shields mri springfield ma patient portal

by Marcia Dicki 5 min read

Baystate MRI and Imaging Center - Springfield, MA

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Where is Shields MRI in Springfield MA?

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How do I contact shields Medical Center?

Schedule an appointment: 1-800-258-4674 Fax a referral: 1-800-253-7569 Shields MRI in Springfield is conveniently located on Wason Ave, with free parking in our on-site lot. This outpatient location is a partnership between Shields and Baystate Health. We accept all insurances. Address:80 Wason Ave, Springfield, MA 01101 Hours of Operation: MRI Hours of …

Where can I Find my Shields MRI&PET/CT results?

© Shields MRI. All Rights Reserved. Company; Contact Us; Privacy; Site Map

Why choose Shields for MRI?

© Shields MRI. All Rights Reserved. Company; Contact Us; Privacy; Site Map


How do you get MRI Shield results?

The fastest way to access a hard copy of your medical records is via Shields Express Link....Patients need to call the below facilities directly to obtain records:Maine- Central Maine Medical Center, 207-795-2480.Boston- Tufts (MRI), 617-636-6300.Cape/South- CCH, Fontaine, Wilkens, Falmouth, Sandwich, 508-862-5540.

How do I view my Shields MRI CD?

It's easy – just go to, visit the Shields Express Link button and request an account. Shields Express Link now online access to your reports and images through our password-protected patient portal.

Who started Shields MRI?

In 1972, Tom and Mary Shields owned and operated the Madalawn Nursing Home in Brockton, Massachusetts, and committed themselves to exceptional patient care and clinical excellence. Over the next 10 years, Tom and Mary established the largest regional dialysis center in New England.

Does Shields CT scan?

Shields Health Care Group provides MRI, PET/CT, and ambulatory surgical services to patients at more than 30 locations in New England.

Can you look at MRI CD on home computer?

Insert your MRI disc into your computer. The main purpose of this is so that you can give the disc to your doctor, but there's nothing wrong with reading your MRI at home. Start by putting the disc into your computer's DVD drive.

How can I see my MRI on my computer?

Insert your MRI disc into your computer. If the program loads automatically, follow the on-screen prompts. If necessary, install the viewing software. Load and view images.

Who is the CEO of Shields?

Chief Executive Officer Dr. Kathryn Icenhower co-founded SHIELDS for Families with Dr. Xylina Bean and Norma Mtume, MA.

How old is Brooke Shield?

56 years (May 31, 1965)Brooke Shields / Age

How much is Shields Health Solutions worth?

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed, but the investment, for about half the company, is valued at between $850 million and $900 million, according to a person with knowledge of the deal. Shields and his management team plan to stay in place after the transaction is completed in the current fiscal quarter.Jul 31, 2019

Do shields do xrays?

More than 50 years of research has shown that levels of radiation used in modern X-ray machines are so low that the risk of harm is very small or even zero. That's why we are no longer using shields, sometimes called lead aprons, during X-ray exams.

Can you drive after a PET CT scan?

Most people are able to drive themselves home after a PET scan. The only exception is if you took a Valium or Ativan in advance of the procedure. If so, you will need to be driven. You will not be radioactive to anyone who touches, kisses, or stands close to you.Feb 26, 2020

What is an open bore MRI?

Open bore, also known as an open sided, MRI machine, help to reduce claustrophobia. Instead of lying within a magnetic tube, patients have the relative comfort of openings on one or multiple sides. A key limitation of this is that it may be limited in terms of the imaging that can be done.Aug 14, 2020