11 hours ago The UMass Patient Portal pulls information from SPIRE, so if your information on the portal needs to be corrected, you can update your SPIRE information by following these steps. (Non-UMass-affiliated patients who do not have SPIRE accounts must contact UHS Patient Services at 413-577-5192 to correct their information.) Login to spire.umass.edu. >> Go To The Portal
Call the UMass Memorial Health myChart patient support line at 855-UMass-MD or email mychartsupport@umassmemorial.org . You may also speak to any member of your care team at your provider’s office.
If you need help navigating the Campus Health Hub or the UMass Lab Services Portal, please email covidinfo@umass.edu. 1. When I try to register for the UMass Patient Portal, why does it tell me I'm not active?
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday/Sunday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Make sure you are registered for the UMass Patient Portal. You will use the Patient Portal to submit important forms, securely communicate with our staff, and more. If you have trouble registering or accessing the portal, please review our FAQs or email uhsportalhelp@umass.edu.
After your first appointment, call 413-577-5101 for scheduling, or book online using the UMass Patient Portal: Login and click “Appts,” then from the Clinic menu select “UHS Nursing,” and for Reason select “Allergy Serum Injection.” 13. How do I schedule STI testing on the portal?
College students are required by state law to have certain immunizations before coming to school. Proof of immunization must be submitted online be...
UMass and the Five Colleges remain in an "outbreak" status following three confirmed cases of meningococcal B between October, 2017 and February, 2...
Walk in and get tested for sexually transmitted infections and HIV at an upcoming clinic. New this fall, UHS is also offering vaccination against h...
Ask a question, report a violation or get involved – use the online feedback form. After you do, browse their brand-new website for tobacco facts,...
For general medicine appointments, call 413-577-5101. For same-day or next-day acute care appointments, please submit the Minute Nurse Triage Form. If you need COVID-19 testing, you can pick up a self-test kit behind UHS or, if you are a symptomatic UMass student, you can get a rapid test outside the main entrance. In an emergency, call 911.
1. Make sure you are registered for the UMass Patient Portal. You will use the Patient Portal to submit important forms, securely communicate with our staff, and more. If you have trouble registering or accessing the portal, please review our FAQs or email uhsportalhelp@umass.edu.
Advance appointments are best for routine care and minor problems. Call 413-577-5101. If you have a UHS primary care provider, great! If not, we'll match you with one that meets your needs and preferences.
Medical Care. In a life-threatening emergency, call 911 for ambulance transportation to a hospital. UHS is not a hospital, and does not have an emergency department.
Create a UMass Patient Portal account. You will use the Patient Portal to submit immunization information and more required forms. To create your account, go to https://umass.medicatconnect.com and click "Register." If you have trouble accessing the portal, please read our FAQs.
In addition to general medicine, routine care and primary care, UHS provides the UMass campus community with a wide variety of specialty services. We have a full-service pharmacy , laboratory, and radiology department on-site.