radiology associates florida patient portal

by Prof. Valerie Boehm PhD 8 min read

Home - Welcome to Radiology Associates of Florida

6 hours ago A Portal to Better, More Convenient Care. Radiology Associates is proud to announce a revolution in service, convenience and personal control—coming soon! Our innovative Patient Portal will … >> Go To The Portal

How do I view my radiologist’s report?

View reports sent from the radiologist to your referring provider. View your exam images captured during your visit. Download your medical information. Create a new account to see your complete exam history. Use your Portal Pass iCode provided during your visit.

Why choose RAF radiology?

RAF is committed to excellence by providing the highest level of medical expertise and technology to our patients and partners. Our mission is to provide the best subspecialized diagnostic and interventional radiology services in a safe and cost-effective environment. Every patient. Every time.”

What is the mission of Radiology Center?

Our mission is to provide the best subspecialized diagnostic and interventional radiology services in a safe and cost-effective environment. Every patient. Every time.” Our mission is to provide the best subspecialized diagnostic and interventional radiology services in a safe and cost-effective environment.

Why become a radiologist at FSU?

Our 130+ radiologists are committed to sub-specialty expertise, robust quality assurance, strong growth, and a culture of academic support through our teaching affiliations with the University of South Florida and Florida State University.


What is a radiology associate?from

Radiology Associates is a group of Board Certified Radiologists with musculoskeletal, neuroradiology, women's imaging and nuclear medicine/P.E.T training. For more than 70 years, Radiology Associates has been offering the most advanced diagnostic imaging available for patients and their physicians in the Coastal Bend. Our experienced on-site radiologists manage imaging exams and interpret the results while working in conjunction with your physician to help provide exceptional, personalized healthcare.

Who is the board certified radiologist?from

Here we spotlight RAI board-certified radiologist, Dr. Oscar F. Carbonell, who subspecializes in neuroradiology and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

What is the demand for imaging studies?from

Demand for imaging studies to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment-staging of disease continues to grow at a breakneck pace. To address the current shortage of radiologists in the region, Radiology Associates is growing its team of doctors with the addition of Elizabeth Hevert, MD.

What is a women's diagnostic imaging?from

Women’s Diagnostic Imaging from Radiology Associates offers a complete range of women’s imaging services, including 3-D Mammography™ screening, breast ultrasound and MRI, image-guided breast biopsy, pelvic ultrasound and bone density testing, in each of our ACR Accredited centers, by our caring and supportive staff.

Is interventional radiology safe?from

Interventional Radiology provides safe and effective alternatives to open surgery as well as lasting, drug-free pain management therapies. From tumor treatment to varicose vein ablation, CVH offers a wide range of minimally invasive services designed to improve life.

What is a Radiology Associates?from

Radiology Associates offers the most sophisticated early-discovery cancer screening procedures, including 3-D Mammography™ screening, low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screening, prostate cancer screening and others, all with your comfort and safety in mind.

How many locations does Radiology Associates Imaging have?from

Radiology Associates Imaging has 7 locations to serve you, each offering specific technologies and services. Scroll to a location for information on the services each provides and use our Google map locator to find driving directions to that facility.

What is RIA partner?from

Partnering with RIA expands your services and influence without interfering with your practice’s reputation and operations. You maintain absolute control of your practice while sharing our expertise. Learn about our current member Imaging Centers by clicking the boxes below.

What is the demand for imaging studies?from

Demand for imaging studies to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment-staging of disease continues to grow at a breakneck pace. To address the current shortage of radiologists in the region, Radiology Associates is growing its team of doctors with the addition of Elizabeth Hevert, MD.

What is a women's diagnostic imaging?from

Women’s Diagnostic Imaging from Radiology Associates offers a complete range of women’s imaging services, including 3-D Mammography™ screening, breast ultrasound and MRI, image-guided breast biopsy, pelvic ultrasound and bone density testing, in each of our ACR Accredited centers, by our caring and supportive staff.

Who is the board certified radiologist?from

Here we spotlight RAI board-certified radiologist, Dr. Oscar F. Carbonell, who subspecializes in neuroradiology and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Is interventional radiology safe?from

Interventional Radiology provides safe and effective alternatives to open surgery as well as lasting, drug-free pain management therapies. From tumor treatment to varicose vein ablation, CVH offers a wide range of minimally invasive services designed to improve life.

What is a radiology associate?

Radiology Associates physicians are board certified radiologists with training in all aspects of diagnostic imaging, including CT, Mammography, MRI, Ultrasound, X-ray, and Nuclear Medicine. Additionally, each has advanced subspecialty training in one or more areas of medical imaging or interventional radiology that we believe provides the basis for providing the highest level of patient care.

What is interventional radiology?

Interventional Radiology is a subspecialtly of radiology in which minimally invasive procedures are performed using imaging guidance. Some of these procedures are done for purely diagnostic purposes, while others are done for treatment purposes. Pictures are used to direct these procedures, which are usually done with needles or other tiny ...
