shawnee health service patient portal

by Irving D'Amore 4 min read

Patient Portal - Shawnee Health Service

5 hours ago Whether you want to schedule an appointment or review your latest test results, the Patient Portal delivers the information you need through a convenient, easy-to-use website. With the Shawnee Health Service Patient Portal, you will be able to: Communicate online with your healthcare … >> Go To The Portal

Why choose Shawnee Health Service?

Quality health care is your right. is your right. and social service centers to southern Illinois and southwest Indiana residents. Quality health care Shawnee Health Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

How do I get tested at Shawnee health care?

You will be screened via phone first. If deemed necessary, an appointment will be made for testing at Shawnee Health Care in Carbondale, Carterville, Marion, or Murphysboro. Testing is open to all southern Illinoisans, regardless of whether or not they are a patient or client of Shawnee Health Service.

Does Shawnee health care offer video visits?

Shawnee Health Care is now offering Video Visits, through Zoom (a free app), for patient appointments. For step by step instructions, visit Call (618) 519-9200 to get started. Shawnee Health Care clinicians are seeing patients face-to-face basis.

What is the patient portal and how does it work?

Our Internet-based Patient Portal simplifies communication with your healthcare team and eliminates time-consuming phone calls. Whether you want to schedule an appointment or review your latest test results, the Patient Portal delivers the information you need through a convenient, easy-to-use website.


What is Shawnee Health Service?

Shawnee Health Service is your first stop for health check-ups and wellness advice. Regular visits with your primary care doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant can help you stay healthy. When you need the attention of a specialist, we will help with referrals to qualified local and regional medical and allied health professionals. To request a referral, speak with your physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.

How to request a prescription refill in Shawnee?

To request a prescription refill, please contact your pharmacy directly. If you don’t have any refills remaining, the pharmacy will send a request for a new prescription to your Shawnee Health Care provider.

Is Shawnee Health Care a partner?

Welcome to Shawnee Health Care. We are pleased you have chosen us to be your partner in health care, and are confident that, working together, we can be the right health home for you.

Does Shawnee Health Care offer a discount?

Shawnee Health Service is able to discount services provided at Shawnee Health Care locations through grant funding from the U.S. Public Health Service, Bureau of Primary Health Care for patients at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. People who are uninsured and people with insurance who have spend-downs, deductibles, co-insurance and copays can receive discounts for services. Discounts apply only to services provided at Shawnee Health Care locations.

What is Shawnee Health Service?

The fundamental mission of Shawnee Health Service is to improve the health and welfare of southern Illinois and southwest Indiana residents through the promotion, development and administration of quality, comprehensive health and social services, while efficiently utilizing limited resources.

What are the values of Shawnee Health?

Quality health care is a right, and should be provided to all persons without regard to age, race, religion, sex, or financial status. All persons have a right to respect, dignity, freedom of choice and confidentiality in the services they receive.

What is the role of a health care provider?

To promote, plan, develop, and evaluate new and improved systems of health and social services while remaining sensitive to and support ing collaboration with existing provider organizations and agencies.

What is a coordinated network of health centers and services?

To provide a comprehensive, coordinated network of health centers and services which are community oriented and responsive to the overall health needs of the service area population , including integrated primary medical and behavioral health care. Additional specialty services include, dental care, psychiatry, OB/GYN, pharmacy, nutrition counseling, and related social services.

How to contact Shawnee Health Service?

Below is the fee range by type of visit that you can expect to see on our claims. If you have questions you may contact our billing office at 1-888-776-7902 for assistance. Type of Visit.

What is the number to call Shawnee Health?

Call (618) 519-9200 if you have fever, cough, shortness of breath, or if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Shawnee Health Service is committed to continuing operations during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of our commitment to our patients and clients who count on us for their safety and wellbeing.

Do you have to wear a mask at Shawnee Health Care?

That may be by phone, by video visit, or at a face-to-face appointment. All employees, patients, and visitors of Shawnee Health Care are required to wear a mask. Only one additional person is allowed to accompany a patient into a visit.

Is Shawnee Health Care seeing patients face to face?

Shawnee Health Care clinicians are seeing patients face-to-face basis. We are still doing our best to practice social distancing guidelines in our waiting rooms and with sick patients. You will be screened for symptoms of coronavirus upon arrival at the health center.
