syracuse university health center patient portal

by Jillian Okuneva 8 min read

Patient Portal - Barnes Center at The Arch - Syracuse …

19 hours ago Only Syracuse University students have access to the Patient Portal. For questions or additional information, please email the Barnes Center at The Arch or call 315.443.8000. Communications, Scheduling and Requests >> Go To The Portal

What is the Syracuse University Wellness portal?

From the mobile app or a web-based experience, the Syracuse University Wellness Portal is free, convenient and helps users register for health and wellness activities. Please note, Health Care and Counseling appointments are not available in the Wellness Portal.

What is the patient portal and how do I use it?

Helping enhance communications between students and the health and wellness team, is the Patient Portal. With an account, this secure and confidential digital portal provides students the opportunity to: Schedule and access appointments for health care. (Please call 315.443.8000 to schedule a Counseling or Health Care appointment.)

How do I access the Syracuse University Health Clinic?

Log into the Patient Portal with your Syracuse University email and password. (You will be prompted to complete Microsoft’s Multi-factor Authentication in advance of accessing the Patient Portal if you have not done so previously.) Select “Appts” on the main menu. Under “Clinic,” select “Health Clinic.”

How do I request an appointment at Syracuse Community Health?

As a patient of Syracuse Community Health Center, you can access our Patient Portal where you can request appointments, view your lab/imaging results, and send a message to your Provider. To request Portal access, please speak with our staff during your next visit or call our office at 315-476-7921.


Creating an Account

If you had lab tests completed at the SXU Health Center a portal account may have already been set up for you at your appointment. However, if you do not have an account please follow the instructions below:

Instructions for Immunization Upload

All SXU students taking more than 6 credits per semester (at any point in their time at SXU) must comply with the state immunization requirements or they will have their registration blocked for subsequent semesters. To see a full list and descriptions of what is required, please see our Student Immunization Requirements page.
