unm cerner patient portal

by Eladio Kovacek 10 min read

Welcome to your MyHealthUNM Patient Portal

12 hours ago Accessing MyHealth MyHealth is UNM's patient portal where you can manage your health care outside of the traditional office visit. What to expect from MyHealth at UNM: See appointment information anytime See your lab results and data HIPAA-compliant, secure way to communicate with your Doctors and Healthcare Providers >> Go To The Portal

What can I do with the UNM health portal?

Accessing MyHealth MyHealth is UNM's patient portal where you can manage your health care outside of the traditional office visit. What to expect from MyHealth at UNM: See appointment information anytime See your lab results and data HIPAA-compliant, secure way to communicate with your Doctors and Healthcare Providers

What is the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center?

UNM Medical Group 933 Bradbury Street SE, Suite 2222 Albuquerque, NM 87106

What is the UNM health emergency team?

Welcome to your MyHealthUNM Patient Portal Use the patient portal to •Access your medical history •Check your upcoming appointments •Look up information about various health topics •Message your provider or clinic 1. Click these quick links to access UNM Health Sciences resources - find a provider, find clinic locations, etc. 2.

What is Cerner’s goal?

UNM Hospital Employee Resources. Employee portal and Cerner Millennium applications – Available only off campus. LoboCare Network – Schedule an appointment with the LoboCare Clinic, designed to meet the urgent health care needs of UNM Hospital employees. Novell Messenger – Use a secure, convenient instant-messaging tool.


Does UNM have a patient Portal?

Accessing MyHealth MyHealth is UNM's patient portal where you can manage your health care outside of the traditional office visit. ... HIPAA-compliant, secure way to communicate with your Doctors and Healthcare Providers.

How do you set up UNM in patient portal?

By simply signing up at the clinic front desk, you can have 24-hour access to your medical records on the internet. To register, you will provide an email address and sign a consent form. Next, a temporary password will be e-mailed to you with access instructions.

Is UNM Hospital allowing visitors?

One visitor is allowed per patient and per day. Visiting hours are between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.Aug 6, 2021

Does UNM use Epic?

What is an EPICS program? Engineering Projects In Community Service (EPICS) is a nationally award-winning program founded at Purdue University in 1995. ... UNM's program mirrors that of the EPICS program at Purdue University, while adjusting for local culture, student population, and regional needs.

Where do I park at UNM hospital?

Free parking! You may park for free in the parking lot on Camino de Salud, north of Lomas Blvd and east of Yale Blvd. There is a bit of a walk from the parking lot to the hospital.

Does UNM Hospital require Covid vaccine?

Purpose. To protect and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the UNM community, the University of New Mexico requires that all faculty, staff, and students accessing University facilities, housing, programs, services, and activities in person to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, subject to limited exemptions.Dec 8, 2021

Cerner offers robust patient engagement tools to aid organizations by empowering them to better engage and intervene with their patients at the right place and time

Our goal is to modernize each patient’s health care experience, making it easier for them to engage with their organization and care team members, strengthen patient loyalty and increase satisfaction.

MarketInsight: Telehealth Report

Learn how telehealth is becoming an integral part of a digital-health revolution and why it is critical to health care transformation.

Consumerism and Disruption Lead the Health IT Revolution

Over the next ten years, the business of health care will change significantly. The last decade has been focused on the digitization of workflows, which has created an opening for new advancements in health care.

How does Cerner aid my provider in increasing my access to care?

Leveraging an ecosystem of virtual, remote and mobile services and technology, your provider is able to provide you greater access to care and enable collaboration among your care team.

How does Cerner aid my provider in improving my outcomes?

Our patient engagement tools support your organization in having a better understanding of your health status and risk areas. Upon understanding these key pieces of information, your provider can proactively engage with you in a more personalized way, promoting disease prevention and increased overall health.

How does Cerner promote increased care team communication and collaboration?

We believe you play a vital role in your care team. T he more involved you are in your health and care, the more likely you are to follow your prescribed regimen and make more informed de cisions. Our patient engagement tools help you and your care team facilitate this involvement.

What tools does Cerner make available to promote tracking of my health and care activities?

We believe you deserve a digital health care experience that is simple and helps you effectively manage your health and care, and we are at the tipping point where remote monitoring and real-time, meaningful interventions will change the way you engage in your health.

Committed to Education, Care and Research

UNM HSC is advancing knowledge and understanding in the most vital areas of human health, with a focus on the priority health needs of our communities.

New Mexico's Only Dedicated Children's Hospital

UNM Children’s Hospital is the only full-service children’s hospital in the state. We treat your kids as our own.

A Strategic Focus on Improving Community Health

UNM plays a vital role in advancing health and health equity for all New Mexicans, adressing housing, education, food, transportation, utilities, income and social inclusion.
