saugerties wellness center patient portal

by Frederique Witting III 5 min read


17 hours ago 854 Route 212. Saugerties, NY 12477. Directions. Phone: 845-246-2804 or 845-247-WELL. Fax: 845-246-0245. Patient Portal Link. >> Go To The Portal

Why choose Saugerties Wellness Center?

854 Route 212. Saugerties, NY 12477. Directions. Phone: 845-246-2804 or 845-247-WELL. Fax: 845-246-0245. Patient Portal Link.

What is the patient portal?

Friday 7:45 AM-4:30 PM. Phone and Address. 854 Route 212. Saugerties, New York 12477. 845-246-2804. Get Directions. 845-246-0245. Show Map. Back to Location Results.

How do I register as a patient portal proxy?

854 ROUTE 212, Saugerties NY, 12477 Make an Appointment (845) 246-2804 Telehealth services available SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER is a medical group practice located in Saugerties, NY that specializes in Family Medicine and Nursing (Nurse Practitioner). Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers Dr. Amy Amedure, DO Family Medicine 3 Ratings



SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER is located at 854 ROUTE 212, Saugerties, NY 12477. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.

What are the top specialties practiced at SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER?

Providers at SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER specialize in Family Medicine and Nursing (Nurse Practitioner). Compare group practices on Healthgrades to...

How many providers practice at SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER?

Five providers practice at SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER. Click here to view them all.

What insurance plans are accepted at SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER?

Use the Healthgrades insurance check to verify if SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER is in-network.

What languages services are available at SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER?

Providers at SAUGERTIES WELLNESS CENTER can provide language services for Arabic.

Already have a Patient Portal account?

Your log on ID and password can be reset by using the links on the Patient Portal logon page. This will also unlock a locked Patient Portal. When these requests are made the information entered must match your Patient Portal account. If you need assistance, please contact Patient Portal Support.

Registration Forms

An individual Patient Portal Registration Form is a legal document completed by by an adult patient giving St. Peter's Health permission to create a Patient Portal.

Why are women more vulnerable to osteoporosis?

Women, especially, are more vulnerable to osteoporosis because of hormonal changes that occur at menopause. Osteoporosis begins quite early in life, perhaps, during the early 30's. Most people take calcium below the recommended dosage (1,000mg per day).

Is marijuana legal in New Jersey?

Though some may not know it,medical use of marijuana is legal in several states including neighboring New Jersey.Glaucoma,anorexia (loss of appetite),chronic pain,chronic vomiting,HIV and cancer related medical conditions are the commonest indications. In some states like Maine and Michigan it is also used in patient's with Alzheimer's disease.

What is pulmonary embolism?

1.What causes pulmonary embolism and how serious is it? Pulmonary embolism (PE) occurs when a blood clot lodges in the lungs and is a potentially life-threatening situation. Generally the clot forms initially in the legs or arms. This condition is called DVT or deep vein thrombosis. The clot then can travel through the bloodstream to the lungs. According to the Centers for Disease Control, up to 200,000 Americans suffer pulmonary embolism (PE) each year, and nearly one-third of them die.


Already Have A Patient Portal account?

  • Access your Patient Portal Patient Portal for the visually impaired Your log on ID and password can be reset by using the links on the Patient Portal logon page. This will also unlock a locked Patient Portal. When these requests are made the information entered must match your Patient Portal account. If you need assistance, please contact Patient P...
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Don’T Have A Patient Portal account?

  • Please note, you must be 18 years and older or emancipated to sign up for a Patient Portal. There are two ways to sign up for a Patient Portal account: 1. Visit a St. Peter’s Health location and fill out a Patient Portal Registration form. You must sign and complete ID verification in person 2. Sign up for a Patient Portal online.IMPORTANT NOTE: An email must reside on your medical rec…
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Accessing Other Patient’S Health Care Information

  • If you are an adult (Proxy) wanting electronic access to another patient's health care information through a Patient Portal, a Patient Portal Proxy Registrationmust be filled out and submitted. If you are a parent who would like this access for a child, please click hereand learn more before filling out the proxy registration form.
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Registration Forms

  • An individual Patient Portal Registration Form is a legal document completed by by an adult patient giving St. Peter's Health permission to create a Patient Portal. A Patient Portal Proxy Registration form is a legal document completed by an adult patient giving a designated adult (Proxy) permission to access their health care information electronically. The proxy agrees to ad…
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