southeastern regional medical center patient portal

by Reed Boyer 7 min read

My Health Portal - Southeastern Med

34 hours ago This interactive web portal empowers all Southeastern Med patients and their families to take a more active role in their care by providing easy, secure access to health information. All of the … >> Go To The Portal

What is the southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center patient portal?

The Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center patient portal is a secure website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to their personal health information. Using a secure username and password, patients also can communicate with their health care providers. Manage your appointments - View, schedule, reschedule and cancel.

Is there a patient portal available for Southeast Georgia health system patients?

Due to the many services provided throughout Southeast Georgia Health System, medical records information is not provided via the patient portal for patients 12 to 17 years of age. Medical records for these patients are available through the Medical Records department on the Brunswick or Camden campus.

What is the MyHealth portal?

This secure online web portal empowers all Southeastern Med patients and their families to take a more active role in their care by providing easy, secure access to health information. All of the information contained in the MyHealth Portal comes from your Southeastern Med Electronic Health Record.

How are email alerts sent to southeastern health MyChart patients?

Southeastern Health MyChart email alerts will be sent to the email address entered in the patient's Southeastern Health MyChart account record.


What is the southeast iowa regional medical center patient portal?

The Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center patient portal is a secure website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to their personal health information. Using a secure username and password, patients also can communicate with their health care providers.

Why isn't all my health information on the portal?

Detailed medical records are too large for the portal. To get specific information from your medical records, as your provider or our Health Information Management team. Mental health records aren't available through the portal.

What is patient portal?

The patient portal is for routine management of your health care. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 or your health care provider's office immediately.

How to self enroll in Great River Health?

If you provided your email address to Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center or Great River Health during patient registration, you may self-enroll for our patient portal by visiting .

What age can you get proxy access in Iowa?

To be compliant with Iowa law, proxy access to minors between the ages of 12 and 18 is limited to allergies, immunizations, appointments and scheduling. All other patient information can be obtained through our Health Information Department.

What is SMOc in North Carolina?

At Southeastern Medical Oncology Center (SMOC) in North Carolina, we understand the enormous impact a cancer diagnosis can have on your life, and the lives of those you love. That’s why we’ve been dedicated to providing the highest standard of cancer care for more than 30 years. During that time, we’ve built our top-quality team, reputation and treatment program on the principles of state-of-the-art care and total commitment. Our multiple cancer specialists and highly professional support team prove this commitment daily with genuine compassion, today’s most advanced treatments and protocols, and unsurpassed accessibility and convenience.

Is Southeastern Medical Oncology a national organization?

Your cancer care is provided by Southeastern Medical Oncology Center, a practice recognized by a national organization. Southeastern Medical Oncology Center has been certified through the QOPI Certification Program (QCP™), an affiliate of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). By choosing a practice that is currently certified by QCP, you know that you’ve selected a practice that is committed to delivering the highest quality of cancer care to you.

What is a patient's representative's disclosure of information?

The patient's representative understands that this will allow the person designated as proxy to have access to the patient's MyChart account including the medical and billing information contained in MyChart. The patient's representative authorizes the disclosure of this information to the proxy as described in the Authorization section below.

What is disclosure of information?

Disclosure of Information .The patient understands that this will allow the person designated as proxy to have access to the patient's MyChart account including the medical and billing information contained in MyChart.The patient authorizes the disclosure of this information to the proxy as described in the Authorization section below.

How to access another person's Southeastern Health MyChart?

When using proxy access to view another person's Southeastern Health MyChart record, the proxy will log into his/her account and have access from his/her account to the other person's Southeastern Health MyChart record. A visual indicator will appear to highlight that the proxy is accessing the Southeastern Health MyChart record of that person. If the proxy has access to multiple Southeastern Health MyChart records through proxy access, the proxy should verify that he/she is viewing the correct record.

How to keep medical information confidential?

You agree to take steps to keep your online communications to and from Physician Services confidential including: Do not store message on your employer-provided computer, otherwise personal information could be accessible or owned by your employer. Use a screen saver or close your message instead of leaving your messages on the the scree for passers by to read. Also, remember to keep your password safe and private. Do not allow other individuals or other third parties access to the computer (s) upon which you store medical communications. Do not use e-mail for medical communications. Standard e-mail lacks security and privacy features and may expose medical communications to employers or other unintended third parties. Withdrawal of this Informed Consent must be done by written online communications or in writing to Physician Services.

What is secure portal?

A secure web portal is a kind of webpage that uses encryption to keep unauthorized persons from reading communications, information, or attachments. Secure messages and information can only be read by someone who knows the right password or pass- phrase to log in to the portal site. Because the connection channel between your computer and the Web site uses secure sockets layer technology you can read or view information on your computer, but it is still encrypted in transmission between the Web site and your computer.

Who authorizes disclosure of medical billing information?

The patient or patient's representative/guardian/parent authorizes the disclosure of all medical and billing information about the patient contained in the patient's Southeastern Health MyChart account to the person granted proxy access as designated below. The purpose of the authorized disclosure is to allow the person granted proxy access as designated below to be able to have on-going access to the medical and billing information in this patient portal to allow the proxy to participate in the medical care of the patient.

Can a patient revoke proxy access?

Revocation/Termination. The patient may revoke proxy access at any time. Access may also be terminated as provided in the Terms & Conditions.

Manage your health more easily online!

Whether you want to check an appointment date and time, see results from a recent test or review discharge instructions, you can get the answers you need on your computer or smart phone. The online patient portal is offered to adults, age 18 and over, and to parents or legal guardians of children up to age 12.

Sign Up for Our Patient Portal

To get started, visit our Medical Records department on the Brunswick or Camden campus or your physician’s office* to validate your identity and provide your email address. You will receive an email invitation with our patient portal link and account set-up instructions.

Access the Patient Portal on your Healthelife app

You may access your patient portal via the Healthelife app as well; if you are a new user please notify your registration team member or contact Medical Records. Also, you may access portions of your Health Record via an Application Processing Interface (API) of your choice.
