uci students health patient portal

by Logan Dach 5 min read

Patient Portal | UCI Student Health Center

34 hours ago Student Health Patient Portal The WH&CS Patient Portal offers a variety of online options in an effort to improve patient access to SHC services; streamline your patient experience at SHC and facilitate communications between you and your providers and other SHC staff. >> Go To The Portal

How do I get a mental health referral to UC Irvine?

Student Health Patient Portal The WH&CS Patient Portal offers a variety of online options in an effort to improve patient access to SHC services; streamline your patient experience at SHC and facilitate communications between you and your providers and other SHC staff.

What can I do with the student health portal?

Apr 08, 2022 · Student Health Patient Portal; Update Your Address and/or Contact Information; New Students; UCI Be Well; Dental Services; Location and Hours; ... University of California Irvine. Student Health Center 501 Student Health Irvine, CA 92697-5200 P: …

What can the wh&cs Patient Portal do for You?

Contact Us | UCI Student Health Center (Added 4 minutes ago) Cancel your appointment online via the Student Health Patient Portal Call 949-824-5304 during regular hours; If calling when SHC is closed, call 949-824-5301 and follow the prompts to leave a message or call 949-824-5304 directly and leave a message.

What is the student portal and how does it work?

MyChart - Patient Portal UCI Health Orange County, CA (3 days ago) Manage your healthcare with UCI Health on our MyChart patient portal. MyChart provides you with easy and secure access to your health information online.


Where are student health records kept?

Records of patients whose most recent visit is more than five (5) years from the current year are maintained in an off-site storage facility.

Who can download and sign an authorization for release of health information?

If you are a non-student, previous student, outside medical facility, another healthcare provider, attorney, insurance company, or any other party, please download, print, complete and sign an Authorization for Release of Health Information.

How to request medical records?

To request medical records, you must submit an Authorization for Release of Health Information online via the SHC patient portal; in person; by fax; e-mail; or by mail. A reasonable, cost-based fee may apply. Applicable fees must be paid in advance before records are released.

Is patient information confidential?

All patient information is confidential and protected by privacy laws. Information from your records will not be released to anyone without your written authorization, except as required by law. Our Notice of Privacy Practices describes how medical information about you may be used and your rights as a patient.
