summit medical oak ridge patient portal

by Margaretta Sipes 4 min read

Summit Medical Group of Oak Ridge,

35 hours ago To help conserve medical masks, please bring a mask from home to wear. Thank you for helping to protect the health and safety of our patients and employees. Now Offering Virtual Appointments! At Summit Medical Group of Oak Ridge, our … >> Go To The Portal

Why Summit Medical Group of Oak Ridge?

To help conserve medical masks, please bring a mask from home to wear. Thank you for helping to protect the health and safety of our patients and employees. Now Offering Virtual Appointments! At Summit Medical Group of Oak Ridge, our …

What are the benefits of Summit Medical Group's patient portal?

Summit's New Patient Portal Summit Medical Group's new patient portal allows patients to request and view appointments, send messages or refill requests, and view test results and billing online without having to schedule an appointment or wait on the phone.

Is there a summit doctor's office near you?

801 Oak Ridge Turnpike. Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 483-3172. (833) 908-2163.

Is there an urgent care Near you in Summit?

Summit Medical Group of Oak Ridge 801 Oak Ridge Turnpike Oak Ridge, TN 37830


What is care coordination?

Care Coordination provides disease education and support. Motivation is offered to increase a patient’s self management and knowledge of their condition. Nurses work closely with you to set goals and provide one on one encouragement to meet those goals. Care coordinators will act as liaisons for you and your family after hospital discharge to assist with medications, referrals and discharge instructions. Assistance with community resources is available if indicated.

What is an ultrasound?

Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of organs and structures of the body. It is a painless and harmless test involving no radiation, and studies have revealed no adverse effects. We are able to provide abdominal, pelvic, venous and carotid ultrasounds on site. Echocardiograms are also performed.

What is the purpose of X-rays?

Unlike light, x-rays can penetrate the body, which allows pictures to be taken of internal structures. X-ray examinations provide valuable information about your health and play an important role in helping your doctor make an accurate diagnosis.

Why is physical therapy important?

Physical therapy is an important part of complete recovery from injury and illness. If you have symptoms such as pain, muscle weakness, restriction of movement, or have sustained an injury in an accident or sports related activity you may benefit from physical therapy.

Can x-rays detect osteoporosis?

Small amounts of x-rays are used to take measurements of your lower back and your hips. This simple, quick, painless test can detect osteoporosis before a fracture occurs. It can also assess your risk of a break due to osteoporosis in the future.

Does Medicare cover preventive visits?

Medicare covers a one-time preventive visit within the first 12 months that you have Medicare Part B. This visit is called the “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit. It includes a review of your medical and social history related to your health, and education/counseling about preventive services, including certain screenings, shots and referrals for other care if needed. The visit is a great way to get up to date on important screenings and talk with your provider about your family history and how to stay healthy.

When is UV safety month?

July is UV Safety Awareness Month. July 8 - During the summer there is usually a lot of emphasis on protecting skin from UV rays during the summer. While this is important, we can't forget about also protecting our eyes. More.

When is National Stress Awareness Month?

Apr 6 - It's National Stress Awareness month, and although most of us are already well aware of stress and don’t need a dedicated month to remind us that it exists, the more we know about stress, the more we can minimize its negative health effects.
