which of the following constitutes minimum data that must be included on every patient care report

by Frederick Tillman 8 min read

Chapter 6 Flashcards | Quizlet

1 hours ago Which of the following constitutes minimum data that must be included on every patient care report? Chief complaint, level of consciousness, vital signs, assessment, and patient's age and gender Which of the following statements includes a pertinent negative? >> Go To The Portal

What should the patient care report include?

The patient care report: A) provides for a continuum of patient care upon arrival at the hospital. B) is a legal document and should provide a brief description of the patient. C) should include the paramedic's subjective findings or personal thoughts.

When to advise the receiving provider of a completed patient care report?

D) advise the receiving provider that he or she will return to the emergency department with the completed patient care report within 24 hours. 35. Additions or notations added to a completed patient care report by someone other than the original author:

What should be included in the report of a diabetic patient?

A) Chief complaint, level of consciousness, vital signs, assessment, and patient's age and gender B) Level of consciousness, field impression, vital signs, assessment, and patient's name and address C) Scene size-up, detailed assessment, blood glucose reading, vital signs, and patient's age

How accurate is my Patient Care report?

The accuracy of your patient care report depends on all of the following factors, EXCEPT: A) including all pertinent event times. B) the severity of the patient's condition. C) the thoroughness of the narrative section. D) documenting any extenuating circumstances.

What elements are typically included in the patient care report?

There are seven elements (at a minimum) that we have identified as essential components to documenting a well written and complete narrative.Dispatch & Response Summary. ... Scene Summary. ... HPI/Physical Exam. ... Interventions. ... Status Change. ... Safety Summary. ... Disposition.

What are the components of a thorough patient refusal document?

Components of a thorough patient refusal document include: willingness of EMS to return to the scene if the patient changes his or her mind. When documenting a statement made by the patient or others at the scene, you should: place the exact statement in quotation marks in the narrative.

When a competent adult patient refuses medical care it is most important?

When a competent adult patient refuses medical care, it is MOST important for the paramedic to: ensure that the patient is well informed about the situation at hand.

Which of the following describes a pertinent negative?

A pertinent negative might be a​ patient's denial of pain after an automobile crash or a lack of difficulty in breathing in a case of chest pain. By noting the absence of pertinent signs and​ symptoms, you will provide the medical team that takes over care of the patient a fuller picture of his condition.

Which of the following components are needed to prove negligence EMT?

In order to establish negligence, you must be able to prove four “elements”: a duty, a breach of that duty, causation and damages.

When providing patient care it is most important that you maintain effective communication with?

Emt E. When providing patient care, it is MOST important that you maintain effective communication with: your partner.

Which of the following conditions must be met in order for patient consent to be valid?

Valid informed consent for research must include three major elements: (1) disclosure of information, (2) competency of the patient (or surrogate) to make a decision, and (3) voluntary nature of the decision. US federal regulations require a full, detailed explanation of the study and its potential risks.

What reports are encouraged as a result of the patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act?

What reports are encourage as a result of the patient safety and quality improvement act? near misses, unsafe conditions, adverse events, events the threaten patient safety.

How do you determine patient competency?

In addition to performing a mental status examination (along with a physical examination and laboratory evaluation, if needed), four specific abilities should be assessed: the ability to understand information about treatment; the ability to appreciate how that information applies to their situation; the ability to ...

What clinical patient information is included in the Minimum data Set on a PCR?

MINIMUM DATA SET: two separate types of data that are recorded,PATIENT INFORMATION: chief complaint, the initial assessment, vital signs, and. patient demographics.ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: the time the incident was reported, the time the responding unit was notified, the time of arrival at the patient,

What is pertinent positive data?

Pertinent positives, which are disease-specific and can be learned by rote, are used to “rule in” a particular diagnosis. Pertinent negatives, which require more analytical and creative thinking, are gleaned from the differential diagnosis and function to “rule out” other diagnostic possibilities.

When you are obtaining patient information for an appointment you should include the?

Chapter 16QuestionAnswerWhen you are obtaining patient information for an appointment, you should include the_________.Purpose of the visitWhat is the standard abbreviation for blood pressure?BPWhat is the standard abbreviation for an electrocardiogram?ECG42 more rows