privia medical groupo patient portal

by Miss Ruth Feil 9 min read

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7 hours ago You have enough on your plate. We make it easy to message your doctor, connect to on-demand virtual care, receive appointment reminders, refill prescriptions, and more. And if you see more than one doctor in our network, your entire care team can access your medical chart so we can all work together for your health. Sign In to the Patient Portal. >> Go To The Portal

What is Privia Medical Group?

Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians. Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians.

Is Privia health a replacement for my health insurance plan?

Privia Health is a health and wellness membership service and not a replacement for your health insurance plan or Medicare. Privia Health does not provide, and membership fees do not pay for, any insurance or Medicare-covered health services.

What browsers are supported by Privia health?

Instead, you should use Privia Health's patient portal to message your doctor and care team, request a new health nutrition or fitness consultation, or review your personal health information. Supported browsers include the most recent versions of Chrome and Safari.

What is the Privia approach?

This approach prioritizes the patient-provider relationship and helps deliver care when, where, and how patients want to connect with their providers. Privia lets independent providers practice medicine their way while enjoying the benefits of a clinically integrated medical group.


What is Privia Medical Group?

Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians. Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians.

What is Privia organization?

Privia is a purpose-built organization that arms physicians with key expertise in crucial practice needs such as contract negotiations, revenue cycle management, and IT support so that physicians can focus on what matters: delivering quality care to patients. Enhanced Patient. Support.

Next-Generation Tools for the Next Generation

Dan Finkelstein, MD, FAAP, explores how innovative pediatric technology, such as EHR-integrated telehealth and specialty-specific interfaces, can help providers engage and treat patients.

How Health Systems Are Driving the Volume-to-Value Transition

Health systems are pivotal in the volume-to-value transition. Frank Letherby, CEO, Health First Medical Group and Privia Medical Group — Florida, examines how health systems can serve patient-customers while gathering important data to drive performance and value-based care.

Two Key Aspects for Success in Self-Funded Employer Insurance

Self-funded insurance is one way for employers to decrease healthcare spending while promoting employee well-being. How can high-performance networks and technology engage patients while further lowering costs?

Peak Practice Performance: Patient Engagement

Engaging and treating patients is why many doctors chose this profession. This work is rewarding, but often extremely difficult. Learn how your practice can use online reputation management, social media, patient feedback surveys, and other tools to navigate this territory and help your patients!

Increasing Value, Valuing Independence

We are a group of physicians committed to improving healthcare delivery for our patients and empowering providers from Stephenville to Rockwall, Denton to Waxahachie.

Helping Providers Thrive

How are we helping physicians of all specialties throughout North Texas?

Why Partner With Privia?

Improve care and reduce costs while remaining independent. When you partner with us, you continue to own, manage, and operate your practice while backed by our powerful suite of services. There’s no buy-in to join and no buy-out or restrictive covenants if you leave.

Generating Savings and Helping Patients

Physicians in the North Texas region’s accountable care organization (ACO) generated nearly $3 million in shared savings through the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) in 2019. Our physician-led ACO integrated care, managed risk, and improved quality while reducing overall spending.

What is Privia practice?

Privia empowers providers and optimizes practice operations through our cutting-edge technology, best-in-class administrative support, expert payer contracting, and other services. Our physician-led model enables providers to increase revenue and improve patient outcomes while remaining autonomous. Our comprehensive suite of tools and resources allow providers to focus on delivering high-quality care to their patients.

Who is Amy from Privia?

Amy is the President of Privia Medical Group — Georgia & Tennessee. She joined Privia in 2017, bringing more than 17 years of experience in provider contracting, population health, and health insurance administration.

What is Premier Medical Group?

Premier Medical Group, a 50+ provider multi-specialty group in Clarksville, TN, needed the ideal partner to help them succeed in value-based care and the changing healthcare landscape . With Privia Medical Group — Tennessee, Premier Medical Group now has access to leading technology to support value-based care analytics, patient outreach and care management. The rapid implementation of these technologies enabled all providers to be on the new telehealth and online scheduling platforms within a matter of weeks, so patients of the Clarksville community can connect more easily with their providers to receive the same high quality care they’ve come to expect.
