using a patient portal to communicate laboratory test results in community practices abstract

by Mohammad Lang II 8 min read

Patients' Attitudes Toward an Online Patient Portal for …

8 hours ago Background: Communicating laboratory test results online has several advantages for patients, such as improving clinical efficiency and accessibility, thereby helping patients to take an active role in managing their health. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the experiences and self-efficacy of patients using an online patient portal that communicates laboratory test results. >> Go To The Portal

How are lab results provided to patients?

Background: Communicating laboratory test results online has several advantages for patients, such as improving clinical efficiency and accessibility, thereby helping patients to take an active role in managing their health. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the experiences and self-efficacy of patients using an online patient portal that communicates laboratory test results.

How are clinical test results conveyed to the patient?

Feb 07, 2018 · When lab results are published to the patient portal, patients receive an e-mail message telling them to check the portal. Providers attach a message explaining the lab results and addressing anticipated questions, such as “Your test results are normal” or “Your cholesterol is high, please make an appointment within the next 30 days to ...

How many tests are released to patients with patient portal accounts?

Nov 30, 2020 · Reporting easy-to-understand test results. Data shows that patients like seeing their lab results, regardless of the outcome, via the patient portal or through an email message. According to a 2017 study published in the American Journal of Managed Care, 77 percent of patients want to see their lab results online via the patient portal.

What influences patient involvement in improving test-result management systems?

PMCID: PMC6625217. DOI: 10.2196/13791. Abstract. Background: Electronic health record (EHR) patient portals provide a means by which patients can access their health information, including diagnostic test results. Little is known about portal usage by emergency department (ED) patients. Objective: The study aimed to assess patient portal utilization by ED patients at an …

How does patient portal improve communication?

Using the portal has enabled the organization to be more transparent and interactive with patients, and to proactively send patients the information they need. The clinic promoted the portal to patients as a more efficient means of getting care and service.

What is the purpose of patient portal?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, patients can view health information such as: Recent doctor visits.Sep 29, 2017

How do patient portals improve patient outcomes?

Most of the portal interventions used tailored alerts or educational resources tailored to the patient's condition. Patient portal interventions lead to improvements in a wide range of psychobehavioral outcomes, such as health knowledge, self-efficacy, decision making, medication adherence, and preventive service use.Dec 19, 2019

Which information can be accessed through a patient portal test results?

The features of patient portals may vary, but typically you can securely view and print portions of your medical record, including recent doctor visits, discharge summaries, medications, immunizations, allergies, and most lab results anytime and from anywhere you have Web access.

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.Con: Healthcare data security concerns.Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.Con: Difficult patient buy-in.Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.Feb 17, 2016

How can the patient portal affect patient satisfaction?

Patient portal users reported a high degree of usability and general satisfaction: 93% (891/957) of respondents felt the patient portal was easy to use, 83% (794/957) said it made communication more convenient, and 75% (716/957) indicated it saved time when scheduling an appointment.

Are patient portals effective?

Research shows that when patients are able to see their own health data, they gain ownership of their own wellness and are better prepared to interact with their providers about their care. However, patient portals also hold several other benefits. For instance, these tools are major drivers of patient loyalty.May 13, 2016

What is portal message?

Portal messages are a secure, optional messaging tool built into the patient portal. Patient portal users can exchange messages with their pediatric practice, and the practice can receive and send portal messages with PCC EHR or pocketPCC.Jul 1, 2021

What makes the patient portal different from a PHR?

The Portal is controlled by the source system (EMR/EHR/Hospital). On the other hand, the Personal Health Record (PHR) is more patient centric, is controlled by a patient or family member, and may or may not be connected to a doctor or hospital (i.e. it may be tethered or untethered).Sep 6, 2012

What is a patient portal How will the patient portal enhance the quality of care?

Improved Patient-Provider Connection The patient portal is best known for its connection and communication capabilities. A quality solution should come with an easy-to-use messaging center where patients and providers can stay connected more than ever.Jul 21, 2020

Why do medical assistants use patient portals?

Medical assistants promoted the patient portal as a way for patients to establish a direct line of communication with their provider. Patients registered with the portal can avoid using the BVCHC call center, which receives a large volume of calls.

What is BVCHC portal?

BVCHC found it helpful to designate point persons for portal enrollment, such as medical assistants, to engage patients one on one. Consequently, providers are not burdened with the enrollment process, but they can encourage patients to use the portal. Moreover, assigning a dedicated triage nurse to serve as the gatekeeper for messages coming through the portal has eased provider concerns about email volume and time required for patient communication.

What is BVCHC in Pawtucket?

BVCHC is a federally-qualified, Joint Commission-accredited health center located in Pawtucket and Central Falls, Rhode Island. Established in 1990, BVCHC provides a range of services, including pediatric, internal medicine, family medicine, midwifery and obstetrics/gynecology, dental, and behavioral health.

What is BVCHC in Rhode Island?

BVCHC serves as the home and support center for a network of health centers committed to advancing health IT in Rhode Island. Since the health center converted to electronic health records in 2007, BVCHC has supported several implementations by other practices and collaborates with the Rhode Island REC.

What is N#EHR?

Patient-Specific Education Resources.#N#EHR has an integrated patient education tool that allows clinical staff to search and select from more than 600 summaries on diagnoses and symptoms and more than 1,000 medications. Materials, which are available and English and Spanish, can be printed out and reviewed with patients at the time of the visit.

What is terminal kiosk?

Terminal kiosks. BVCHC is purchasing computer terminal kiosks for use in the waiting rooms to help patients complete the registration process while still on-site so that they continue to be engaged after the patient portal is explained to them and subsequently begin using the secured messaging feature. The kiosks also will be used for patient education during downtime before visits.

Provide clear instructions

Although many healthcare organizations have offered patient portal access for some time, it hasn’t been until the COVID-19 pandemic that the technology has seen broad consumer utility.

Reporting easy-to-understand test results

Data shows that patients like seeing their lab results, regardless of the outcome, via the patient portal or through an email message. According to a 2017 study published in the American Journal of Managed Care, 77 percent of patients want to see their lab results online via the patient portal.

Keeping an organized call center

Of course, a patient viewing her COVID-19 lab test results via the patient portal may still pick up the telephone. As noted above, she may not understand her result, or might want to follow-up about next steps even if she has tested negative.