saye dimond and gette patient portal

by Janet Littel 7 min read

Saye Gette And Diamond Dermatology Associates Pc

4 hours ago Saye, Gette & Diamond Dermatology Associates, P.C. 2201 Forest Hills Drive, Suite 7 Harrisburg, PA 17112 (717) 652-5063 From the South: Follow I-83 North to the Colonial Park Exit (Exit 50A). As you exit, follow signs for Colonial Road and bear to the right and go around a half-circle. You will come to a traffic light. Go straight >> Go To The Portal

Who is Saye Gette/Dimond drmtlgy Assoc?

Saye Gette/Dimond Drmtlgy Assoc is a medical group practice located in Harrisburg, PA that specializes in Dermatology and Physician Assistant (PA). Does Saye Gette/Dimond Drmtlgy Assoc ...

What is mysehealth patient portal?

mySEHealth patient portal streamlines communication between providers and patients, saves valuable time, improves quality of care, helps manage your dependent care (children, spouse or an aging parent), and so much more. NOTE: To self-enroll in our new patient portal, you must have your medical record number.

Who can request an account for a patient?

For a patient younger than 18 years, an account can be requested by an emancipated minor, or a legally authorized representative (those who have legal authority to make health care decisions on behalf of the child). Patients 18 years or older can request their own accounts.

How to contact a patient registration office?

If you don’t receive an email invitation within 5 days of turning in the completed form, call Patient Registration at 901-595-3836.

Who can request a health care account?

For a patient younger than 18 years, an account can be requested by an emancipated minor, or a legally authorized representative (those who have legal authority to make health care decisions on behalf of the child). Patients 18 years or older can request their own accounts.

How to contact Cerner Consumer Support?

After receiving the email invitation, if you have trouble accessing the link or logging in to create your account, please call Cerner Consumer Support at 1-877-621-8014. For questions about medical record information, please talk to your St. Jude health care team.

Can a patient request a conservator's account?

Patients 18 years or older can request their own accounts. Also, conservators (people appointed by the court to provide partial or full supervision, protection, and assistance), surrogates, and those with a Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions may request accounts.