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Appointments can be made by calling (301) 314-8184. Alumni and visitors are eligible to use most University Health Center services. Alumni lose access to the MyUHC.umd.edu portal once Terp email is deactivated by the University or you are no longer registered for classes.
The UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal allows you to quickly get the answers you need so you can save valuable time and get better documentation and visibility. To access the portal, you will need to create or sign in using a One Healthcare ID. Access claims information like status updates, reconsiderations and appeals Are you a new user?
To access myuhc, you will need your University Directory ID, Password and your University ID Number. You can also change or cancel appointments on myuhc. If you don’t find your desired appointment type, please call the Health Center at (301) 314-8184.
LIMITED SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Emergency? Call 911 or an Urgent Care Center All individuals present in the building must wear a face covering and should provide for social distancing spaces between themselves and others. The University Health Center is deeply committed to caring for our students.
Involvement and engagement with campus resources contribute to student success. Learn about opportunities offered by the University Health Center
The University Health Center serves the campus through a variety of programs that rely on your support! Learn more, search "health". Thank you!
The University Health Center was founded in 1901. We continue to be proudly accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care for over 30 years. The Human Rights Campaign has also designated the University Health Center as a Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality, and are Green Office Silver level certified.
To sign up for a MyPortfolio account, click the "Log in to MyPortfolio" button above and select "Sign Up Now."
The paperwork you would normally fill out at an in-person office visit can now be done conveniently online through our eCheck-In process.
You can complete your eCheck-In up to seven days before your appointment.
After your report is made, we will work to detect, correct and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in the health care system. Call us at 1-844-359-7736 or visit uhc.com/fraud Opens in a new window open_in_new to report any issues or concerns.
If UHG policies conflict with provisions of a state contract or with state or federal law, the contractual / statutory / regulatory provisions shall prevail. To see updated policy changes, select the Bulletin section at left.
To sign up for a MyPortfolio account, click the "Log in to MyPortfolio" button above and select "Sign Up Now."
The paperwork you would normally fill out at an in-person office visit can now be done conveniently online through our eCheck-In process.
You can complete your eCheck-In up to seven days before your appointment.
For information on getting started, including how to register or manage user IDs or passwords, and to learn about all of our tools, open a section below.
Our Digital Solutions Comparison Guide allows you to compare our three digital solutions; the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal, Application Programming Interface (API) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also allows you to see which solution works best for your practice so you can work with us more efficiently.
Quickly receive an estimate of a UnitedHealthcare Commercial claim reimbursement and share the estimated cost of a procedure with your patient before treatment.
The accuracy of care provider practice demographic data can play an important part in the success of a medical practice. It can help connect you with members searching for a care provider, and it supports claims processing and compliance with regulatory requirements.
If you need to contact the pharmacy outside of normal hours please leave a message on the voicemail at (301)-314-8167 and the messages will be check at the open of business each day. Make sure to include a call back number and University ID number on ...
The After-Hours Nurse Line is also available when the Health Center is closed by calling (877) 924-7758. If you do not feel well or have a chronic or underlying health condition, please seek medical guidance as soon as possible.
Birth Control starts and refills may be obtained through appointment either in person OR through telemedicine . For telemedicine visits: you must be in the state of Maryland at the time of the appointment, and you must be able to provide a current blood pressure reading.
Current patients may contact their therapist or prescriber by leaving a secure message at myuhc.umd.edu or calling (301) 314-8106 for refills or other concerns.
You may also call 301-314-8184 between 8:00am. and 4:00pm to schedule your visit. If you are experiencing severe pain, bleeding, shortness of breath, chest pain, or other signs of severe distress, do not attempt to make an appointment via the web. Call the University Health Center at (301) 314-8184 or come in to be triaged.
You must cancel within: 4 hours for a medical appointment. 24 hours for a mental health, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, travel, nutrition or smoking cessation appointment. 72 hours if your acupuncture or massage appointment is on a Monday.
Patients will be assessed and depending on the severity of the problem, MAY be seen on the same day by a clinician. Urgent cases always take priority. Patients who are seriously ill or injured may be sent to the emergency department of a local hospital.