print report on dentrix completed d3310 by patient

by Mellie Bednar 9 min read

Top 10 Dentrix Reports Every Office Should Run Regularly

13 hours ago  · To view and print the report. While viewing a patient's record, on the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Print Clinical Report. The patient's Patient Clinical Report page opens. By default, the report will be generated for today's date. To specify a Date Range, click (or tap) in the Search here box, and then select Last 7 Days, This ... >> Go To The Portal

Where can I get a copy of the Dentrix reports reference?

You can access an electronic copy of the Dentrix Reports Reference in the Dentrix Resource Center. Dayna loves her work. She has over 25 years of experience in the dental industry, and she’s passionate about building efficient, consistent, and secure practice management systems.

What is the patient report (by filters) option in Dentrix?

The Patient Report (by Filters) option in Dentrix makes it easy for you to create custom reports and find specific patient data. When you generate reports using this feature, you can specify which information you want to see on the report, so you don’t have to search through information you don’t need to find the information you want.

Can Dentrix Ascend report based on Procedure Code?

– Dentrix Ascend Report based on procedure code? Can i generate a report of all patients where I have billed a specific procedure code? Yes, you can. You would use the Analysis Ledger Report Builder with the following fields: Proc Code; Patient. You would then filter the Proc Code field by right clicking on it and left clicking on Filter.

What happens if you look at the day sheet in Dentrix?

If the doctor in the above story had looked at the Day Sheet in Dentrix, she would have noticed that the root canal was incorrectly billed out, and it never would have been sent to the insurance company. The clinical team can also use the Day Sheet to see if something was missed, such as X-rays, pulp caps, or build-ups.


How do I print a Dentrix patient record?

While viewing a patient's record, on the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Print Clinical Report.

How do I export a Dentrix patient list?

You can then press CTRL+A to select all the patients on the list. Then press CTRL+C to copy the list. Open a spreadsheet, and press CTRL+V to paste the list of patients into your spreadsheet program, which you can then import into your third-party application to send an email out to your patients.

Can you export a report from Dentrix to excel?

This is currently not a feature in DENTRIX. If you would prefer DENTRIX to function differently, please enter a Software Change Request. A possible Workaround will export it into Excel, but will still leave it in an undelimited format.

How do you run a report in Dentrix by Procedure code?

In the Procedure Code Range group box, select the range of procedure codes that you want to include on the report. Click the From search button to select the starting procedure code and the To search button to select the ending procedure code. Or, leave selected in both fields to include all procedure codes.

How do I create a custom report in Dentrix?

In the Office Manager menu, click Letters & Custom Lists. In the Letters & Lists dialog box, click the button that corresponds to the type of letter that you want to create. A dialog box corresponding to the type of letter appears. If necessary, set a date range.

Where is the power reporting page in Dentrix?

On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Power Reporting. The Power Reporting page opens.

How do you find total active patients in Dentrix?

A: There are different reports in Dentrix that will show you the total number of patients in your practice. You could run a Patient List or a Practice Statistics Report. However, these reports are only looking at the patient status on the Family File. The most accurate and up-to-date report is the Practice Advisor.

What is a procedure code analysis report?

The Procedure Code Analysis report will identify any codes that have been deleted or are invalid giving you any available replacement code(s), will note any codes that have had their terminology revised, will identify any starred procedures, and give you a list of the latest modifiers.

How do I check my production on Dentrix?

To view the production totals by week or month, click (or tap) Production Totals in the upper-right corner. The Production Totals dialog box appears. On the Week tab, which is selected by default, totals for the week currently being displayed on the Calendar page appear.

How does Dentrix track production?

Click the Show production link under the provider's name. The scheduled and actual net production appear. S = Scheduled Production. The Net Scheduled Production is the sum of the charges for the scheduled procedures, minus any discounts or insurance adjustments that apply to those procedures.

Insurance Carrier List

  • One report to consider is the Insurance Carrier List. This list will provide you with options to view basic insurance plan information including maximum and deductibles, a list of subscribers, a list of all insured patients, or a combination of this information.
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Letters and Custom Lists

  • If you prefer to generate a list for a range of insurance plans you could use the Patient Report (by Filters)in Letters and Custom Lists. By using this report, you could get a number of patients for a range of plans within an insurance carrier. For example, if you wanted a number of all MetLife patients, you could generate a list by a range of insurance plans beginning with the first MetLife …
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Utilization Report For Dental Insurance

  • The Utilization Report for Dental Insuranceis a great report to evaluate your office fee compared to the fee an insurance plan is allowing you to charge. This may be a good report to generate if your practice is considering dropping an insurance plan. The Utilization Report shows you detailed information regarding procedures performed, the total number of patients seen (based on the da…
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Learn More

  • For additional information, read the following: 1. Find the Patients Attached to Each Insurance Plan in Dentrix 2. Using the Patient Report (by Filters) to Find Specific Groups of Patients 3. Utilization Report for Dental Insurance By Charlotte Skaggs Certified Dentrix Trainer and The Dentrix Office Manager columnist Charlotte Skaggs is the founder...
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