sally uses a patient health information portal.

by Jewel Waelchi III 8 min read

Chapter 14 Review Questions Flashcards - Quizlet

10 hours ago It increases her 24/7 access to her health information. Sally uses a patient health information portal. e. Have the right to procedural due process. 13. Patients diagnosed with a mental illness and involuntarily committed_____. ... The most widely-used feature provided by patient health information portals is: a. Individuals accustomed to ... >> Go To The Portal

What is a patient portal?

It increases her 24/7 access to her health information. Sally uses a patient health information portal. e. Have the right to procedural due process. 13. Patients diagnosed with a mental illness and involuntarily committed_____. ... The most widely-used feature provided by patient health information portals is: a. Individuals accustomed to ...

Why does the court limit Sally's access to her physician?

Sally: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Sally, 55, has been engaged in a health battle for the past seven years, a battle that began when she was studying to be a nurse. After feeling severely dizzy for two or three days, Sally, then 48, was told by her nursing instructor that she didn’t look well and she should go home and rest.

Why should I use a portal to manage my medicines?

Patient Forms. Authorization for Release of Medical Information (PDF) - Allows patients to authorize the disclosure of their health information to a designated individual, company, agency, or facility. Autorización De HIPAA Para Divulgar Información Del Paciente. Authorization and Consent for Treatment (PDF) - All patients must provide their consent for treatment, …

Why do attorneys have automatic access to patient information?

Sep 30, 2020 · When patients across the Front Range are tested at one of Sally Jobe’s locations, those results will be immediately available in the CORHIO health information exchange portal called PatientCare 360® for authorized caregivers to access. This connection will save busy healthcare providers time spent requesting results, as well as save patients from being re …


Become a New Patient

We are currently accepting new patients into our practice. Thank you for considering us. To become a new patient:

Patient Forms

Authorization for Release of Medical Information (PDF) - Allows patients to authorize the disclosure of their health information to a designated individual, company, agency, or facility. Autorización De HIPAA Para Divulgar Información Del Paciente

Office Policies

Financial Policy (PDF) - This form advises patients of their complete financial responsibility for all medical services received without regard to insurance eligibility or coverage determinations.

Jeff's Story

GRH patient Jeff Oveson faced recovery from surgery with responsibility and determination. That attitude allowed him to stand tall while walking his daughter down the aisle.

Hailey's Story

Orthopedic Clinic patient Hailey now has a new meniscus and a passion for orthopedic surgery.

Sally's Story

GRH patient Sally uses the MyHealth Patient Portal for convenient access to her lab results - keeping her on track and in control of her health.

Cheri's Story

Grande Ronde Hospital patient Cheri faced the challenge of a lifetime. She's now moving forward with a new purpose and hopes of a pain-free life.

What is Sculpsure laser?

Introducing SculpSure®: our state-of-the-art, noninvasive laser body contouring system that can help you eliminate those hard-to-get-rid-of fatty areas for good — without surgery, or downtime. It provides safe, non-invasive laser… Read More

Who is Sally McFarland?

Sally McFarland, MD is a proud member of Privia Medical Group. The best doctors in our community have joined together to form Privia Medical Group (PMG), a multi-specialty, high-performance medical group that puts patients first. Our physicians are united by the mission of providing better, more coordinated care for their patients.

What is open notes?

In these meetings, OpenNotes was described, the organization’s institutional experience with patient portals and published literature on patient note viewing was reviewed, and committee members’ opinions were solicited on adopting the OpenNotes approach in a limited or system-wide fashion as well as any anticipated issues.

What is the UW Medicine communication plan?

UW Medicine’s communication plan included numerous presentations to over a dozen committees, e-mails to providers, an article on a public-facing website, documents for staff, trainees, and faculty on internal websites, weekly medical staff and leadership e-mail newsletters, and a detailed description of OpenNotes and the rationale for its adoption in e-mails from the practice plan president to all medical staff (readers interested in seeing this e-mail can contact Thomas H. Payne at ). Practicing physicians known in UW Medicine’s community as IT clinician-leaders included their personal e-mails in these communications to solicit feedback and address concerns.

What feedback was there on OpenNotes?

There was very little feedback, either positive or negative, from patients in the first year OpenNotes was fully implemented. It is not known if this is because few patients were aware of their ability to view notes, because few chose to view notes, or because note viewing generated little concern or desire to contact the patient’s care team. Similarly, there was very little feedback regarding availability of inpatient discharge summary viewing, and staff does not yet know how many discharge summaries were viewed through the inpatient portal.

How to access a patient portal?

With a patient portal: 1 You can access your secure personal health information and be in touch with your provider's office 24 hours a day. You do not need to wait for office hours or returned phone calls to have basic issues resolved. 2 You can access all of your personal health information from all of your providers in one place. If you have a team of providers, or see specialists regularly, they can all post results and reminders in a portal. Providers can see what other treatments and advice you are getting. This can lead to better care and better management of your medicines. 3 E-mail reminders and alerts help you to remember things like annual checkups and flu shots.

What are the benefits of a patient portal?

Expand Section. With a patient portal: You can access your secure personal health information and be in touch with your provider's office 24 hours a day . You do not need to wait for office hours or returned phone calls to have basic issues resolved. You can access all of your personal health information from all ...

How much does an e-visit cost?

For minor issues, such as a small wound or rash, you can get diagnosis and treatment options online. This saves you a trip to the provider's office. E-visits cost around $30.


Reconciling Competing It Demands

  • UW Medicine is the patient care delivery system of the University of Washington. There are four UW Medicine hospitals with 64,000 hospital discharges and 1.6 million outpatient visits each year. The clinics associated with the four hospitals, as well as the 12 neighborhood clinics, primarily use different EHRs and web portals than those used by the emergency department an…
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Making A Joint Decision to Implement OpenNotes

  • The OpenNotes idea was first discussed with clinical and administrative leaders at committee meetings, including the faculty practice plan (UW Physicians) Clinical Practice Committee, the Health Information Management Committee, EHR oversight committees, and Ambulatory Care Committees at each UW Medicine entity. In these meetings, OpenNotes was described, the orga…
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Developing A Communication, Public Engagement Plan

  • UW Medicine’s communication plan included numerous presentations to over a dozen committees, e-mails to providers, an article on a public-facing website, documents for staff, trainees, and faculty on internal websites, weekly medical staff and leadership e-mail newsletters, and a detailed description of OpenNotes and the rationale for its adoption in e-mails from the pr…
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Getting The Logistics in Place

  • To get things ready, UW Medicine configured its EHR patient web portal to add clinical notes to the personal health data viewable on the portal. Compared to other technical tasks the EHR team has undertaken, configuring the portal for note viewing was substantially less challenging. Much of the challenge was adjusting the configuration according to organization policies, which are d…
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Contention Between Patients, Providers A Concern

  • The communication plan and committee presentations resulted in many discussion topics. Some providers expressed concern that contention between patients and providers over note content would be more common when patients could easily view their notes. Examples included notes concerning disability evaluations. As a result, UW Medicine updated its note amendment policy …
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Patient Access Begins

  • Initial discussion regarding full implementation of OpenNotes at UW Medicine began in November 2013. In May 2014, the implementation team decided to grant access to inpatient discharge summaries beginning June 10, 2014. After discussion by clinical oversight committees, some clinical leaders felt insufficient publicity had occurred and some physicians and residents were …
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Feedback on The Transition Has Been Uneventful

  • There was very little feedback, either positive or negative, from patients in the first year OpenNotes was fully implemented. It is not known if this is because few patients were aware of their ability to view notes, because few chose to view notes, or because note viewing generated little concern or desire to contact the patient’s care team. Similarly, there was very little feedbac…
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  • The authors gratefully acknowledge the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Cambia Health Foundation, Peterson Center on Healthcare, and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for their support of this initiative of which UW Medicine was only one part, and the OpenNotes team at Boston Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for their support at every step.
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  • Delbanco, T. et al. “Inviting Patients to Read Their Doctors’ Notes: A Quasi-experimental Study and a Look Ahead.” Annals of Internal Medicine 157, no. 7 (October 2, 2012): 461-470. Delbanco, Thomas et al. “Open Notes: Doctors and Patients Signing On.” Annals of Internal Medicine 153, no. 2 (July 20, 2010): 121-125. Donah…
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