4 hours ago 3922 148th St Se Ste 203, Bothell WA, 98012 Make an Appointment (425) 338-2357 Purity Integrative Health and Wellness, PLLC, Mill Creek, WA is a medical group practice located in Bothell, WA that specializes in Naturopathy and Acupuncture. Providers Overview Location Reviews Insurance Check Search for your insurance provider Medical Services >> Go To The Portal
At Purity Wellness Center we utilize an integrative approach to not only stop the aging process, but in many cases, reverse it!
Purity Health specializes in Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture. Purity offers Anti-Aging Solutions including Skin Rejuvenation and Vaginal Rejuvenation. Purity was created specifically for the person who wants to change their life but needs a little guidance to get going.
Purity Health specializes in Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture. Purity was created specifically for the person who wants to change their life but needs a little guidance to get going. We see ourselves as a “life coach” just as much as we are a physician.
Purity Health & Wellness is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.
Massage Therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person's overall health and well-being.
Stress is the root of many diseases/conditions in the body. When the body is under stress vertebral subluxation can occur. A vertebral subluxation is the movement of the vertebrae in your spinal cord shifting out of position and creating pressure on your spinal nerves.
Purity Wellness Center offers clients some of the most effective Dermal Fillers, helping to bring back or maintain a more youthful & fresh appearance.
For those of you who don’t already know us, we are passionate about what we do. At Purity Wellness Center we utilize an integrative approach to not only stop the aging process, but in many cases, reverse it! From traditional, non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as Botox and Dysport, to the less traditional approach of using platelet rich plasma in procedures, our goal is for you to look and feel five, ten, or even twenty years younger!
Purity was created specifically for the person who wants to change their life but needs a little guidance to get going. We see ourselves as a “life coach” just as much as we are a physician.
We want you to feel more confident, healthy and look your greatest now and in the years to come. Achieve the look you’ve always wanted!
Acupuncturists insert hair-thin needles to specific acupuncture points throughout the body to restore the flow of qi, balance the body’s energy, stimulate healing, and promote relaxation.
Naturopathic Medicine is a specialty of medicine that focuses on primary care, treating the cause and preventing disease before it happens. Naturopathic Physicians focus on teaching ways to live a healthy life in order to help the body fight the possibility of disease. They use natural medicines such as botanicals, nutraceuticals, homeopathy, et.
Naturopath Physician’s are trained at accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools in a four-year Doctorate program in Naturopathic Medicine. A Naturopathic Candidate must have a Bachelor degree and pre-med requirements completed before attending.