urine drug screen results in eclinicalworks patient portal

by Tyrel Veum 8 min read

Urine Drug Tests: Ordering and Interpreting Results ...

23 hours ago Jan 01, 2019 · A popular health care cost comparison website lists the fair price for a urine drug screen as $128, with a range of $62 to $308. 24 Medicare covers testing for … >> Go To The Portal

What is the difference between ecup and urine drug testing?

Jan 01, 2019 · A popular health care cost comparison website lists the fair price for a urine drug screen as $128, with a range of $62 to $308. 24 Medicare covers testing for …

What does a urine drug test show?

with patients. Types of urine drug tests: Actions to take post-urine drug testing: • Discuss unexpected results with the local laboratory or toxicologist if assistance is needed with interpretation. • Inform the patient of the test results. • Take time to discuss unexpected results with the patient and refer to pre-UDT information the patient

What are the effects of a positive urine drug test result?

urine drug screen,/MS is done for these drugs regardless of the immunoassay screen result: morphine, codeine, oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone. The GC/MS confirmation assays are highly reliable and specific tests with very rare interferences. Fentanyl (Duragesic) is not easily detected in either urine or serum. Our current system

Do synthetic stimulants show up on urine drug tests?

drug screen results. Normal urine ranges from pale yellow to clear depending on its concentration. Speci-mens collected in the early morning have the highest concentration and therefore will TABLE 1. Federal Workplace Cutoff Valuesa,7 Initial test analyte Initial drug test level (immunoassay) (ng/mL) Confirmatory test analyte Confirmatory drug test

What is urine drug test?

Current urine drug testing methods were designed to identify illicit use of drugs in the forensic or occupational setting. In this setting, high specificity was needed to avoid a false positive result and this was carried out by using a relatively high cutoff concentration needed to trigger a positive result. In the setting of pain management compliance testing, both drug pharmacokinetics (how the body acts on a drug) and testing limitations that affect the results of urine testing must be understood for proper interpretation.

What drugs are tested in pain management urine?

First, a qualitative (positive/negative) immunoassay screen is completed, including tests for opiates (300 ng/mL cutoff), oxycodone (100 ng/mL cutoff), amphetamine, barbiturate, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methadone, PCP, propoxyphene, and THC. These drugs are reported as positive if they are present at a concentration above the designated cutoff (see Regions Hospital Laboratory Toxicology website on myPartner for specific cutoffs and drugs detected) and confirmed as positive by GC/MS. For the pain management panel only, regardless of the screen results, GC/MS confirmation for the following drugs are completed and reported individually as positive/negative with a detection limit of 100 ng/mL: morphine, codeine, oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone. This allows for higher sensitivity and specificity along with offering results for each drug individually.

What is the detection window of a drug?

The detection window of a drug is also affected by: duration of use, body mass, urine pH and a drug’s particular chemistry, i.e. half-life and volume of distribution. If a negative result is obtained for a drug prescribed to the patient, the entire clinical picture must be taken into consideration to determine if the patient was: 1) not taking the drug, 2) taking a lower dose than instructed, or 3) taking the drug properly but the results were negative due to one of above factors. Similarly, if a positive result is obtained for a drug not prescribed to the patient, the entire clinical picture must be taken into consideration to determine if the patient was taking the non-prescribed drug, has a false positive result (applies to immunoassay only) or if the drug is simply a metabolite of a prescribed drug (as applicable).

What is a urine drug test?

Urine drug tests can be one of many valuabletools for clinicians in assessing unexplainedtoxic symptoms, monitoring adherence, treat-ing patients with addiction, and prescribingcontrolled substances. However, it is impor-tant that clinicians have an appropriateunderstanding of UDT to minimize misinter-pretation. Incorrect interpretation can resultin legal consequences, unemployment, medi-cations that are unwarranted, and possibledismissal from one’s health care practice orschool. Clinicians need to understand thatinitial testing from immunoassays offers pre-sumptive results that can be confoundedwith potential false-positive and false-negative results. Moreover, providers need tobe aware of cutoff limits used in UDT anddecide whether lower cutoff levels are neces-sary. If necessary for clinical decision making,confirmatory testing with GC-MS and LC-MS/MS should be ordered to identify specific sub-stances. Results of UDTs should be discussedwith each patient and decision making sur-rounding UDT values should include a multi-disciplinary team as well as the patient.Because of the complex nature of result inter-pretation and test ordering, it is critical that aclose working relationship be established withthe laboratory. Clinicians should be encour-aged to discuss these issues with laboratorydirectors.

What is PCP in the UDT?

Phencyclidine (PCP), a disso-ciative anesthetic, is 1 of the 5 mandated drugsof abuse in the Department of Health and Hu-man Services guidelines for workplace UDT.Although PCP abuse declined in popularityin the 1980s and 1990s, there has been arevival of PCP use in the 2000s especially incombination with other illicit substances. In2011, the Drug Abuse Warning Networkfound a 400% increase in emergency roomvisits for PCP from 2005 to 2011.185Frequently, abusers of PCP are dipping orspraying marijuana cigarettes with liquid PCP(“embalming fluid,” “rocket fuel”) oftenreferred to as smoking“wet,”“illy,” or186,187“fry.”Users of PCP-laced marijuanaexhibit violent and aggressive behaviors, se-vere hallucinations, paranoia, and impairedmotor skills.188 In its pure form, PCP is awhite crystalline power (“angel dust”) and iscommonly snorted, with effects seen in 2 to 5minutes. Symptoms of intoxication usually last

What is TCA used for?

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) can be used totreat depression, anxiety, neuropathic pain,and other related disorders. Despite their effi-cacy in treating multiple disorders, TCA aresecond-line treatments for most psychiatric dis-orders. They exhibit low tolerability (dry mouth,blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention)and have a high risk for toxicity in overdose in-gestions. TCA toxicity mainly induces coma,cardiac conduction abnormalities, and seizures.High serum concentrations due to intentionalor unintentional overdoses of TCA can be fatal.TCAs are considered to be toxic at more than450 ng/mL223and at 1000 ng/mL plasmalevels.224One advantage of using TCA is theabilitytomonitorserumlevelstoassessmedica-tion adherence and detect presence duringoverdose/toxic situations.

What is an opioid?

“Opioid” is the term to describe allcompounds that work at the opioid receptorsin the central nervous system (CNS) andperipheral tissues. Opioids are primarily usedfor their analgesic properties, although theyalso have antitussive or antidiarrheal effects.Common prescription opioid medicationsinclude morphine, hydrocodone, hydromor-phone, oxycodone, fentanyl, methadone, andtramadol, while heroin is an illicit agent. Theterm“opiates” is used only to describemorphine and codeine, which are naturallyderived from the opium poppy seed.135Table 3 categorizes the opioid compoundsaccording to sources of derivation.4Opioid use has drastically increased in thepast 10 to 15 years, and subsequently opioidmisuse and abuse are also on the rise.136Allprescription opioids have the potential forabuse and are Schedule II medications excepttramadol, which recently went from unsched-uled status to Schedule IV.137With the recentrescheduling of hydrocodone products fromSchedule III to II, it is expected that theremay be an increase in tramadol prescriptionsdue to ease of prescribing Schedule IVmedications compared with Schedule IImedications.138Urine drug testing is one of many tools forsafe prescribing of opioids with appropriateassessment and monitoring.139,140It is impor-tant for clinicians to be aware that UDTs maynot detect all opioid drugs equally, and it isvital that clinicians ordering UDT for opioidsknow how to interpret results, are familiarwith which agents their laboratory tests for,and understands opium metabolism(Figure 1).136,141Most conventional immuno-assays use morphine as a single calibrator drugto set the threshold for distinguishing a“posi-tive” or “negative” test result. Because cross-reactivity of antibodies between morphineand other opiates such as oxycodone, hydro-codone, hydromorphone, and oxymorphoneis low, there may be a risk of false-negativeresults.142 More advanced immunoassays orLC-MS/MS show higher specificity that canmaximize detection for those agents.142

Is salvia a plant?

The Salvia plant is a member of themint family with more than 900 species avail-able.218Most species are commonly availablein nurseries and used for decorative land-scaping. However, the speciesSalvia divinorumis known to produce psychogenic effects whensmoked or ingested and is listed as acontrolled substance in approximately 20states.219Salvinorin A is the main psychoac-tive component of Salvia that produceshallucinogenic effects. Testing for Salvia in theurine is limited to GC-MS or LC-MS/MS.220Because of expense and complexity, Salvia isnot routinely tested.

How reliable is urine testing?

Urine testing is reliable at detecting historical drug use (1-20 days) 2 and has the widest range of available test panels and drug configurations. Reliable at detecting historical druge use (1-20 days) 2, urine drug testing has the widest range of available test panels and drug configurations.

How to pay for a drug test online?

Step 1. Log into eScreenExpress.com and select the drug test or occupational health service you need. Step 2. Enter applicant/employee information and select provider from our vast clinic network. Step 3. Make a one-time, secure payment online. Step 4.

What is escreen express?

The eScreen Express website is a fully online process for ordering services, communicating with candidates and employees, and getting results fast.

What is the test performed when an individual fails a whisper test?

When an individual fails a whisper test, an audiogram may be performed by a clinic. Vital signs — including blood pressure, pulse, height, and weight. Laboratory testing — a urine dipstick is performed for specific gravity, blood, glucose, and protein levels.

What is a PPD test?

Tuberculosis/PPD Test “1 Step Only”. Tuberculosis skin test/purified protein derivative (PPD)—skin test used to determine if someone has developed an immune response to the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB). The person must return to the clinic 48-72 hours after it is administered for reading.

What is included in a non-DOT physical exam?

The non-DOT physical examination includes: Health history with review by provider. Vision — including distance visual acuity, color vision screening, mono vision, and peripheral vision . Hearing — measuring ability to hear a forced whisper with or without a hearing aid.

Is oral fluid testing a good test?

Oral fluid testing provides a better recent-use indicator than urine and protects against specimen adulteration and tampering—allowing you to make informed decisions about employee substance abuse.

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Knowing your results helps you and your doctor understand what’s best for your health. Quest's lab results are usually ready in 7-10 days.

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