35 hours ago This service is provided free of charge and without obligation to our patients until the CDHB system has been tested and comes online (Estimated delivery is late 2017 at present) Patients wishing to use the features of the portal will need to register - just contact reception on 03 326 6288 or drop in and we will try to get you online. Booking and Cancelling Appointments. >> Go To The Portal
This service is provided free of charge and without obligation to our patients until the CDHB system has been tested and comes online (Estimated delivery is late 2017 at present) Patients wishing to use the features of the portal will need to register - just contact reception on 03 326 6288 or drop in and we will try to get you online. Booking and Cancelling Appointments.
Patient Portal. The My HealthPoint patient portal, offered by Sumner Regional Medical Center, is a convenient, secure health management tool you can use anywhere you have access to the Internet. It provides access to important information about you and your visit (s) to our hospital. Login to My HealthPoint. Information available on the Sumner ...
New Link for Patient Portal. With our new and updated software has come a new patient portal link - the old connectmed links no longer work so to access our portal, please use https://www.connectmed.nz/provider/Sumner-Health-Centre. Read more. about New Link …
All Sumner Health clinics are open with online scheduling now available. If you are experiencing COVID symptoms please call 855-571-4500 to schedule your clinic appointment. Sumner Health clinic walk-in hours are for sick visits only. Due to the low supply of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests, we are only testing patients who currently have symptoms.
With our new and updated software has come a new patient portal link - the old connectmed links no longer work so to access our portal, please use https://www.connectmed.nz/provider/Sumner-Health-Centre
Did you know, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the United States of America, and Canada all offer one-off screening ultrasound scans to detect abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) in men aged 65 years? Although our cardiologists believe New Zealand should be offering our residents this test also, we currently have no government funded AAA screening program.
NOTICE - as we are currently experiencing very low demand for services with everyone locked down, we will be closing earlier than usual, at 17.00, rather than 17.30.We will open at our usual time once the level 4 state ends.We will also be giving some of our clinical staff extra time off to rest so that we can be fresh to treat you when the need arises.
This is an unusual news post as it is both a news post and guidance for our staff.
As we hear of the first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus, covid-19 in New Zealand, we are receiving more and more enquiries about both this and the 'flu vaccine.
We are receiving a few requests for information about how to manage the new virus that is making the news right now. Although the chances are good that this will be a non-issue, there is a lot of public concern so we thought to bring you some information you could use to navigate the muddy waters.
Anyone paying the slightest attention to either of the last two General Elections could not fail to notice that the cost of visiting the GP was a key policy issue for pretty much every political party. Each tried to outbid the other in offering lower costs, but is that actually A Good Thing?