quest patient portal support

by Duane Wiza 9 min read

MyQuest™ Patient Portal - Quest Diagnostics

22 hours ago With QuestDirect, you can get the information you need to support a healthy life – for yourself. Conveniently shop online and choose your own lab tests. Get most results in less than a week. Quanum eLabs, EHR, and ePrescribing >> Go To The Portal

How to make an appointment at Quest?

With QuestDirect, you can get the information you need to support a healthy life – for yourself. Conveniently shop online and choose your own lab tests. Get most results in less than a week. Quanum eLabs, EHR, and ePrescribing

How long does it take to get results from Quest Diagnostics?

Our support site has a new look and a new logo but the same great service. Support Guide. Find everything you need to know about our support services and how to utilize support to maximize your product investment. NEW! Partner Support. Everything our Partners need for effectively engaging with Quest Software Support.

How do I make an appointment at Quest Diagnostics?

Register for Support Sign in or reset password assistance My License or My Groups assistance My Profile assistance Start Chat Submit Request Call Use the number below to contact customer service or to renew support Local Number for Technical Support 800 306 9329 Regional Number for Technical Support 1 949 754 8000 View All Numbers

How to pay Quest Diagnostics?

When you open Patient Portal in Incognito mode, third-party websites cannot access data if the cookies are blocked. You will need to allow cookies to work seamlessly with portal. It seems that the cookies are blocked on your system.


New to Support?

Find everything you need to know about our support services and how to utilize support to maximize your product investment.

Benefits of Support

Find the right level of support to accommodate the unique needs of your organization. Each program provides exceptional value driven by our relentless commitment to customer satisfaction.

Information and FAQs for Patients

Now you can order your own lab tests. Shop online, make your appointment, and get results sent directly to you.


Now you can order your own lab tests. Shop online, make your appointment, and get results sent directly to you.

Need Help Accessing Your Portal?

If you need technical support to access your patient portals, contact (877) 621-8014 or complete this form.

New! Expanded Access to Your Medical Information

The 21st Century Cures Act is a recent federal mandate that expands access to medical information. Pursuant to the Cures Act, Nuvance Health will release most test results (excluding genetics) and provider notes through the patient portal as soon as they are available.
