9 hours ago Psychoeducational Report Templates. The PSW Assessment Templates are provided by the Ventura County SELPA as a suggestion; however, it is important that each individual assessment team ensures that their psychoeducational assessment reports comply with their own individual school district’s guidelines. The templates are provided in Microsoft Word format so that they … >> Go To The Portal
Author Stephen E. Brock Last modified by Stephen E. Brock Created Date 2/25/2007 5:30:00 PM Company CSU Sacramento Other titles Sample Psycho-educational Report Recommendations
PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL REPORT CONFIDENTIAL TRIENNIAL The following report was developed to assist the IEP team in determining eligibility and need for special education and related services according to the code of Federal Regulations, Sections 300.304 to 300.306.
Created Date 2/25/2007 5:30:00 PM Company CSU Sacramento Other titles Sample Psycho-educational Report Recommendations
However, following a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation, and the identification of specific student needs, we feel that this information will be helpful in stimulating your thinking about appropriate psycho-educational report recommendations for the student with ASD. Social Relations
These processing disabilities have resulted in a Specific Learning Disability in Reading. The Reading and Writing Aptitude profile summarizes her strengths and weaknesses in reading and should be useful to her teachers in planning a remediation program.
Sally’s achievement scores are summarized in the graph that follows. They reveal that Sally is a very poor reader and should be diagnosed as having a Specific Learning Disability in Reading. The finding that her Listening Comprehension score is superior indicates that she does not have a generalized receptive language problem but one specific to reading. Good ability was also found in Expressive Language (oral and written) and Math.
The ADHD PROFILE recognizes that ADHD is not a unitary disorder but rather a collection of symptoms which vary in intensity from person to person. The profile has been designed so that someone reviewing the results of the testing can see at a glance the severity of the core ADHD symptoms.
PECS is a picture based communication system wherein the student gives a picture or symbol of a desired item in exchange for the item itself. The intent of PECS is to assist the student in developing spontaneous communication. The following are examples of PECS symbols: ...
A social story is a short story that explains a specific challenging social situation. The goal is to find out what is happening in a situation.
PECS is a picture based communication system where the student gives a picture or symbol of a desired item in exchange for the item itself. The intent of PECS is to assist the student in developing spontaneous communication. The following are examples of PECS symbols: Sample PECS IEP objectives can be found at ...
A social story is a short story that explains a specific challenging social situation. The goal is to find out what is happening in a situation and why. The following is an example of a social story: When Other Students Get Upset. Sometimes other students get upset and cry.
To address NAME’s poor organizational skills, the following interventions are recommended: Provide as much visual structure as is possible.
Carl’s parents requested an evaluation to assist in determining Carl’s current profile of cognitive and behavioral strengths and weaknesses and to help with clarifying accommodation needs.
The session lasted approximately 2 ½ hours without rest breaks:
Carl demonstrated difficulty with rapid word recognition and naming tasks and with executive control of verbal production when required to inhibit or alter the way in which he delivered responses; he also read both word lists and passages at a very slow rate, earning scores in the below average range on these kinds of tasks.
Carl demonstrated effective use of fine motor skills when handling materials and when using a pencil to write.
Carl demonstrated an average to above average store of word meanings and verbal information related to topics typically learned in school.
Ointerpret findings and present results in clear, understandable terms so that the recipient can make informed choices.
OAccurately document, integrate and synthesize data from a comprehensive evaluation
Technical jargon: Phonological awareness is the knowledge of the sound structure of the English language. It refers to an individual's awareness of the phonological structure, system or pattern of speech sounds and consists of the ability to hear and manipulate units of sound, such as onsets, rimes and syllables.
OSchool psychologists select assessment instruments and strategies that are reliable and valid for the child and the purpose of the assessment.
Loki was last evaluated by OSD for his triennial review in November of 2016. Loki had met 7 of his 9 2015 IEP goals.
Sally’s Cognitive Development was found to be at a level appropriate for her age. While She demonstrated even development across all cognitive areas, two specific areas of weakness were noted. Sally was found to have particular difficulty with visual discrimination and mental construction. This appears to be mitigated with the addition of time and structure to the task.
Sally’s performance on measures of visual-motor coordination indicated that She was not experiencing any serious neurological problems at the time of her examination. Her ability to coordinate her visual perceptions with the movements of her hands was in the average range and appropriate for someone her age. There were no unusual circumstances or disruptions during her testing which might have interfered with Sally giving her best performance. The results of the cognitive and academic sections of this report are held to be a valid measure of Sally’s functioning at the time of her examination. However, it appears that Sally has a tendency to minimize her problems, and in some cases resort to denial, affected the validity of socioemotional measures given. Her self report indicates a possible effort to appear less in need than She actually is. This was especially evident in situations where the questions had obvious intentions to tap feelings of depression and anxiety. Others measures that did not rely on her self-report, or were not obvious in their intent, indicated a higher degree of problems than her self report. Due to the consensus of the information obtained by objective (non-self report) methods, they will make up the bulk of the results presented in these sections.
Sally’s general intellectual functioning was measured to fall within the Average range with her overall thinking and reasoning abilities exceeding those of approximately 30 percent of her same-age peers. Although She performed slightly better on verbal than on nonverbal reasoning tasks, there was no significant difference between Sally's ability to reason with or without the use of words.