5 hours ago Welcome to myUAB Medicine - Patient Portal. myUABMedicine is a network of online patient portals that offer personalized and secure access to portions of your electronic medical record. This allows you to manage your health and stay connected with your UAB health care providers. You can access these convenient and secure tools from anywhere you ... >> Go To The Portal
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UAB IT has implemented UAB Anywhere, a Citrix Cloud virtual desktop solution. If offers access to a variety of UAB technology resources from anywhere, including: Can't access software because your computer is too old? Use UAB Anywhere to access it in the cloud. Can't get to a lab on campus?
We'll be in touch soon with additional steps for enrollment. The UAB Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is now available online. To access it, you can go to the UAB Police Department website or go directly to the report. For a print copy of the report, call (205) 934-4649.
The American Cancer Society Board of Directors recognized UAB and its faculty’s commitment to further cancer research and promote health behaviors that can lessen cancer occurrence. Read more... The University of Alabama at Birmingham has been awarded an American Rescue Plan grant to help serve food to insecure populations.
Early research internships allow students to discover careers of interest they may not otherwise experience, providing an effective way to set them up for success, study suggests.
This female tap-dance band soared after Beyoncé shared their tap tribute video; their performances have been viewed more than 50 million times.
The tenth annual Darwin Day lecture will delve into the science behind extreme weapons seen in the animal world, given by an acclaimed expert in animal weaponry.
The support surface invented by two UAB undergraduate engineering students will help change how nurses and patient care teams can provide care for patients in the hospital.
The prestigious program aims to make study abroad experiences accessible to a more diverse population of students and prepare them to assume leadership roles in government and the private sector.
Can't access software because your computer is too old? Use UAB Anywhere to access it in the cloud.
Can't get to a lab on campus? Use UAB Anywhere to access library computers and other school or unit-specific machines.
Need to use your home computer for work? Request a personal virtual desktop to use it for work needs — without needing a VPN.
Accessible from any device, and provides the ability to access UABFile and Network printers. Shared desktops are equipped with Microsoft's Office suite including OneDrive for file syncing and sharing. Data saved outside of OneDrive or the Documents folder is automatically deleted every few days.
Provides functionality exactly like a traditional desktop computer and can be accessed from any device. All user-installed software on this Virtual Machine will be permanent, as will any documents saved locally. For Desktop supported customers, all network drives and printers will map automatically.
Provides a shared environment that can be used to run applications that are normally installed on individual desktops. This allows the applications to be updated one time for everyone using it. This option allows multiple users to be logged in at one time, and each will have their own profile and settings. Request a departmental virtual desktop.
Similar to the Departmental Desktop option with one main difference. Instead of a user having a full desktop experience when logging in, they are only presented with a single application window. A department can request multiple applications be published.