16 hours ago The term ___ in your patient's medical report indicates that she is having some accumulation of fluid in her tissues. edema. ... An inflammation of the capillaries within the renal corpuscle is. glomerulonephritis. A patient's medical report includes the term ___. From this you know that he is having difficulty controlling the bladder in ... >> Go To The Portal
the surgical freeing of a kidney from adhesions is called nephrolysis the examination of urine to determine the presence of abnormal elements urinalysis the treatment for a nephrolith lodged in the ureter is called
A congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is known as a(n) urinary suppression The sudden stoppage of urine formation is called nephrolithiasis Another term for renal calculus is
The term in Mrs. O'Malley's medical report that indicates she is having no urination at all is __ anuria An inherited disorder characterized by an enlargement of the kidneys caused by many renal cysts is called
epispadias A congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is known as a(n) urinary suppression The sudden stoppage of urine formation is called nephrolithiasis Another term for renal calculus is
Abnormal renal softness or softening.
Acute pyelonephritis is defined as inflammation of the kidney and the renal pelvis. The diagnosis is mainly clinically. Acute pyelonephritis represents a severe but common infection of the upper part of the urinary tract.
last chapersQuestionAnswerWhich is the correct breakdown of the medical term ureteropyelonephritis into its component parts?uretero/pyelo/nephr/itisWhich is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term vesicocele?vesico (bladder) + cele (hernia)= hernia of the bladder151 more rows
0:0518:55Medical terms 6, Urine - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou are ei which is a nitrogen containing waste product urea is actually produced in the liver.MoreYou are ei which is a nitrogen containing waste product urea is actually produced in the liver.
Nephritis (kidney inflammation) is most often caused by autoimmune diseases that affect major organs, although it can also result from infection. Nephritis can cause excessive amounts of protein to be excreted in urine, and fluid to build up in the body.
An imaging scan, such as a CT scan or renal ultrasound, can show a blockage or inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract. A renal biopsy is one of the best ways to diagnose acute nephritis.
[ yu-rē′thrō-sĭ-stī′tĭs ] n. Inflammation of the urethra and the bladder.
c) pertaining to low blood sugar; hypoglycemic breaks into hypo (under) + glyc (sugar) + em (blood) + ic (pertaining to) = pertaining to low blood sugar.
Chapters 7-13 quiz questionsQuestionAnswerWhich is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hepatomalacia?hepato (liver) + malacia (softening) = softening of the liverTranslate the root an/o.The sphincter or muscle at the end of the intestines that allows for the passage of feces173 more rows
Called also micturition and voiding. The Urinary Process.
suffix -uriaThe suffix -uria refers to urination.
asthma . A respiratory disease which is characterized by coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, caused by constriction and inflammation of airways that is reversible between attacks is called. emphysema. Stretching of lung tissue caused by the alveoli becoming distended and losing elasticity occurs in.
The radiographic image of the bladder is called a. urinalysis . Multiple routine tests performed on a urine specimen are called.
laryngotracheobronchitis. A patient admitted with an inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi also could be said to have. pyothorax. Pus in the chest (pleural space) is known as. hemothorax. A patient with blood in the chest cavity (pleural space) has a. bronchiectasis.
The term that means narrowing of the trachea is. pneumothorax. Air in the chest cavity (pleural space) causing collapse of the lung is called. rhinitis. Inflammation of the nose (mucous membranes) is called. two word roots, a combining vowel, and a suffix.
nasal septum. The partition separating the right and left cavities of the nose is the. pharynx. both air and food travel through the. adenoids. The lymphoid tissue located on the posterior wall of the nasal cavity is called. alveolus. The area in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged is the.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis signs and symptoms include: Widespread skin pain. A spreading rash cover ing more than 30% of the body. Blisters and large areas of peeling skin. Sores, swelling and crusting on the mucous membranes, including the mouth, eyes and vagina.
Sepsis occurs when bacteria from an infection enter your bloodstream and spread throughout your body. Sepsis is a rapidly progressing, life-threatening condition that can cause shock and organ failure. Lung involvement. This can cause coughing, difficulty breathing and, with severe disease, acute respiratory failure.
TEN causes large areas of blistering, peeling skin. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a rare, life-threatening skin reaction, usually caused by a medication. It's a severe form of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).
Factors that increase your risk of SJS/TEN include: HIV infection. Among people with HIV, the incidence of SJS/TEN is about 100 times greater than that among the general population. A weakened immune system. The immune system can be affected by an organ transplant, HIV/AIDS and autoimmune diseases. Cancer.
In people with SJS, TEN is diagnosed when more than 30% of the skin surface is affected and the moist linings of the body (mucous membranes) have extensive damage. TEN is a life-threatening condition that affects people of all ages. TEN is usually treated in a hospital.
Complications of TEN include: Blood infection (sepsis). Sepsis occurs when bacteria from an infection enter your bloodstream and spread throughout your body.