south texas health system patient portal

by Nyah King 8 min read

Health Records Online - South Texas Health System

4 hours ago South Texas Health System Children's: 956-388-6642; South Texas Health System Edinburg: 956-388-6642; South Texas Health System Heart: 956-632-4076; South Texas Health System McAllen: 956-632-4076; Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is Health Records Online secure? Yes. Health Records Online is located on a secure website. Q: Do you share my ... >> Go To The Portal

What are the phone numbers for South Texas hospitals?

Cornerstone Regional Hospital: 956-972-6440 South Texas Health System Children's: 956-388-6642 South Texas Health System Edinburg: 956-388-6642 South Texas Health System Heart: 956-632-4076 South Texas Health System McAllen: 956-632-4076

How do I contact South Texas Health Information Management Department?

Call the hospital Health Information Management Department at the following numbers: Cornerstone Regional Hospital: 956-972-6440 South Texas Health System Children's: 956-388-6642 South Texas Health System Edinburg: 956-388-6642 South Texas Health System Heart: 956-632-4076 South Texas Health System McAllen: 956-632-4076

How do I get my medical records from South Texas healthcare?

South Texas Healthcare System retains your medical records in the Health Information Management Department. These records are kept in strict confidence and are not released without the written consent of the patient, except as required by law. Please print, complete and sign the Authorization to Disclosure Protected Health Information (PHI) form.

Who is the owner of South Texas Health System?

Our Awards. Events. South Texas Health System is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), a King of Prussia, PA-based company, that is one of the largest healthcare management companies in the nation.

How do I get my medical records online in Texas?

Yes, visit to receive instructions on completing an authorization to make records available electronically. *Please make sure Texas Health Rockwall is listed as the location.

What is EHR patient portal?

Electronic health record (EHR) patient portals provide a means by which patients can access their health information, including diagnostic test results. Little is known about portal usage by emergency department (ED) patients.

Where can I get my medical records in Texas?

The Texas State Library's Records Management Division (512) 454-2705 has the capacity to reproduce microfiche and microfilm for state agencies. If the requestor desires that the information found on the microform be reproduced on standard size paper, the charge is $.

What is the app for patient portal?

The PatientPORTAL App connects you, the patient, with your healthcare provider. The App enables you to view upcoming appointments and lab results, as well as send and receive secure messages for yourself and any dependents that you may have for easy communication with your provider.

What is the difference between personal health records and patient portals?

A patient portal is a type of personal health record (PHR) that is connected to an electronic health record (EHR) system. Patient portals provide a secure website through which patients can access their clinical data.

What types of patient portals are there?

There are two main types of patient portals: a standalone system and an integrated service. Integrated patient portal software functionality usually comes as a part of an EMR system, an EHR system or practice management software. But at their most basic, they're simply web-based tools.

Can you view health records online?

View your online health record You can access information that we hold about your care on our secure personal health record system, the Care Information Exchange (CIE). Your record may include these details from your treatment at our hospitals: blood test results. x-ray and scan reports.

How do I get my medical records from the hospital in Texas?

For immediate continuity of care, your healthcare provider can request records. The physician office must fax or email a written request on their letterhead or fax coversheet indicating the patient's name, date of birth and date of visit in the facility.

How do I get my medical records online USA?

Check their website: Information about how to get your health record may be found under the Contact Us section of a provider's website. It may direct you to an online portal, a phone number, an email address, or a form. Phone or visit: You can also call or visit your provider and ask them how to get your health record.

Are patient portals easy to use?

Portals provide physicians with a fast and easy way to communicate with chronically ill patients. They are a place to get complete and more accurate patient information. Portals empower patients to take ownership of their own healthcare, so they remain aware of the entire care process.

Do patients use patient portals?

Among individuals who were offered a patient portal, about eight in 10 were encouraged by their health care provider to use it. Seventy-one percent of individuals encouraged by their health care provider accessed their portal at least once in the past year compared to 48 percent who were not encouraged.

Why do patients not use patient portals?

The researchers found no demographic differences among nonusers who said that a technology hurdle, lack of internet access or no online medical record was the reason why they did not make use of a patient portal.

The South Texas Health System Clinics Patient Portal is your personal view into the electronic medical record that your healthcare providers use to manage and document your care

Click one of the below links to access your Patient Portal. If you are new to the Patient Portal, please use the "New User" link. When enrolling as a new user you will be required to enter the Medical Record Number (MRN) provided to you during your last office visit.

Access to Your Health Records

Access your medical records and test results online. Records available can include:

Secure Messaging

Want to follow up on your last visit? Our secure messaging system gives you the opportunity to contact your healthcare providers, ask them questions and clarify any unclear instructions. All communication is kept confidential to ensure your personal information is safe and secure.


Request appointments or follow-up visits and view upcoming appointments.

Frequently Asked Questions

After I send a message through the Patient Portal, how soon will I receive a response? Expect to receive a response from our office within one business day.

What time does South Texas Health System deliver?

Please mail or deliver in person to: Hours at South Texas Health System McAllen are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and hours at South Texas Health System Edinburg are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. You may request your medical records for any South Texas Health System facility at any location.

How long do hospitals keep medical records in Texas?

All records are maintained for not less than 10 years following the date of discharge, after which they are destroyed. This applies to both inpatient and outpatient cases that are hospital-based services.