spring?

Immediately seal and dispose of vacuum bag. Install encasements on mattress and box spring. Make the bed an island: Keep bed away from the wall and do not let bedding touch the floor. Install bed bug interceptors under bed and furniture legs. Remove clutter where bed bugs can hide.

How to treat bed bugs after traveling?

If you are concerned about exposure, after traveling, seal all items in plastic bags for washing, hot drying or other treatment. Unpack clothes directly into washer / drier. Dry on high heat. Inspect luggage closely with flashlight and magnifying glass for bed bugs upon returning home.

How to get rid of bed bugs in apartment?

Treat items in a hot dryer for 30 minutes. Clean and scrub furniture fabric seams and folds with detergent. Seal cracks where bed bugs can hide. If you live in an apartment or other multi-family dwelling, and you see a bed bug, contact your landlord immediately.

How to prevent bed bugs?

Be aware of where you sit and place your belongings. Provide a special place for visitors to place their belongings. Then clean it shortly after they leave. Wash bedding regularly.

Why should we use plastic storage bins?

Personnel should employ plastic storage bins to isolate items that are routinely carried back and forth from home as a protective measure. Be Alert, Be Aware, Don't pass your bed bugs onto others! Bed Bugs Could be Anywhere!

What to do if you use disposable bags?

If you use disposable bags, discard them before you return to the vehicle. Keep most of your belongings sealed in containers inside your vehicle. If you bring items in, do not place them on beds, couches or chairs and avoid physical contact with this furniture, if possible.

Who can enter a bed bug?

Many people will enter places they suspect may have bed bugs. Home health workers, maintenance and cleaning personnel, persons making deliveries and installations, travelers, first responders and emergency personnel must enter structures that are potentially bed bug infested. Following these tips will help to keep you and your family safe ...
