18 hours ago Tampa General Hospital is closely monitoring the situation and is following all recommendations provided by our local and state departments of health. ... that is designed to give patients greater access and control over their personal health information. This rule requires that nearly all clinician-generated clinical documentation and results ... >> Go To The Portal
If, at any time, you have difficulty using this website, or with a particular web page or function on this site, please contact us by phone at (813) 844-7490 or send an email to accessibility@tgh.organd we will make all reasonable efforts to assist you. © 2019 TGH Urgent Care | A Division of Tampa General Hospital
The TFHC patient portal is a convenient and secure patient connectivity website allows you to communicate with your provider office anytime, day or night. If you have your Patient Portal PIN register today!
CONTACT US Address: 799 West Lumsden Road, Brandon 33511 We're open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. At TGH Urgent Care, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to our websites.
The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) continue to closely monitor the outbreak of respiratory illnesses caused by the novel (new) coronavirus COVID-19, and are working to limit the spread of cases nationally and in Mississippi.
Charleston Hospital Nursing Home Earns Accolades Tallahatchie County’s hospital and nursing home recently attained excellent marks on separate surveys. Tallahatchie General Hospital achieved the maximum five-star rating on a nationally standardized patient satisfaction survey.
Your patient account will allow you to securely and conveniently gain access to your important medical information to better manage your and your family’s health. Your medical information is available to you on this web-site and is secure, just as online banking and online stock accounts are secured via the Internet.
If you are a new or current patient with Tampa Family Health Centers (TFHC) simply fill out the new patient registration form. The TFHC patient portal is a convenient and secure patient connectivity website allows you to communicate with your provider office anytime, day or night.
Access to information is controlled through secure activation codes, personal user names, and passwords. Each person controls their password, and the account cannot be accessed without that password.
Starting on Nov. 2, 2020 , USF Health will provide nearly all physician-generated clinical documentation related to your visits with USF Health providers and release them to you via MyChart.
Calling USF Health (813) 974-2201. Email clinicalhelpdesk@usf.edu. Request a code from your healthcare team at your next appointment, in person or via Telehealth. For assistance navigating MyChart please send us an email to mycharthelp@usf.edu.
Treatment for a non-life-threatening injury following a motor vehicle accident.
Fast Track Urgent Care has recently partnered with Tampa General Hospital (TGH) to provide even more comprehensive care to the Tampa community. Our goal at all TGH Urgent Care powered by Fast Track locations is to deliver efficient, high-quality urgent care in a patient-friendly environment.
This is one of our most common complaints. A cough can stem from viral or bacterial infections, and also from allergies, asthma, heartburn, medications, and many other causes. We will educate you about the reason for your cough, when to use antibiotics, and when another treatment is appropriate.