ucsb student health patient portal

by Alena Schaden 8 min read

Testing | Student Health Service - UC Santa Barbara

17 hours ago MASKS ARE REQUIRED INDOORS AT STUDENT HEALTH (regardless of vaccination status) Clinic Hours: (M, T, TR, F) 8:00 am - 4:30 pm | (W) ... Patient Rights and Responsibilities ... Student Health Service. University of California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7002. Connect. Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Links and Resources ... >> Go To The Portal

What should I know about UCSB before coming to campus?

MASKS ARE REQUIRED INDOORS AT STUDENT HEALTH (regardless of vaccination status) Clinic Hours: (M, T, TR, F) 8:00 am - 4:30 pm | (W) ... Patient Rights and Responsibilities ... Student Health Service. University of California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7002. Connect. Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Links and Resources ...

What kind of testing is available at UCSB?

Log on to the Patient Portal Gateway with your Net ID and password Click " schedule an appointment " Choose " employee COVID-19 testing in-person " or "drop off" click continue Read the notice, click continue Enter your current phone number Choose your appointment date range and search for appointment Choose the time and date and click " continue "

What is the in-person access policy for UC students?

Emergency/After Hours Care COVID‑19 Testing Info ADA Assistance Join A Line Patient Portal. Toggle navigation. Search. Search. Search. Enter the terms you wish to search for. ... UCSB Student Health Offers a Full Range of Primary Care Services. general health visits ... University of California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7002 ...


Plan Accordingly -

Weekly COVID Testing Is Required to Get a Green Badge if You Have Not Been Vaccinated.

How Covid-19 Patient Portal Badges Work

You can view/show their current screening compliance status using the Patient Portal. The screening badge can easily be shown using a cell phone when the student is logged in to the Student Health patient portal.


A: No, at this time that option is not available. If you are not coming to campus until later in September you do not need to complete the surveys now, but we suggest that you begin taking them and understand how the surveys produce your COVID Compliance badges.

Current Status of Vaccinations

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department (SBCPHD) has announced that all individuals ages 12 and older are now eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines.

Vaccine Policy FAQs

The UC Office of the President has established a systemwide vaccine policy that requires all employees and students to be immunized against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 before they will be allowed in any UC facility or office to participate in person in any UC program.
