27 hours ago Password. Forgot username? Forgot password? New User? SIGN UP NOW. LEARN MORE ABOUT FAMILY/PROXY ACCESS FAQ PAY AS GUEST. For MyChart assistance, please contact MyChart customer service at MyChartSupport@StCharleshealthcare.org or 844.259.4153. Communicate with your doctor. Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home. >> Go To The Portal
Password. Forgot username? Forgot password? New User? SIGN UP NOW. LEARN MORE ABOUT FAMILY/PROXY ACCESS FAQ PAY AS GUEST. For MyChart assistance, please contact MyChart customer service at MyChartSupport@StCharleshealthcare.org or 844.259.4153. Communicate with your doctor. Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home.
The St. Charles MyChart patient portal offers you, our Central Oregon patients, personalized and secure online access to portions of your medical records, as well as multiple tools to help you manage your care. MyChart is accessible through a web browser or mobile application. With MyChart, you can: View test results
Login. Ver en Español. View medical records, test results, book appointments, manage family's care, pay bills and more.
Welcome to My Portfolio, a secure, confidential, easy-to-use site that connects you to your healthcare information wherever you are, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Patient Benefits You can use the portal to: View your visit history and upcoming appointments Request prescription refills, View lab and radiology test results,
To sign up for a MyPortfolio account, click the "Log in to MyPortfolio" button above and select "Sign Up Now."
The paperwork you would normally fill out at an in-person office visit can now be done conveniently online through our eCheck-In process.
You can complete your eCheck-In up to seven days before your appointment.
Open Enrollment runs October 15th through November 30th By the Louisiana Department of Health (ldh.la.gov) Open enrollment for Healthy Louisiana begins October 15, 2020, and runs through November 30, 2020. During this time, people enrolled in Medicaid’s managed care program, Continue reading →
Congratulations to the Access Health Louisiana care team at the St. Charles Community Health Center in Luling. They successfully tested 100% of their 440 diabetic patients seen in the clinic in February for hemoglobin A1C levels, a standard set forth Continue reading →
Patients and their families have free access to the myStrength app thanks to a partnership between myStrength and Access Health Louisiana. myStrength is a digital behavioral health tool to improve and sustain emotional health and wellbeing. The program focuses on Continue reading →
By Jan Kasofsky, Ph.D./Vice President of Behavioral Health & Human Services for Access Health Louisiana It is unlikely that you could find anyone whose world hasn’t been turned upside down due to this virus we call COVID-19. As you work Continue reading →
A patient portal is an online application that allows patients to manage their healthcare easily and securely. Portals can be accessed at the patient’s convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At CHRISTUS Health we have specific patient portals for where you've received care from us.
YourCHRISTUS is an easy, secure way to manage your health at your convenience. Patients eligible for YourCHRISTUS must have received care at select CHRISTUS facilities. Select a location below to login to YourCHRISTUS. You can also create a Proxy Account to view the health care records of minor children or adults for whom you are the caregiver.
MyChart is an online application that may be accessed from your computer, tablet or phone, whichever is most convenient for you.