14 hours ago Rocky Mountain Heart And Lung. 350 Heritage Way Ste 2100 Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 257-8992 >> Go To The Portal
Patient health information related to visits at Kalispell Regional Medical Center and The HealthCenter is available on the portal.
Rocky Mountain Heart And Lung is a Group Practice with 1 Location. Currently Rocky Mountain Heart And Lung's 44 physicians cover 18 specialty areas of medicine.
View information related to your Kalispell Regional Healthcare visits. Lab results and imaging reports are released to the myHealth patient portal 24 hours after they are complete or signed by the provider. Discharge summaries, ER visit summaries and patient education related to inpatient and ER visits are available within myHealth.
Pulmonary services, including pulmonary function studies and diagnostic bronchoscopy, are available to diagnose and treat lung diseases, chronic respiratory infections and breathing problems. The Logan Health Sleep Lab provides complete diagnosis and treatment for patients with sleep-related disorders.
Do you know about Kalispell Regional Healthcare’s myHealth patient portal? It's an online system that securely stores and helps manage your medical data it is now more robust than ever. Patients can access and set-up this great tool on the KRH website (top right corner) or with the app called MHealth (for Android or iPhone).
You can now access the myHealth patient portal using your smartphone or other mobile device (search for “MHealth” on Android or iPhone). Due to Montana privacy laws, patients from the ages of 11 to 17 are not allowed access to the myHealth patient portal.