spine care of north texas patient portal

by Buford Reinger 8 min read

Plano, TX Spine & Orthopedic Surgery | Spine Care of …

21 hours ago Welcome to Spine Care of North Texas. A premier spine care facility, Spine Care of North Texas is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to any patients suffering from back pain. Our skilled staff, experienced surgeon, and advanced facilities assist us in maintaining a level of exemplary care that is unsurpassed by other North Texas facilities. >> Go To The Portal

What is the spine team Texas patient portal?

Spine Team Texas strives to deliver the best patient experience through clinical excellence and superior customer service. Here are some patient resources for you. New and existing patients can use the Spine Team Texas Patient Portal to fill out paperwork, access records, review appointments and communicate with our clinic.

Is there a patient portal for TBSI neurosurgery?

TBSI N​eurology and TBSI Neurosurgery have some functionality through a Patient Portal to better assist with information and communications with our patients. Please let us know if you have any problems or difficulty accessing your information. More functionality is under development.

Can I upload an attachment to the patient portal?

Unfortunately for security reasons, our Patient Portal does not support the ability to upload attachments of any kind. If you have documents (e.g. .pdf, .jpg, etc.) that you wish to share with us, you will need to fax them to (214) 821-4017 or bring them with your to your upcoming appointment.


Our Experienced Staff

At Spine Care of North Texas, we are proud to have an experienced team of staff members that are dedicated to providing quality patient care. With attention to detail and expansive knowledge, each individual on our team is well-equipped to ensure patients receive optimal treatments and have a positive experience with each visit to our practice.

Meet Our Team

Gabby Hawkins, practice manager, oversees Spine Care of North Texas and ensures patient satisfaction and quality care. Some of Gabby’s duties include credentialing with hospitals, serving as Dr. Carll’s physician liaison, and assisting in training the administrative and medical staff. Gabby has worked alongside Dr.

Your Symptoms

Choose the Places where you experience pain, and then schedule an appointment.

About Us

Dr. Adam Bruggeman and the staff of Texas Spine Care are committed to treating chronic back pain and helping our patients understand and make informed decisions about orthopedic treatments. We focus on using the latest technologies, medicines and practices to give our patients the best treatment options to manage and overcome their pain.
