social injustic with patient portal

by Jaleel McClure 10 min read

Ethical, legal and social implications of incorporating …

6 hours ago Social bias and injustice in the current health care system Acad Emerg Med. 2002 Mar;9(3):241-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2002.tb00256.x. ... It is probable that significant strides have been made toward protecting the rights and dignity of our patients. Even so, much remains to be done. ... >> Go To The Portal

How can we bring social justice into health care?

One way of bringing social justice into health care is through virtual care. Health care administrators can provide virtual clinical services through telemedicine. Facilities can provide “store-and-forward medicine,” which allows for patients to communicate and share medical information online with their primary care providers.

How can advanced practice nurses address social injustice in health care delivery?

One of these ethical obligations identifies the need for nurses to act when there’s social injustice in health care delivery. With a post-graduate education in nursing such as a master’s-level degree, advanced practice nurses have the knowledge to develop, implement, and oversee policies that ensure social justice in their nursing practice.

What does social justice in nursing look like?

Social justice in nursing requires affordable, high-quality health care that is accessible to all people. However, inequalities in the health care system still exist. Emerging nursing leaders are turning these inequalities into opportunities, pursuing advanced education to create a health care system that’s socially just and accessible to all.

Can emergency physicians affirm a commitment to social justice?

This paper reflects upon historical and modern events and challenges emergency physicians to affirm a genuine commitment to social justice. Such an affirmation does not allow the physician to rest in the belief that the system is inherently just.


What are the disadvantages of patient portals?

Even though they should improve communication, there are also disadvantages to patient portals....Table of ContentsGetting Patients to Opt-In.Security Concerns.User Confusion.Alienation and Health Disparities.Extra Work for the Provider.Conclusion.

What are the pros and cons of patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.Con: Healthcare data security concerns.Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.Con: Difficult patient buy-in.Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.

Why do patient portals fail?

Conversely, most portals greet patients with inadequate functionality, confusing formatting, and hard to understand health data. Patients often lose interest in these portals, unsure of how to take advantage of any of their promised offerings.

What is the most common barrier to the use of the patient portal?

Conclusions: The most common barriers to patient portal adoption are preference for in-person communication, not having a need for the patient portal, and feeling uncomfortable with computers, which are barriers that are modifiable and can be intervened upon.

Are patient portals effective?

Engaging patients in the delivery of health care has the potential to improve health outcomes and patient satisfaction. Patient portals may enhance patient engagement by enabling patients to access their electronic medical records (EMRs) and facilitating secure patient-provider communication.

What are the pros and cons of patients use of health information obtained online?

The pros of using the internet for medical adviceHelp you identify and understand a medical condition. ... Provide emotional support. ... Health websites are not always credible. ... Advice from a GP or online doctor is personalised. ... Online health research can lead to an inaccurate self-diagnosis.

Do patients like patient portals?

Eight studies reported that patients or their caregivers want more portal education, training, or support. Two studies found that their participants want human connection as they learn about the portal and how to use it, as well as when they encounter issues.

What is a reason for providers to be reluctant to use a patient portal?

The reason why most patients do not want to use their patient portal is because they see no value in it, they are just not interested. The portals do not properly incentivize the patient either intellectually (providing enough data to prove useful) or financially.

What percentage of patients use patient portals?

Thirty-eight percent of Americans accessed a patient portal in 2020, according to a report from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. The ONC surveyed 3,865 Americans about their use of patient portals from January 2020 through April 2020.

Who isn't using patient portals and why evidence and implications from a national sample of US adults?

Sixty-three percent reported not using a portal during the prior year. In multivariable analysis, we found that nonusers were more likely to be male, be on Medicaid, lack a regular provider, and have less than a college education, compared to users.

What is the nurse's role in implementation of patient portals in healthcare?

Nurses encourage patients to enroll in the portals, wear buttons to welcome questions from patients and their families, explain the portal's privacy and security features, and demonstrate how to look up test results, send and receive provider messages, and request prescription refills.

Why is social justice important in health care?

Achieving social justice is critical in health care to ensure that all individuals can maintain their highest level of health and wellness.

What are some examples of social justice in healthcare?

One example of social justice in health care is training nurses to advocate for patients. The role of nurses revolves around intervening on behalf of patients, providing efficient, compassionate medical care. Nurses carry out the ethics and values of the medical facilities they work for. Administrators can provide training to ensure that nurses are culturally competent, advocating for patient rights, and providing the highest level of medical care to all individuals.

How can administrators reduce disparities in health care?

To reduce disparities of care among different populations, health care administrators can create diverse care delivery models. Racial and ethnic minorities, the poor, and the elderly continue to face inequities in health care. Administrators can create diversity in medical facilities by cultivating a more culturally aware environment in which staff members can speak multiple languages. Another example of social justice in health care is increasing diversity in hiring staff members and administrators.

How can administrators advocate for these individuals and groups?

Administrators can advocate for these individuals and groups by designing strategic models of social justice in health care. Health care administrators can effectively incorporate the following models for promotion of social justice into their health care strategies.

How does virtual care improve health?

Virtual care can extend beyond traditional health care and can improve the health and well being of diverse groups. Administrators should understand the ways in which they can use technology to enhance access to health care for traditionally underserved populations.

What factors affect access to health care?

Factors such as education, employment, socioeconomic status, and environment can affect an individual’s access to health care. Health care administrators should be aware of individuals and groups that have been historically marginalized and are currently vulnerable to inequality in health care. Administrators can advocate for these individuals ...

What is social justice?

The definition of social justice revolves around the concept of equality and human rights. It pertains to the opportunities, privileges, and wealth of people around the world. Social justice examines how these rights are manifested in the lives of individuals. It also aims to redress inequalities based on gender, race, religion, age, and other characteristics. While discrimination affects social justice on a global level, many leaders strive for human rights and equality for individuals. Social justice in health care translates to the delivery of high-quality care to all individuals. Achieving social justice is critical in health care to ensure that all individuals can maintain their highest level of health and wellness.

What is a patient portal?

Patient portals are becoming the way of life for people to keep track of his/her health. Medfusion and HealthVault are among two patient portals that rank high in popularity. When comparing the two sites, MedFusion and HealthVault allow the participant to keep track of important data such as weight, lab results, exercise, and daily intake of nutrition. They are different in ways that HealthVault is a personal health record. This website is web-based application that allows the participant to input his/her health and medical history (Information about the intuit health personal health record for patients, n.d).

How does social media affect healthcare?

Many healthcare websites such as WebMD among a few others are constantly using social media to transform how doctors and patients interact and relate with each other. Despite the occasional misuse of information, confidentiality, and security concerns generally associates with social media; social media when used in the healthcare industry can create a positive and beneficial experience for all the parties

How does social media help people?

Social media gives people a wide range of communication with the help of the technologies. It also helps people to get reliable information for their health. Thousands of websites are into health and wellness that is often operated by government departments and agencies. With the help of this research, it will prove that publishing health information in social media is very helpful in many ways.

Why do nurses use social media?

One of the way to support this fact is that some nurse use social media for a way for patient to gain information on how to have health habits in life. Also if nurse are have knowledge in using a plan to care for the patient’s needs, they can do it through social media. An additional reason that social medial is an advantage for now is that a patient committee will establish a list of resources that could give the nurses information. So later, the patients will have the information. The goal is to make sure patients have high quality of information to obtain a higher level of patient care.

Is social media harmful?

The social media platform itself is not harmful. At times, an inappropriate post or an event portrayed through social media triggers anger and outcry. Sometimes, this anger is directed towards social media platforms. This, however, is misplaced because it is not the platform that caused the issue or event. Furthermore, by design, social media tools are intended for good purposes.

What is social justice in nursing?

Social justice in nursing requires affordable, high-quality health care that is accessible to all people. However, inequalities in the health care system still exist. Emerging nursing leaders are turning these inequalities into opportunities, pursuing advanced education to create a health care system that’s socially just and accessible to all.

How can nurses ensure social justice?

How Nurses Can Ensure Social Justice in Care Delivery. All nurses uphold a code of ethics set by the American Nurses Association (ANA) that guides decision-making in the nursing profession. One of these ethical obligations identifies the need for nurses to act when there’s social injustice in health care delivery.

How can nursing influence social change?

Nurses who want to lead change and promote social justice in nursing can benefit from advanced education. Key leadership skills and other competencies are needed to effectively deliver health care in an ethical manner that promotes social justice .

Why are health care costs prohibitive?

However, many health care treatments are cost prohibitive because of high insurance deductibles and medical costs. Other disparities such as lack of access to quality food and technology also can limit the ultimate success of a patient’s health care. Developing a culturally competent practice is also at the forefront of social justice in nursing.

What percentage of Americans have two or more chronic conditions?

Patients with chronic conditions. Twenty-five percent of Americans have two or more chronic conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, according to a recent report in Health Affairs. However, managing these conditions is disjointed and accounts for about 75% of health care spending. Using a patient-centered approach to care, nurse practitioners, such as adult-geriatric nurse practitioners (AGNP), can reduce patients’ medical costs and improve health outcomes of patients with multiple conditions.

How much of the population will be immigrants by 2065?

According to the Pew Research Center, between 2015 and 2065, immigrants will account for 88% of U.S. population growth. Nurses must educate themselves on different cultural values and communication styles to create encompassing care plans and promote positive health outcomes.

What are some examples of social justice?

Social justice guides the creation of “social institutions” and the individuals who collaborate with these institutions, according to the Center for Economic and Social Justice. Health care facilities, such as hospitals and private clinics, are examples of social institutions. Created to help people live longer and happier lives, health care facilities provide a positive social service. In turn, individuals such as nurses, patients, community members, and politicians influence change in these institutions. Through their feedback, such as lobbying to lower health care costs, creating custom care plans, and reporting malpractice, the institutions become more accessible for everyone.

What is the significance of June 19?

Today, June 19 – or Juneteenth – commemorates the freedom of the last Black slaves in America. It has been 155 years since the date was first recognized in 1865. As recent events have demonstrated, our country and each of us as individuals still have a great deal of work to do in the name of equality and justice. It is a day to reflect on the type of country we are, and the type of country and the type of people we must still strive to become.

What is June 19?

Today, June 19 – or Juneteenth – commemorates the freedom of the last Black slaves in America. It has been 155 years since the date was first recognized in 1865. As recent events have demonstrated, our country and each of us as individuals still have a great deal of work to do in the name of equality and justice.

Is racism a reality?

Although the internet and social media has, at times, allowed racism to be more readily exposed, racism in our country is not a new reality. The dark history of mistreatment of people who are perceived to be “different” than those in power has scarred this country and all who call it home. The disadvantages created by the vicious cycle of historic and ever-present racism is immense. And the COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified the inequalities that already existed.

Is Aunt Martha's a leader in access?

Aunt Martha’s is a leader in ACCESS, growing our reach by investing in new communities and reinvesting in those we’ve long been privileged to serve. In 2020, over 12,000 patients visited one of our health centers for the first time. With all but one exception – Aunt Martha’s – no health center in Illinois with a reach comparable to ours (>55,000 patients) achieved more than 2% growth in 2020. Enabled by our rapid transition to a telehealth model, Aunt Martha’s health center staff pushed through the pandemic to keep our patients connected to their medical home and achieve 20% year-over-year growth.

Why do medical students not engage in activism?

This may be due to burnout and cynicism or to barriers such as insufficient time, stress, and the need for rest.

What should medical student and resident selection committees focus on?

Medical student and resident selection committees should place more emphasis on applicants’ life experiences, breadth of courses taken and service activities pursued, and potential as future activists and leaders. Schools of medicine and residency training programs must recruit qualified faculty and augment their curricula to include a greater emphasis on activism. This will involve a closer association with adjunct faculty who are working in the community and with nongovernmental organizations and who should be compensated appropriately for their efforts.

What can physicians learn from their patients?

Physicians can learn much from their patients and patients’ struggles with illness, poverty, sexism, or racism. We have a responsibility to grapple with the conditions our patients face. Caring deeply for and about our patients should naturally lead us to contemplate how we can help them in the broadest and most effective ways—ways that would entail ameliorating their problems through a public health approach to practicing medicine.

What is the job of a citizen?

Often attributed to Nobel-Prize-winning author Gunter Grass is the saying, “The job of a citizen is to keep his mouth open” [16]. This applies more than ever to physicians, who, because of the MD after their names, are afforded a great deal of respect, warranted or not, in a time when public acceptance of scientific information is threatened by politically and ideologically motivated obfuscation. Public trust of physicians is high, and doctors are considered a credible source of information [17]. This can open doors for them to meet with elected representatives, influence policy through such means as letters to the editor, and act as spokespeople for important causes and media contacts for questions relevant to public health. Doctors need not be experts on every topic, but should take an active and informed interest in the issues, offer recommendations based on sound science, be honest when unable to answer a question, and offer to find information that is not at their fingertips. They should actively oppose government and religious mandates that limit the provision of scientifically supported advice and treatments to patients [18].

How many deaths would be averted by equalizing the mortality rates of whites and African Americans between 1991 and 2000?

One group calculated that equalizing the mortality rates of whites and African-Americans would have averted 686,202 deaths between 1991 and 2000, whereas medical advances over the same period averted only 176,633 deaths [14]. Another calculated that 880,000 deaths per year would be averted in the US if the country had a smaller income gap, like those of many Western European nations, and their stronger social safety nets [15].

Why are medical schools so schism?

The schism between public health and medical education and training dates back to the early twentieth century—with medical schools becoming more focused on biochemical mechanisms of disease and drug therapies than on societal issues —and has yet to be healed. Social issues and public health are covered inadequately in US medical schools [4, 5]. Furthermore, ethics training inadequately addresses the psychological, cultural, socioeconomic, occupational, and environmental factors that have health consequences for individuals and populations. Despite the Institute of Medicine’s recommendation that one-quarter to half of medical students earn the equivalent of a master’s degree in public health, most do not; indeed, only 10 percent of students at US public health schools are physicians, down from 60 percent in the 1960s [26]. Most medical students and residents today do not engage in activism, despite having begun their medical school careers full of enthusiasm and with typically strong records of volunteer work or public service. This may be due to burnout and cynicism or to barriers such as insufficient time, stress, and the need for rest.

Do physicians lobby Congress?

Despite the obvious relevance of social issues to patient health, physicians as a group are not particularly engaged in civic redress of injustice and oppression: more than half of physician organizations are doing little to ameliorate racial and ethnic health disparities [22], physicians tend to vote less than members of other social groups [23], and, when physicians lobby Congress, their efforts tend to focus on issues that affect them professionally and financially [24], rather than those that affect their patients’ health [25]. One way to try to change this may be in changing the training physicians receive.


Defining Social Justice

Examples of Social Justice in Health Care

  • Factors such as education, employment, socioeconomic status, and environment can affect an individual’s access to health care. Health care administrators should be aware of individuals and groups that have been historically marginalized and are currently vulnerable to inequality in health care. Administrators can advocate for these individuals and ...
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The Importance of Leadership in Health Care Administration

  • Health care administrators should understand examples of social justice in health care and ensure that they play a prominent role in the development of their health care strategies. Effective health care administrators should also exhibit core competencies such as advanced communication skills and an ability to stay abreast of technical innovation that may impact car…
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Advance Your Career in Health Administration

  • As health care becomes more accessible through technology, more equitable, efficient leaders are needed for hospitals, medical facilities, and clinics. Students interested in becoming health care administrators can learn how to incorporate examples of social justice in health care through higher education. Learn more about how Regis College’s online Master of Health Administration…
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