12 hours ago Nov 13, 2020 · At the heart of many of our studies is a tremendous resource: KP HealthConnect, Kaiser Permanente’s electronic medical record. All aspects of our members’ health care—including vital statistics, hospital stays, Emergency Room visits, pharmacy records, mental health care, imaging results, and lab tests—are captured in KP HealthConnect and associated … >> Go To The Portal
In 2004, Kaiser Permanente launched our integrated, secure electronic health records system, which connects information for all our members across all our medical offices and hospitals.8 Linked to this system, we use the secure kp.org portal to make it easy for members to access their personal records and track and manage their health.
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Nov 13, 2020 · At the heart of many of our studies is a tremendous resource: KP HealthConnect, Kaiser Permanente’s electronic medical record. All aspects of our members’ health care—including vital statistics, hospital stays, Emergency Room visits, pharmacy records, mental health care, imaging results, and lab tests—are captured in KP HealthConnect and associated …
Software developers may use these APIs to build tools that give patients access to their health information, improve interoperability, and unleash innovation. Kaiser Permanente has used all reasonable efforts to deliver accurate and current data as of the date noted on the resource. Resources. API Developer Portal; Explanation of Benefit ...
Nov 22, 2017 · Furthermore, 94 percent of members who used the portal to help family member reported that it was more convenient than other ways of participating in another person’s health care, and 92 percent said it was faster. In mid-November, Reed and colleagues published a research letter highlighting their findings in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Jan 18, 2019 · This chapter describes the specific IT systems and tools used by Kaiser Permanente to identify and narrow or eliminate disparities in care for its members, including one of the nation’s largest electronic health records (EHRs), panel health management tools, a patient portal, and various telehealth technologies.
The mission of Kaiser Permanente, the largest not-for-profit integrated health care delivery system in the USA, is “to provide high-quality, affordable health care services to improve the health of our members and communities we serve.” This paired focus on the health of individuals and communities derives from the organization’s core value of health equity, which encompasses two notions: (1) the organization’s own members must have equal access to the highest-quality care, regardless of socioeconomic or any other factors; and (2) that health systems must address unhealthy environmental factors that disproportionately pose barriers to both members’ and the larger community’s ability to thrive.
For their assistance in the development and writing of this chapter, the authors wish to thank Dr. Patricia Connolly, Dr. Marc Klau, Dr. Murray Ross, Joy Lewis, Laura Tollen, and David Snow.
Copeland R.L., Wong W.F., Jones J., Edmunds M. (2019) Using Information Technology at Kaiser Permanente to Support Health Equity. In: Edmunds M., Hass C., Holve E. (eds) Consumer Informatics and Digital Health. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96906-0_3
Health information technology matters; it can positively affect quality of care and health outcomes.
Among Kaiser Permanente patients, members of certain ethnic groups access online tools less often. iv, v One study found that Asian Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans were 23 percent, 55 percent, and 62 percent less likely to register for personal health record access, respectively, compared with non-Hispanic whites.
Patients will only find their online health information valuable if they can understand it. Factors such as reading comprehension and education have been tied to seeking out this information using digital tools. Researchers found that lower rates of literacy were associated with higher odds of never signing on to the patient portal.
Using a patient portal requires having the tools to get online. Low SES populations tend to have less access to the Internet as well as limited opportunities to learn how to use computers. vii However, disparities in eHealth use persisted even after controlling for Internet access among those with low SES and those with low health literacy.
To address potential eHealth disparities, it is important to understand the perspectives of those who are not taking full advantage of online health tools. Through community benefit grant making, Kaiser Permanente has funded focus groups to explore eHealth access and use.